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Business Dialogue – Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bisnis

Business Dialogue - Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bisnis
Business Dialogue – Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bisnis

Dialog dan Terjemahan

Situation: There are two-person who is talking about business. Let’s check the following conversation below!
Situasi: Ada dua orang yang berbicara tentang bisnis. Mari kita periksa percakapan berikut di bawah ini!

Exa: Hey, Jim. You look so busy. What are you doing, man?
Exa: Hei, Jim. Kamu terlihat sangat sibuk. Apa yang kamu lakukan?

Jim: Hey, girl. I’m looking for information about importer.
Jim: Hei, teman. Aku mencari informasi tentang importir.

Exa: Have you found it?
Exa: Sudahkah kamu menemukannya?

Jim: Not yet. Maybe I should be patient and conscientious. Because I’m doing research before I decide to join in this business.
Jim: Belum. Mungkin aku harus sabar dan teliti. Karena aku sedang melakukan penelitian sebelum aku memutuskan untuk bergabung dalam bisnis ini.

Exa: Yeah. I know that. To be an importer talks about lots of money.
Exa: Ya. Aku tahu itu. Menjadi importir berbicara tentang banyak uang.

Jim: Yup, you’re right. I don’t wanna spend lots of money with no goal even though it will give me a new experience of business.
Jim: Yup, kamu benar. Aku tidak ingin menghabiskan banyak uang tanpa tujuan meskipun itu akan memberiku pengalaman bisnis yang baru.

Exa: Yes. I’m sure that. So, tell me why do you want to be importer? While there are still many other businesses.
Exa: Ya. Aku yakin itu. Jadi, beri tahu aku mengapa kamu ingin menjadi importir? Meskipun masih banyak bisnis lainnya.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty[/su_box]

Jim: Let me explain in my point of view. Firstly,  The product import market has become a great way to make and make a business investment in itself. Importing products, many people turn to create online stores for resale, at affordable prices, very different from what is found for example in malls. Do you know what I mean?
Jim: Biarkan aku menjelaskan dalam sudut pandanganku. Pertama, pasar impor produk telah menjadi cara yang hebat untuk membuat dan melakukan investasi bisnis sendiri. Mengimpor produk, banyak orang beralih untuk membuat toko online untuk dijual kembali, dengan harga terjangkau, sangat berbeda dari apa yang ditemukan misalnya di mal. Apa kamu paham maksudku?

Exa: Yeah. I bought a canvas bag at the mall with huge price. When I saw the online advertising, you know, the same product but different price. I agree if online shopping is cheaper than you buy something in a mall.
Exa: Ya. Aku membeli tas kanvas di mal dengan harga mahal. Ketika aku melihat iklan online, kamu tahu, produk yang sama tetapi harganya berbeda. Aku setuju jika belanja online lebih murah daripada kamu membeli sesuatu di mal.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Shopping[/su_box]

Jim: That’s what I mean.
Jim: Itu yang aku maksud. 

Exa: But have you ever thought if to be an importer is not easy?
Exa: Tapi pernahkah kamu berpikir untuk menjadi importir itu tidak mudah?

Jim: Yup. That always across in my mind. Many obstacles to be an importer. It is not an easy task to become an importer especially being a beginner importer. The import process can be very complicated, confusing, and expensive. Expected benefits can often be removed by long transit times, rising or fluctuating shipping costs, regulatory costs, and unexpected delays.
Jim: Yup. Itu selalu ada di pikiranku. Banyak kendala untuk menjadi importir. Bukanlah tugas yang mudah untuk menjadi importir terutama menjadi importir pemula. Proses impor bisa sangat rumit, membingungkan, dan mahal. Keuntungan yang diharapkan seringkali dapat dihilangkan dengan waktu transit yang lama, naik atau naik turunnya biaya pengiriman, biaya pengaturan, dan penundaan yang tidak terduga.

Exa: Oh, that’s why you are doing research. Be prepared before starting any business. Gather any information that you think is relevant before trying. Keep in mind that to achieve success you have to work hard.
Exa: Oh, itu sebabnya kamu melakukan penelitian. Bersiaplah sebelum memulai bisnis apa pun. Kumpulkan informasi yang menurut kamu relevan sebelum mencoba. Ingatlah bahwa untuk mencapai kesuksesan kamu harus bekerja keras.

Jim: Yeah. No pain no gain. I’m trying to find a shortcut to solve those problems. Maybe some authorized websites can help me to find it. Now, how about you? Are you interested to be an importer?
Jim: Ya.  Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. Aku sedang mencoba temukan jalan pintas untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Mungkin beberapa situs web resmi dapat membantuku menemukannya. Sekarang, bagaimana dengan kamu? Apakah kamu tertarik untuk menjadi importir?

Exa: It has been ever crossed my mind but I’m not sure about that.
Exa: Pernah terlintas di pikiranku, tapi aku tidak yakin tentang itu.

Jim: Do you doubt with yourself, huh?
Jim: Apakah kamu ragu dengan diri sendiri, ya?

Exa: Look, Jim… Everyone has their own success in every business they run. But have you ever thought if there is a selfish word become an importer?
Exa: Perhatikan, Jim … Setiap orang memiliki kesuksesan mereka sendiri dalam setiap bisnis yang mereka jalankan. Tapi pernahkah kamu berpikir jika ada kata egois menjadi importir?

Jim: I didn’t catch your words. What did you try to explain?
Jim: Aku tidak mengerti kata-katamu. Apa yang kamu coba jelaskan?

