Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Posted on – Dalam ilmu ekonomi, bisnis adalah suatu organisasi yang menjual barang atau jasa kepada konsumen atau bisnis lainnya, untuk mendapatkan laba. Secara historis kata bisnis dari bahasa Inggris business, dari kata dasar busy yang berarti “sibuk” dalam konteks individu, komunitas, ataupun masyarakat. Dalam artian, sibuk mengerjakan aktivitas dan pekerjaan yang mendatangkan keuntungan.

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Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru
Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Dan Bisnis

Bitcoin – Digital Money on the Internet

Bitcoin is an internet currency that was started in 2009 by a Japanese software developer. In contrast to normal money, which is distributed and controlled by the government, there is no central organization behind Bitcoin. You can send and receive Bitcoin money without giving your name or address and without paying fees to a bank.

Bitcoins are not physical. However, they can be bought at exchanges all across the Internet, where you can trade them for normal money. Bitcoins are created by a process called mining. They can be produced by anyone around the world. People compete to solve puzzles using mathematical software. If they succeed they get a certain number of bitcoins as a reward.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Customers can save their bitcoins in an internet wallet, a kind of software that manages your virtual money. From there you can buy products from merchants who accept bitcoins. You can also sell items and get bitcoins in return. Only your special ID is transferred across the Internet, never your real identity. Bitcoin is a way of sending and receiving money anonymously. Not all governments are happy about this new internet currency. Some see it as a way of transferring money, for example from drugs or other illegal activities, from one place to another.

The value of bitcoins is determined by their popularity in the world and how they are trusted. If many businesses accept the currency and more and more people use it to make transactions, its value goes up. Recent scandals around Bitcoin exchanges, however, has made the value of the digital currency go down. Towards the end of 2013, the value of the world’s bitcoins was about $1.5 billion.

Many economic experts see Bitcoin as the currency of the future. However, it is not ready for mass use. The network may suffer from hacking attacks and the value of the money is not very stable. Bitcoin is also seen as a playground for money speculators.

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  • anonymous = unknown; without giving your real name
  • compete = to try to be better than others and win against them
  • currency = the money that a country uses
  • developer = person who creates things
  • distribute = hand out
  • exchange = place where you can buy and sell things
  • fee = money you have to pay for a service you get
  • illegal = against the law
  • in contrast to = as opposed to
  • mass use = for everyone to use
  • merchant = person who buys and sells things
  • process = action
  • reward = prize, in the form of money
  • towards = near
  • trust = to believe in something
  • value = what something is worth
  • virtual = not real
  • wallet= place where you keep banknotes and coins when you go shopping


Bitcoin – Uang Digital di Internet

Bitcoin adalah mata uang internet yang dimulai pada tahun 2009 oleh pengembang perangkat lunak Jepang. Berbeda dengan uang normal, yang didistribusikan dan dikendalikan oleh pemerintah, tidak ada organisasi pusat di belakang Bitcoin. Anda dapat mengirim dan menerima uang Bitcoin tanpa memberikan nama atau alamat Anda dan tanpa membayar biaya ke bank.

Bitcoin bukan fisik. Namun, mereka dapat dibeli di bursa di seluruh Internet, di mana Anda dapat menukarnya dengan uang normal. Bitcoin dibuat oleh proses yang disebut penambangan. Mereka dapat diproduksi oleh siapa saja di seluruh dunia. Orang-orang berlomba untuk memecahkan teka-teki menggunakan perangkat lunak matematika. Jika mereka berhasil, mereka mendapatkan sejumlah bitcoin sebagai hadiah.

Pelanggan dapat menyimpan bitcoin mereka di dompet internet, sejenis perangkat lunak yang mengelola uang virtual Anda. Dari sana Anda dapat membeli produk dari pedagang yang menerima bitcoin. Anda juga dapat menjual barang dan mendapatkan bitcoin sebagai imbalan. Hanya ID khusus Anda yang ditransfer di Internet, bukan identitas asli Anda. Bitcoin adalah cara mengirim dan menerima uang secara anonim. Tidak semua pemerintah senang dengan mata uang internet baru ini. Beberapa melihatnya sebagai cara mentransfer uang, misalnya dari narkoba atau kegiatan ilegal lainnya, dari satu tempat ke tempat lain.

Nilai bitcoin ditentukan oleh popularitas mereka di dunia dan bagaimana mereka dipercaya. Jika banyak bisnis menerima mata uang dan semakin banyak orang menggunakannya untuk melakukan transaksi, nilainya naik. Namun, skandal terbaru seputar pertukaran Bitcoin telah membuat nilai mata uang digital turun. Menjelang akhir 2013, nilai bitcoin dunia sekitar $ 1,5 miliar.

