Expressing Obligation – Pengertian, Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog

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Expressing Obligation – Pengertian, Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog

Expressing Obligation - Pengertian, Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog
Expressing Obligation – Pengertian, Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog

Pengertian Obligation

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Expressing Obligation?

Pengertian Expressing Obligation adalah sebuah Ekspresi atau Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah Kewajiban.

Ilustrasi yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari-hari:

Penggunaan Obligation dalam Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Exa: Excuse me, Mr Lenox. May I come in?
(Permisi, Pak Lenox. Bolehkah saya masuk?)

Mr Lenox: Yes, Exa. Come in, please. Well, how can I help you?
(Ya, Exa. Silahkan masuk. Nah, bagaimana saya bisa membantu kamu?)

Exa: I want to submit my math assignment. I know it’s already very late.
(Saya ingin menyerahkan tugas matematika saya. Saya tahu itu sudah sangat terlambat.)

Mr Lenox: Exa, you were supposed to submit this assignment a week ago. But you failed. Sorry, I can’t accept it.
(Exa, kamu seharusnya menyerahkan tugas ini seminggu yang lalu. Tapi kamu gagal. Maaf, saya tidak bisa menerimanya.)

Exa: But please, Mr Lenox. Give me a second! Let me explain my situation. Please, I beg you, Mr Lenox.
(Tapi tolong, Pak Lenox. Beri saya kesempatan! Biarkan saya jelaskan situasi saya. Tolong, saya mohon, Pak Lenox.)

Mr Lenox: Alright. What’s your excuse?
(Baiklah. Apa alasan kamu?)

Exa: Mr Lenox, I was supposed to submit this assignment a week ago, but then my mother was ill in hospital and I had to stay with her during that time.
(Pak Lenox, saya harus menyerahkan tugas ini seminggu yang lalu, tapi kemudian ibu saya sakit di rumah sakit dan saya harus tinggal bersamanya selama waktu itu.)

Mr Lenox: In that case, you’re supposed to ask your friend to submit it.
(Dalam hal ini, kamu seharusnya meminta temanmu untuk menyerahkannya.)

Exa: I did, Mr Lenox. Unfortunately, Lisa missed the paper and this morning she found it tucked in her algebra book. She was supposed to be careful with my paper. I just learned that she had been so careless. Please, give me a chance.
(Sudah, Pak Lenox. Sayangnya, Lisa melewatkan tugasnya dan pagi ini dia menemukan terselip dalam buku aljabar. Dia seharusnya berhati-hati dengan kertas saya. Saya hanya tahu bahwa dia telah begitu ceroboh. Tolong, beri saya kesempatan.)

Mr Lenox: What if I turn down your assignment?
(Bagaimana jika saya menolak tugas kamu?)

Exa: Oh, please don’t, Mr Lenox. It will break my heart. I promise I won’t be late again.
(Oh, jangan, Pak Lenox. Ini akan menghancurkan hati saya. Saya berjanji tidak akan terlambat lagi.)

Mr Lenox: Okay, but just this time. Next time, there will be no excuse at all.
(Oke, tapi kali ini saja. Lain kali, tidak akan ada alasan sama sekali.)

Exa: Thanks, Mr Lenox. You’re a good teacher.
(Terima kasih, Pak Lenox. Anda seorang guru yang baik.)

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Penjelasan Materi

Kata yang bercetak tebal di atas merupakan ciri dari penggunaan Obligation di dalam sebuah percakapan formal/ resmi.

Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Selain “should/ought to” kalian dapat menggunakan “‘be supposed to” untuk memberikan Obligations/ Kewajiban. Penggunaan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan menunjukkan kewajiban kurang kuat.


  • I have an appointment with Mr Hens at 10 a.m. tomorrow. So I’m supposed to be at the office by 9:30 a.m. at the earliest.
  • You’re supposed to turn off the light when you are not working in the room.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#1af48f” title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]190 Contoh Kalimat Should Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan[/su_box]

2. “be supposed to” sering digunakan untuk menceritakan tentang sesuatu yang dianggap benar oleh banyak orang atau yang secara luas diyakini.


  • It’s supposed to be bad luck to spill salt.
  • Milk is supposed to be good for our bones.
  • You’re not supposed to open an umbrella indoors. It’s unlucky.

3. “Be supposed to” dapat diartikan “be required” atau “be expected to” jika kenyataan tidak sama dengan pernyataan.


  • You were supposed to submit your assignment a week ago. (You were required to submit your homework a week ago, but you didn’t do it.)
  • Miss Corrine is supposed to give a conference in Denpasar tomorrow, but she has the flu now. (Miss Corrine will probably not be able to give the conference in Denpasar tomorrow.)
  • The test was supposed to start at 10 sharp, but the teacher was late. (The test started after 10.)

4. “Be not supposed to” digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak diperbolehkan atau dilarang.


  • You’re not supposed to smoke in this room. This is an air-conditioned room. (It is forbidden to smoke in the air-conditioned room.)
  • I’m not supposed to tell you this secret. (I am not allowed to tell you this secret.)

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#1af48f” title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]PROHIBITION – Pengertian, Jenis, Contoh Kalimat[/su_box]

Expression of Obligation:

Present/ Future Form

  • I’m supposed to…
  • She’s supposed to…
  • He’s supposed to…
  • It’s supposed to…
  • We’re supposed to…
  • You’re supposed to…
  • They’re supposed to…

Past Form

  • I was supposed to…
  • She was supposed to…
  • He was supposed to…
  • It was supposed to…
  • We were supposed to…
  • You were supposed to…
  • They were supposed to…


  • Jika kalian menggunakan “supposed to” maka diikuti sebuah “verb 1/ kata kerja”
  • Jika kalian menggunakan “supposed to be” maka diikuti sebuah “Adjective/ kata sifat atau Noun/ kata benda”

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#1af48f” title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Expressing Opinion – Pengertian, Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat, Dialog[/su_box]

Penggunaan Obligation dalam Teks Bahasa Inggris

Pelajari penggunaan “Supposed to/Supposed to be” Text di bawah ini!

You’re Supposed to be on Time

Do you understand the meaning of punctuality? Punctuality means “the state of completing a certain task before or at a previously designated time.” Being punctual is also called “being on time.” Being punctual is seen differently in some cultures, especially between Eastern and Western. For Americans, time is money.

Time is a precious matter. A small degree of lateness, about ten or fifteen minutes, is still tolerable. But in the case of school lessons or examinations, lateness is intolerable. You’re to come in time or on time. Germans are definitely punctual about time. If you have an appointment with a German at 8, you’re supposed to come at 8 o’clock sharp. Time is also a strict matter for Japanese. Being late is considered as disrespectful and it’s supposed to be insulting.

Countries in Latin America, Italy, and Greece are regarded as living at a slower pace. If guests are invited to a dinner party at 6 p.m., they will show up two or three hours later. In some cultures, there is an unspoken understanding. For example, when a person is supposed to come at 9, but he shows up an hour later, no one will be surprised.

What about punctuality in your country? Is punctuality one of the values in your culture?

Demikian Expressing Obligation – Pengertian, Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog.

Semoga artikel ini membantu kalian dalam memahami penggunaan Obligation dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

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