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Expressing Opinion – Pengertian, Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat, Dialog[/su_box]

Exa: Listen, man… You import goods from China and then sell them in your own country by taking relative profits. My opinion, you make your brother in the country be a consumptive person. All imported goods ranging from general needs to personal needs.
Exa: Dengar, bung … Kamu mengimpor barang dari Cina dan kemudian menjualnya di negerimu sendiri dengan mengambil keuntungan relatif. Pendapatku, kamu menjadikan saudaramu di negara ini menjadi orang yang konsumtif. Semua barang impor mulai dari kebutuhan umum hingga kebutuhan pribadi.

Jim: I’ve seen that as an opportunity. Am I wrong?
Jim: Aku melihat itu sebagai peluang. Apakah aku salah?

Exa: Nope. 100% you are not wrong. But you can be a wise person in the business. Look around us, Jim. We have rich natural resources. Why don’t we try to develop the potential we have.
Exa: Tidak. 100% kamu tidak salah. Tetapi kamu bisa menjadi orang bijak dalam bisnis ini. Lihat sekeliling kita, Jim. Kita memiliki sumber daya alam yang kaya. Mengapa kita tidak mencoba mengembangkan potensi yang kita miliki.

Jim: Give me an example, please.
Jim: Berikan aku sebuah contoh.

Exa: Take a trip to Garut. You will see amazing leather crafts there. No doubt, Garut is arguably the most well-known leather-producing area in Indonesia. Many jackets, shoes, and leather bags are produced from Garut.
Exa: Jalan-jalan ke kota Garut. Kamu akan melihat kerajinan kulit yang menakjubkan di sana. Tak ayal, Garut bisa dibilang daerah penghasil kulit paling terkenal di Indonesia. Banyak jaket, sepatu, dan tas kulit diproduksi dari Garut.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan[/su_box]

Jim: So?
Jim: Jadi?

Exa: This area produces products with good quality and at a friendly price. There is no reason not to buy the nation’s creative products, as well as supporting domestic products. That’s the point. Supporting domestic products into the worldwide.
Exa: Kota  ini menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas yang baik dan harga yang bersahabat. Tidak ada alasan untuk tidak membeli produk kreatif nasional, dan juga mendukung produk dalam negeri. Itulah intinya. Mendukung produk dalam negeri ke seluruh dunia.

Jim: Yeah. It doesn’t matter if we try. But I need a partner in business to make it comes true. Do you want to help me?
Jim: Ya. Tidak masalah jika kita mencoba. Tapi aku butuh rekan bisnis untuk mewujudkannya. Apakah Anda ingin membantu saya?

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Materi Offering Help[/su_box]

Exa: Absolutely.
Exa: Tentu saja.

Jim: When do we start?
Jim: Kapan kita mulai?

Exa: We will start with my uncle. He has lots of experiences in this market business.
Exa: Kita akan mulai dengan pamanku. Dia memiliki banyak pengalaman di bisnis pasar ini.

Jim: Get motivation! What are we waiting for? Let’s go to your uncle.
Jim: Dapatkan motivasi! Apa yang kita tunggu? Ayo pergi ke pamanmu.

Exa: Roger that!
Exa: Ahsiap!

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi Bisnis[/su_box]

Pembahasan Materi

Perhatikan kalimat tebal bergaris bawah yang merupakan contoh kalimat tentang bisnis.

  • Jim: Hey, girl. I’m looking for information about importer.
  • Jim: Not yet. Maybe I should be patient and conscientious. Because I’m doing research before I decide to join in this business.
  • Exa: Yeah. I know that. To be an importer talks about lots of money.
  • Jim: Yup, you’re right. I don’t wanna spend lots of money with no goal even though it will give me a new experience of business.
  • Exa: Yes. I’m sure that. So, tell me why do you want to be importer? While there are still many other businesses.
  • Jim: Let me explain in my point of view. Firstly,  The product import market has become a great way to make and make a business investment in itself. Importing products, many people turn to create online stores for resale, at affordable prices, very different from what is found for example in malls. Do you know what I mean?
  • Exa: But have you ever thought if to be an importer is not easy?
  • Jim: Yup. That always across in my mind. Many obstacles to be an importer. It is not an easy task to become an importer especially being a beginner importer. The import process can be very complicated, confusing, and expensive. Expected benefits can often be removed by long transit times, rising or fluctuating shipping costs, regulatory costs, and unexpected delays.
  • Exa: Oh, that’s why you are doing research. Be prepared before starting any business. Gather any information that you think is relevant before trying. Keep in mind that to achieve success you have to work hard.
  • Jim: Yeah. No pain no gain. I’m trying to find a shortcut to solve those problems. Maybe some authorized websites can help me to find it. Now, how about you? Are you interested to be an importer?
  • Exa: Look, Jim… Everyone has their own success in every business they run. But have you ever thought if there is a selfish word become an importer?
  • Exa: Listen, man… You import goods from China and then sell them in your own country by taking relative profits. My opinion, you make your brother in the country be a consumptive person. All imported goods ranging from general needs to personal needs.
  • Jim: I’ve seen that as an opportunity. Am I wrong?
  • Exa: Nope. 100% you are not wrong. But you can be a wise person in the business. Look around us, Jim. We have rich natural resources. Why don’t we try to develop the potential we have.
  • Exa: Take a trip to Garut. You will see amazing leather crafts there. No doubt, Garut is arguably the most well-known leather-producing area in Indonesia. Many jackets, shoes, and leather bags are produced from Garut.
  • Exa: This area produces products with good quality and at a friendly price. There is no reason not to buy the nation’s creative products, as well as supporting domestic products. That’s the point. Supporting domestic products into the worldwide.
  • Jim: Yeah. It doesn’t matter if we try. But I need a partner in business to make it comes true. Do you want to help me?
  • Exa: We will start with my uncle. He has lots of experiences in this market business.

Demikian Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bisnis.

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