Banyak pakar ekonomi melihat Bitcoin sebagai mata uang masa depan. Namun, ini belum siap untuk penggunaan massal. Jaringan mungkin menderita dari serangan peretasan dan nilai uangnya tidak terlalu stabil. Bitcoin juga dipandang sebagai tempat bermain spekulan uang.

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Mobile Banking on the Increase in Developing Countries

Mobile banking is becoming more and more popular in countries of the Third World. While in developed countries almost all people have bank accounts, only a small part of the population in underdeveloped countries has access to banks.

In mobile banking, a person who wants to send money does so by sending the amount via text to the receiver’s phone number. The person who receives the money goes to an authorized local shop and withdraws the cash.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

There are many examples of mobile banking in the Third World. Hospitals in Tanzania send money to women so that they can pay for the bus fare to the hospital. In Afghanistan, the government pays its policemen by mobile phone. Coffee plantation owners in East Africa send workers their money via text.

Mobile banking has become popular where there are few banks but where most of the people have a mobile phone. The potential market is especially large in South America where only 35% of the people have bank accounts but 90% have mobile phones.

Many mobile phone companies are taking over banking services in underdeveloped countries. In the last two years, almost one million people in six African countries have signed up with European mobile operator Orange. In Kenya and Tanzania, British operator Vodaphone has 20 million customers who send money to other people in the country and abroad.

In Pakistan, Norwegian mobile phone company Telenor has been offering mobile banking since 2008. People can withdraw money at almost 11,000 shops throughout the country. Pakistan itself has only a little over 8,000 banks. Money transfers are limited to $120, with Telenor taking 5% of the amount.

The number of mobile banking customers is expected to rise in Third World countries from currently 60 million to almost a billion in 2015. Over 80% of these costumes live in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

In the developed world mobile banking has not become a serious option because most customers have bank accounts and transfer their money via Internet banking. As more and more Americans and Europeans buy smartphones mobile banking will probably increase.

  • access = the right or possibility  to use something
  • amount = sum
  • an authorized = official, allowed
  • bank account = an agreement where a  customer can pay in and take out money at a bank
  • billion = a thousand million
  • bus fare = the money that you have to pay to ride a bus
  • cash = money
  • currently = right now
  • customer = person who buys something or uses a company’s services
  • developed countries = rich countries in Europe and North America, as well as Japan and Australia
  • especially = very
  • expect = will probably
  • government = the people who rule a country
  • increase = go up
  • limited = here: not more than
  • local = in the area
  • mobile banking = to make money transfers through your mobile phone
  • offer = here: sell to people
  • operator = company
  • option = possibility, offer
  • owner = a person who possesses or has something
  • popular = liked by many people
  • potential = possible
  • receive = get
  • receiver = a person who gets the money
  • rise = go up
  • serious = important, good
  • service = help that a company gives you
  • sign up = to start being a customer and use the services
  • smartphone = mobile phone that has its own operating system and works like a small computer
  • throughout = in all of
  • transfer = send
  • an underdeveloped country = poor country in Asia, Latin America, and Africa
  • via = through, by way of
  • while = although
  • withdraw = get, take out


Perbankan Mobile pada Peningkatan di Negara Berkembang

Perbankan mobile menjadi semakin populer di negara-negara Dunia Ketiga. Sementara di negara-negara maju hampir semua orang memiliki rekening bank, hanya sebagian kecil dari populasi di negara-negara terbelakang yang memiliki akses ke bank.

Dalam mobile banking, seseorang yang ingin mengirim uang melakukannya dengan mengirimkan jumlah melalui teks ke nomor telepon penerima. Orang yang menerima uang pergi ke toko lokal yang berwenang dan menarik uang tunai.

Ada banyak contoh untuk mobile banking di Dunia Ketiga. Rumah sakit di Tanzania mengirim uang kepada wanita sehingga mereka dapat membayar ongkos bus ke rumah sakit. Di Afghanistan pemerintah membayar polisi dengan ponsel. Pemilik perkebunan kopi di Afrika Timur mengirimkan uang kepada pekerja melalui SMS.

Perbankan mobile telah menjadi populer di mana ada beberapa bank tetapi di mana sebagian besar orang memiliki ponsel. Pasar potensial sangat besar di Amerika Selatan di mana hanya 35% orang memiliki rekening bank tetapi 90% memiliki ponsel.

Banyak perusahaan telepon seluler mengambil alih layanan perbankan di negara-negara terbelakang. Dalam dua tahun terakhir hampir satu juta orang di enam negara Afrika telah mendaftar dengan operator seluler Eropa Orange. Di Kenya dan Tanzania, operator Inggris Vodaphone memiliki 20 juta pelanggan yang mengirim uang ke orang lain di negara ini dan di luar negeri.

