50 Kalimat Idioms Bahasa Inggris Yang Wajib Dipahami Lengkap Dengan Penjelasannya

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50 Kalimat Idioms Bahasa Inggris Yang Wajib Dipahami Lengkap Dengan Penjelasannya

50 Kalimat Idioms Bahasa Inggris Yang Wajib Dipahami Lengkap Dengan Penjelasannya
50 Kalimat Idioms Bahasa Inggris Yang Wajib Dipahami Lengkap Dengan Penjelasannya

Pengertian Idioms

LabBahasaInggris.co.id – id·i·om /ˈidēəm/ Idiom adalah kelompok kata yang dirangkai dengan susunan tertentu yang artinya tidak dapat diprediksi dari arti kata-kata yang tersusun terpisah.

Kalimat Idioms Bahasa Inggris Yang Wajib Dipahami 

Idiom Examples

1. A penny for your thoughts
A way to ask someone what they are thinking about.
Cara untuk bertanya kepada seseorang apa yang mereka pikirkan.

  • A: A penny for your thoughts.
    B: I am just thinking about what to eat tonight.

2. Actions speak louder than words
To say that it is easy to claim you will do something but what you really do is all that matters.
Untuk mengatakan bahwa mudah untuk mengklaim Anda akan melakukan sesuatu tetapi apa yang sesungguhnya Anda lakukan adalah yang terpenting.

  • A: I think that what you are doing is very important.
    B: Good. But remember that actions speak louder than words. So come and help at the weekend.

3. The ball is in your court
To say that it is someone else’s responsibility to make a decision or do something.
Untuk mengatakan bahwa itu adalah tanggung jawab orang lain untuk membuat keputusan atau melakukan sesuatu.

  • Here is all the information I could find. The ball is in your court about what to do with it.

4. Beat up
To hit someone and win a fight with them.
Untuk mengalahkan seseorang dan memenangkan pertarungan dengan mereka.

  • They were beaten up by the robbers who broke into the shop.

5. Behind one’s back
To do something so that it is hidden from someone and they do not know about it.
Melakukan sesuatu sehingga tersembunyi dari seseorang dan mereka tidak mengetahuinya.

  • She went to see the boss behind my back and told him that she had done all the work.

6. Bite one’s tongue
To not say something that you want to say.
Untuk tidak mengatakan sesuatu yang ingin Anda katakan.

  • I wanted to tell her to stop complaining and get on with it, but I bit my tongue.

7. Blood from a stone
Something that is very difficult or very hard to do.
Sesuatu yang sangat sulit atau sangat sulit dilakukan.

  • Getting him to pay his bill on time is like getting blood from a stone.

8. Broken record
To say the same thing many times, or to repeat something even though everyone knows about it.
Mengatakan hal yang sama berkali-kali, atau mengulangi sesuatu meskipun semua orang mengetahuinya.

  • My boss is just like a broken record the way he says I have to wash my hands before making food.

9. Change your mind
To decide to do something different after already having said you will do something else.
Untuk memutuskan melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda setelah mengatakan Anda akan melakukan sesuatu yang lain.

  • A: Let’s go out tonight.
    B: I thought you wanted to watch television.
    A: I did, but I have changed my mind.

10. Chat him up
To talk with someone you find attractive to try to make them like you.
Untuk berbicara dengan seseorang yang Anda anggap menarik untuk mencoba membuat mereka menyukai Anda.

  • David has been chatting her up all night but she just looks bored.

11. Come down to earth
To realize what something is really like and see that it is harder or more difficult than you thought.
Untuk menyadari apa yang benar-benar Anda sukai dan melihat bahwa itu lebih sulit atau lebih sulit daripada yang Anda kira.

  • After his first day on the job, he had to really come down to earth and see that it was hard work.

12. Cross that bridge when I come to it
To say you will deal with a problem when you need to and not before.
Untuk mengatakan Anda akan menangani masalah ketika Anda perlu dan bukan sebelumnya.

  • The heating in the house does not work, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it in the winter.

13. Dead last
To be the very last contestant in a race or completion.
Untuk menjadi kontestan terakhir dalam perlombaan atau penyelesaian.