Di Pakistan, perusahaan telepon seluler Norwegia, Telenor, telah menawarkan layanan mobile banking sejak 2008. Orang-orang dapat menarik uang di hampir 11.000 toko di seluruh negeri. Pakistan sendiri hanya memiliki sedikit lebih dari 8.000 bank. Transfer uang dibatasi hingga $ 120, dengan Telenor mengambil 5% dari jumlah.

Jumlah pelanggan mobile banking diperkirakan akan meningkat di negara-negara Dunia Ketiga dari 60 juta saat ini menjadi hampir satu miliar pada tahun 2015. Lebih dari 80% dari pelanggan ini tinggal di Amerika Latin, Afrika dan Asia.

Di negara maju mobile banking belum menjadi pilihan serius karena sebagian besar pelanggan memiliki rekening bank dan mentransfer uang mereka melalui internet banking. Karena semakin banyak orang Amerika dan Eropa membeli smartphone, mobile banking mungkin akan meningkat.

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European Central Bank Stops Printing 500-Euro Banknote

The European Central Bank has announced that it will stop producing the 500-euro banknote. It has become popular among money launderers, drug traffickers and terrorists, who move large amounts of money in small bags or briefcases. The banknotes that are in circulation now can continue to be used, but they will slowly be exchanged for smaller bills. The 500-euro banknote will be phased out completely by 2018. It can be exchanged at national central banks of EU states at any time after this date.

Such large banknotes are not so popular in many countries. In the United States, the largest banknote is the $100 bill. After World War II the US stopped producing $500 and $1000 bills.

Money experts welcome the decision by the EU’s main banking authority. They say that with smaller banknotes criminals will find it more difficult to handle large amounts of money without being noticed.

500-euro banknotes are not used very much in everyday life. While many people are afraid of losing them, some shops do not even accept them. The 500-euro banknote accounts for 30% of the value of all euro banknotes but only 3% of all paper euros in circulation.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

The discussion about large banknotes has been going on for a long time. Especially after the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels many experts have called for a ban on large bills because terrorists may use them to pay for their activities. While there are many illegal ways of hiding and transferring money, using cash is among the most popular.

  • accept = take them
  • account for = to form the total of  something
  • amount = how much of something
  • announce = to say officially
  • authority = here: an organization that controls  something
  • ban = forbid
  • bill = banknote
  • briefcase = flat box used for carrying documents and business items
  • cash = banknotes and metal money
  • circulation = here: the money that moves around in a country
  • completely = altogether
  • handle = deal with
  • decision = choice
  • drug trafficker = person who buys and sells drugs
  • especially = above all
  • European Central Bank = the central bank for countries that use the euro
  • exchange = to give something instead of something else
  • illegal = against the law
  • main = most important
  • money launderer = person who moves money that has been made from illegal activities through other banks so that it is hard to find out where it came from
  • notice = to see or become aware of something
  • phase out = to slowly stop using something
  • popular = much liked
  • value = what something is worth
  • welcome = here: to be in favour of something


Bank Sentral Eropa Menghentikan Pencetakan Uang Kertas 500-Euro

Bank Sentral Eropa telah mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan berhenti memproduksi uang kertas 500 euro. Ini telah menjadi populer di kalangan pencuci uang, pengedar narkoba dan teroris, yang memindahkan sejumlah besar uang dalam tas kecil atau tas kerja. Uang kertas yang beredar sekarang dapat terus digunakan, tetapi mereka perlahan akan ditukar dengan uang kertas yang lebih kecil. Uang kertas 500 euro akan dihapus sepenuhnya pada 2018. Uang kertas ini dapat ditukar di bank sentral nasional negara-negara UE kapan saja setelah tanggal ini.

Uang kertas sebesar itu tidak begitu populer di banyak negara. Di Amerika Serikat, uang kertas terbesar adalah uang kertas $ 100. Setelah Perang Dunia II AS berhenti memproduksi uang kertas $ 500 dan $ 1000.

Pakar uang menyambut keputusan tersebut oleh otoritas perbankan utama UE. Mereka mengatakan bahwa dengan para penjahat uang kertas yang lebih kecil akan merasa lebih sulit untuk menangani sejumlah besar uang tanpa diketahui.

Uang kertas 500 euro tidak banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sementara banyak orang takut kehilangan mereka, beberapa toko bahkan tidak menerimanya. Uang kertas 500 euro menyumbang 30% dari nilai semua uang kertas euro tetapi hanya 3% dari semua euro kertas yang beredar.

Diskusi tentang uang kertas besar telah berlangsung lama. Terutama setelah serangan teroris di Paris dan Brussel, banyak ahli menyerukan larangan tagihan besar karena teroris dapat menggunakannya untuk membayar kegiatan mereka. Meskipun ada banyak cara ilegal untuk menyembunyikan dan mentransfer uang, menggunakan uang tunai adalah yang paling populer.

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