  • I came in dead last, but at least I completed the marathon.

14. Don’t know the first thing about it
To have no knowledge of something.
Tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang sesuatu.

  • What happened in the meeting was private and she doesn’t know the first thing about it as she was not there.

15. Drag your feet
To do something slowly.
Melakukan sesuatu secara perlahan.

  • She does not want to do that job, so has been dragging her feet all day.

16. Fall flat on my face
To make a mistake.
Untuk membuat kesalahan.

  • She fell flat on her face when trying to give the presentation as it was far too short.

17. Fend for yourself
To have to manage by yourself with no help from anyone.
Harus mengelola sendiri tanpa bantuan dari siapa pun.

  • When I went to university I had to fend for myself and cook my own meals.

18. Fight tooth and nail
To use all your strength and ability to achieve something, or to be in very vicious combat.
Untuk menggunakan semua kekuatan dan kemampuan Anda untuk mencapai sesuatu, atau berada dalam pertempuran yang sangat kejam.

  • I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that I get one of the free doughnuts that are delivered on Fridays.

19. From the bottom of my heart
To mean something full and with all your ability.
Berarti sesuatu yang penuh dan dengan semua kemampuan Anda.

  • When I said I loved her I really meant it from the bottom of my heart.

20. Gathering dust
Something that has been left and not used for a long time, or something that has been forgotten.
Sesuatu yang telah ditinggalkan dan tidak digunakan untuk waktu yang lama, atau sesuatu yang telah dilupakan.

  • Since we got computers the typewriters have been gathering dust.

21. Give a hand
To help someone with something.
Untuk membantu seseorang dengan sesuatu.

  • Will you please give a hand to Lucy as she has a lot of work?

22. Have a blast
To have a very good time.
Untuk memiliki waktu yang sangat baik.

  • I hope you have a blast when you go out tonight.

23. Have deep pockets
To be able to afford many expensive things.
Untuk dapat membeli banyak barang mahal.

  • He has deep pockets as he often brings lots of snacks for us all to share.

24. Have the final say
To be the person that has the authority to make the final decision.
Untuk menjadi orang yang memiliki otoritas untuk membuat keputusan akhir.

  • I think this is a good idea, but Jane has the final say on it.

25. In over your head
To be involved in something that is too difficult for you to finish.
Terlibat dalam sesuatu yang terlalu sulit untuk Anda selesaikan.

  • I was in over my head but did not have any option other than continuing.

26. Jig is up
A phrase to say when something that is illegal has been found and is being stopped.
Frasa untuk mengatakan ketika sesuatu yang ilegal telah ditemukan dan sedang dihentikan.

  • The police officer shouted to the criminals that “the jig is up. Come out.”

27. Lick your wounds
To go away and recover from a bad experience or defeat.
Untuk pergi dan pulih dari pengalaman buruk atau kekalahan.

  • He has sat in the corner licking his wounds all afternoon after being told off by the boss.

28. Look out for number one
To do something so that you will get all the benefit.
Untuk melakukan sesuatu sehingga Anda akan mendapatkan semua manfaatnya.

  • You need to look out for number one before helping other people.

29. Money doesn’t grow on trees
To say that you should think carefully about spending money as there is only a limited amount.
Untuk mengatakan bahwa Anda harus berpikir dengan hati-hati tentang membelanjakan uang karena hanya ada jumlah terbatas.

  • I can’t believe you’ve bought more clothes. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

30. Month of Sundays
A very long time.
Waktu yang sangat lama.

  • I will never be able to do this, not even in a month of Sundays.

31. Off the beaten track
To be difficult to find, or to be very isolated and remote.
Sulit ditemukan, atau sangat terpencil dan terpencil.

  • I am going on holiday to a cottage that is off the beaten track, so I should be able to relax.

32. On the double
To do something quickly, or to say something should be done quickly.
Melakukan sesuatu dengan cepat, atau mengatakan sesuatu harus dilakukan dengan cepat.

  • Put your books away and tidy up the classroom. Come-on – quickly – on the double.

33. Point of no return
The time that you can no longer change your mind, or when you have to do what you are doing now.
Saat Anda tidak bisa lagi berubah pikiran, atau ketika Anda harus melakukan apa yang Anda lakukan sekarang.

  • This is the point of no return: if we continue the project has to be successful or we will lose our jobs.

34. Put you in a bad mood
To make you upset, or to make you angry about something.
Untuk membuatmu kesal, atau membuatmu marah tentang sesuatu.

  • Every time I have to drive in the big city it puts me in a bad mood.

35. Rack my brain
To think about something very hard, or to try to remember something.
Untuk memikirkan sesuatu yang sangat sulit, atau mencoba mengingat sesuatu.

  • I racked my brain but could not think of any way to fix the problem.

36. Roll out the red carpet
To treat someone as if they were a very important person.
Untuk memperlakukan seseorang seolah-olah mereka adalah orang yang sangat penting.

  • Every time she comes to visit everyone makes it look nice and rolls out the red carpet.

37. Second nature
Something that you find very easy to do.
Sesuatu yang menurut Anda sangat mudah dilakukan.

  • Playing tennis is like second nature to me as I have been doing it so long.

38. Snatch victory from the jaws of defeat
To win or be successful at the very last moment when it appeared that you would lose or fail.
Untuk menang atau menjadi sukses pada saat-saat terakhir ketika tampaknya Anda akan kalah atau gagal.

  • The football team never gave up and finally snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in the last minute.

39. Stand on ceremony
To expect that everything is done in the proper and very formal way.
Untuk mengharapkan bahwa semuanya dilakukan dengan cara yang benar dan sangat formal.

  • Please do not stand on ceremony, just get some food to eat and find somewhere to sit.

40. Taking care of business
A way to say that you are doing what you are required to do.
Cara untuk mengatakan bahwa Anda melakukan apa yang harus Anda lakukan.

  • A: What have you been doing?
    B: Oh, just taking care of business.

41. That’ll be the day
To say that you do not believe something will happen.
Untuk mengatakan bahwa Anda tidak percaya sesuatu akan terjadi.

  • That’ll be the day when Andy is early for work.

42. The cart before the horse
To start to do something before all the preparation has been finished.
Untuk mulai melakukan sesuatu sebelum semua persiapan selesai.

  • Sitting down to eat before the food has finished cooking is putting the cart before the horse.

43. There’s one born every minute
A way to say that you think someone did something that was very silly or stupid.
Suatu cara untuk mengatakan bahwa Anda berpikir seseorang melakukan sesuatu yang sangat konyol atau bodoh.

  • A: James fell into a hole yesterday. He was looking at his phone and not where he was going.
    B: There’s one born every minute.

44. Till the cows come home
For a long time.
Untuk waktu yang lama.

  • I will have to keep working until the cows come home if I am going to finish this today.

45. Till you’re blue in the face
To have to say the same thing over and over again to someone without them paying attention to you.
Harus mengatakan hal yang sama berulang kali kepada seseorang tanpa mereka memperhatikan Anda.

  • I told her not to do that till I was blue in the face, but she did it and will now have to clean up the mess.

46. Tough time of it
To have difficulty doing something, or to experience a difficult period.
Untuk kesulitan melakukan sesuatu, atau mengalami masa sulit.

  • I am having a tough time of it as my wife is ill and I need to do everything.

47. Turn the air blue
To swear a lot.
Banyak bersumpah.

  • He turned the air blue when he hit his thumb by mistake with the hammer.

48. Variety is the spice of life
To say that having different experiences makes life fun and interesting.
Untuk mengatakan bahwa memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda membuat hidup menjadi menyenangkan dan menarik.

  • I believe that variety is the spice of life, so I tried every type of beer the pub had.

49. Wash your hands of it
To finish something or to give it away so that it is no longer your responsibility.
Untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu atau memberikannya sehingga itu bukan lagi tanggung jawab Anda.

  • I gave him the keys for the car and washed my hands of it.

50. Watch your P’s and Q’s
To tell someone to be polite and to use good manners.
Memberitahu seseorang untuk bersikap sopan dan menggunakan sopan santun.

  • He is very old so you need to watch your P’s and Q’s with him.

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Idioms Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawaban