Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Posted on – Kesehatan adalah keadaan sejahtera dari badan, jiwa, dan sosial yang memungkinkan setiap orang hidup produktif secara sosial, dan ekonomis. Pemeliharaan kesehatan adalah upaya penaggulangan, dan pencegahan gangguan kesehatan yang memerlukan pemeriksaan, pengobatan dan/atau perawatan termasuk kehamilan, dan persalinan. Pendidikan kesehatan adalah proses membantu sesorang, dengan bertindak secara sendiri-sendiri ataupun secara kolektif, untuk membuat keputusan berdasarkan pengetahuan mengenai hal-hal yang memengaruhi kesehatan pribadinya, dan orang lain.

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Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN
Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN

Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN


Bacteria are small living things that can be found almost everywhere. They live on the ground, in oceans, in the food that we eat and even in our bodies. They have been on earth long before there were any other organisms. Bacteria are so small you can only see them with the help of a microscope. They have only one cell and very simple structures.

Bacteria have outer cell walls that protect the inside. A cell membrane is inside the cell wall. It prevents harmful substances from getting in and out. Inside the membrane is a soft, jelly-like substance called the cytoplasm. It has chemicals that help build the parts of a cell and break down food. Within it is the nucleoid, which contains the DNA. It controls a cell’s growth and other activities

Bacteria appear in different shapes. Spherical bacteria are round or ball-like. Rod-shaped bacteria live in your intestine and form chains. Spiral-shaped bacteria have a twisted form.
Bacteria absorb nutrients and remove waste through their cell walls. They reproduce by splitting themselves in the middle. The two new cells can then split into four cells and so on. In a short time, a single bacteria can reproduce billions of times.

Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

Some bacteria can get inside the human body, reproduce and cause an infection. These harmful bacteria are called pathogens. Our immune system is in charge of fighting off these bacteria. However, sometimes we need a vaccine to help fight off these intruders. Vaccines are weak or dead forms of the bacteria itself. Such a substance helps our body fight off bacteria in the future. Some examples of illnesses caused by bacterial infections are tuberculosis or pneumonia.

The best way to protect yourself from bacteria is to keep yourself clean and wash your hands. Because bacteria may be transported by air, we should cover our nose and mouth when we sneeze. Vitamins also help strengthen our immune system and fight off bacteria.

Bacteria can be helpful to the human body as well. They live in our stomach and help us digest food. Other bacteria create cheese and yoghurt. Bacteria are at work in the soil and decompose dead plants and animals.

  • absorb = take in
  • appear =show
  • break down = break into very small pieces
  • cause = lead to
  • chain = rings that are joined together
  • decompose = to break down into very small parts
  • digest = to change the food that you have eaten into substances that your body can use
  • DNA = substance that has genetic information in the cells of a body
  • growth = how something grows
  • harmful = dangerous
  • however = but
  • illness = disease
  • immune system = system in your body that protects it from diseases
  • an intestine = long tube in your body through which food passes after it leaves your stomach
  • intruder = here: something harmful that gets into your body
  • jelly = something soft and sticky; it can easily move when you touch it
  • membrane = very thin layer that covers an object and protects it
  • nucleoid = region in a cell
  • nutrient = chemical or food that gives plants and animals what they need to grow
  • organism = anything that lives
  • pneumonia = illness that affects your lungs and makes it difficult for you to breathe
  • prevent = stop, keep away
  • protect = guard, care for, defend
  • remove = bring away
  • reproduce = here: create new bacteria
  • rod = long and thin
  • shape = form
  • single = only one
  • sneeze = air comes suddenly through your nose with a loud noise
  • soil = the top layer of the earth, where plants and trees can grow
  • spherical = round like a ball
  • strengthen = make stronger
  • structure = the way something is built
  • substance = material
  • transport = travel
  • tuberculosis = disease that affects your lungs and other parts of your body
  • twisted = turned, bent
  • waste = material that we do not need



Bakteri adalah makhluk hidup kecil yang dapat ditemukan hampir di mana-mana. Mereka hidup di tanah, di lautan, di makanan yang kita makan dan bahkan di tubuh kita. Mereka sudah ada di bumi jauh sebelum ada organisme lain. Bakteri sangat kecil sehingga Anda hanya bisa melihatnya dengan bantuan mikroskop. Mereka hanya memiliki satu sel dan struktur yang sangat sederhana.

Bakteri memiliki dinding sel luar yang melindungi bagian dalamnya. Selaput sel ada di dalam dinding sel. Ini mencegah zat berbahaya masuk dan keluar. Di dalam membran ada zat lunak, seperti jeli yang disebut sitoplasma. Ini memiliki bahan kimia yang membantu membangun bagian sel dan memecah makanan. Di dalamnya ada nukleoid, yang berisi DNA. Ini mengontrol pertumbuhan sel dan aktivitas lainnya

Bakteri muncul dalam berbagai bentuk. Bakteri bulat berbentuk bulat atau seperti bola. Bakteri berbentuk batang hidup di usus dan membentuk rantai. Bakteri berbentuk spiral memiliki bentuk bengkok.
Bakteri menyerap nutrisi dan membuang limbah melalui dinding sel mereka. Mereka bereproduksi dengan membelah diri di tengah. Dua sel baru kemudian dapat dipecah menjadi empat sel dan seterusnya. Dalam waktu singkat, satu bakteri dapat bereproduksi miliaran kali.

Beberapa bakteri dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia, bereproduksi dan menyebabkan infeksi. Bakteri berbahaya ini disebut patogen. Sistem kekebalan tubuh kita bertugas melawan bakteri ini. Namun, terkadang kita membutuhkan vaksin untuk membantu melawan pengganggu ini. Vaksin adalah bentuk bakteri yang lemah atau mati. Zat seperti itu membantu tubuh kita melawan bakteri di masa depan. Beberapa contoh penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri adalah TBC atau pneumonia.

Cara terbaik untuk melindungi diri dari bakteri adalah dengan menjaga diri tetap bersih dan mencuci tangan. Karena bakteri dapat diangkut melalui udara, kita harus menutup hidung dan mulut saat bersin. Vitamin juga membantu memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh kita dan melawan bakteri.

Bakteri dapat membantu tubuh manusia juga. Mereka hidup di perut kita dan membantu kita mencerna makanan. Bakteri lain membuat keju dan yogurt. Bakteri bekerja di tanah dan membusuk tanaman dan hewan yang mati.

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High Blood Pressure – A Silent Killer

According to the World Health Organization over a billion adults around the world suffer from high blood pressure. It is now taking steps to fight against what is called a silent killer. High blood pressure can lead to strokes and a heart attack.
Almost 10 million people die of these two diseases every year. They are the number one causes of death globally. High blood pressure also leads to kidney failure, blindness, and other illnesses. It often goes hand in hand with diabetes and obesity, which increases health risks even further.

Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

As the WHO reports, people in developing countries in Africa suffer more from high blood pressure than people in developed countries. The reason is that health care in the developed world is much better organized and people go to the doctor soon enough.

High blood pressure should never be ignored and always taken seriously. It is a warning sign from your body that something is not OK. Although people may live with high blood pressure for years without even knowing it, it is important to check your blood pressure regularly and take the necessary steps.
The WHO says that you can reduce your blood pressure by changing your living habits. Eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and nicotine are some things that you can do without consulting a doctor.

  • according to = as reported by
  • although = while
  • avoid = keep away from
  • balanced diet = all  kinds of food that your body needs in order to be healthy and grow properly
  • billion = a thousand million
  • blindness = not being able to see
  • blood pressure = the force with which blood flows through your body
  • cause = reason
  • consult = ask, go to
  • developed countries = rich countries
  • developing countries = poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin  America
  • diabetes = serious disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood
  • failure = if something stops working
  • globally = around the world
  • ignore = pay no attention to
  • kidney = one of the two organs in your lower back that separates waste products from your blood and makes urine
  • necessary = needed
  • obesity = when someone is fat in an unhealthy way
  • reduce = lower
  • regularly = often
  • step = measure, action
  • stroke = when a blood vessel suddenly breaks or gets blocked
  • suffer = to be  ill with


Tekanan Darah Tinggi – Pembunuh Diam-diam

Menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia lebih dari satu miliar orang dewasa di seluruh dunia menderita tekanan darah tinggi. Sekarang sedang mengambil langkah untuk melawan apa yang disebut pembunuh diam-diam. Tekanan darah tinggi dapat menyebabkan stroke dan serangan jantung.

Hampir 10 juta orang meninggal karena dua penyakit ini setiap tahun. Mereka adalah penyebab kematian nomor satu secara global. Tekanan darah tinggi juga menyebabkan gagal ginjal, kebutaan, dan penyakit lainnya. Seringkali seiring dengan diabetes dan obesitas, yang meningkatkan risiko kesehatan lebih jauh.

Seperti yang dilaporkan WHO, orang-orang di negara-negara berkembang di Afrika menderita lebih dari tekanan darah tinggi daripada orang-orang di negara-negara maju. Alasannya adalah bahwa perawatan kesehatan di negara maju jauh lebih terorganisir dan orang-orang pergi ke dokter segera.

Tekanan darah tinggi tidak boleh diabaikan dan selalu dianggap serius. Ini adalah tanda peringatan dari tubuh Anda bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak beres. Meskipun orang mungkin hidup dengan tekanan darah tinggi selama bertahun-tahun tanpa menyadarinya, penting untuk memeriksa tekanan darah Anda secara teratur dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang diperlukan.

WHO mengatakan bahwa Anda dapat mengurangi tekanan darah dengan mengubah kebiasaan hidup Anda. Makan makanan seimbang, berolahraga secara teratur, menghindari alkohol dan nikotin adalah beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan tanpa berkonsultasi dengan dokter.

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All living things need food to survive. It gives us energy for everything that we do. It also gives the body what it needs to repair muscles, organs, and skin. Food helps us fight off dangerous diseases.

It is important to eat a wide range of food in order to stay healthy. Nutrition is the science that deals with food and how the body uses it.

Teks Bahasa Inggris Tentang KESEHATAN Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan dan Daftar Kosakata Baru

How the body uses food

Food has nutrients in it— substances that give our body many important things that we need. They provide us with energy and also help control the way our body grows.

Before nutrients can go to work food must be broken down so that they can pass into our body. This is called digestion. It starts when we chew the food that we eat. When we swallow it travels on to the stomach where it is mixed together with water and other fluids. Then the food is passed on to the Digestion – How the body breaks down food intestine. Nutrients escape through the walls of the intestine into our blood. From there they are carried to all parts of the body.

Most food leaves waste that the body cannot use. Some of it goes to the kidneys and turns into urine. The liver also filters out waste. What is left overpasses through the large intestine and leaves our body?


There are six main groups of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. The energy that food gives us is measured in kilocalories or one thousand calories. A calorie is an energy that is needed to raise the temperature of water by one degree Celsius.


Although water does not give us energy it is the most important nutrient. We may be able to live on without the others for weeks, but we cannot go on without water for more than a few days.

Water has many functions in our body. It helps break down food. It also cools the body down when it becomes too hot. The body carries away waste products in a watery solution.

Our body needs about 2 –3 litres of water a day. We get it from the water and liquids we drink but also from fruits, vegetables, and other food.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. Sugars and starches have carbohydrates in them.

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate. It gives us energy very quickly. This form of energy can be found in dairy products, honey, syrup, jams, and jelly.

Starches must be broken down into sugars before our body can use them. They are found in beans, bread, potatoes, cereals, corn, pasta, peas, and potatoes. They provide our body with a constant supply of energy.


Our body needs fat in small amounts. Fats are made up of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. They store vitamins and produce fatty acids. We need these acids to produce cell membranes.

Fats can come from animals or plants. They are in meat and dairy products, like butter and cheese. Other types of fats are in vegetable oils, nuts or seeds.

Too many saturated fats produce a high level of cholesterol, a waxy material made by the body. It starts building up in the walls of blood vessels and may block blood as it flows through our body.


Proteins are among the most important building blocks of our body. Muscles, skin, and hair, for example, are made up of proteins.

Proteins are complex molecules made up of amino acids. The body can produce some of them itself, but we must get the others from food. Proteins are in cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk, as well as in nuts, peas, and beans.


Minerals are needed for growth. They are inorganic, not made up of living things. Our body needs different amounts of various minerals. Calcium and magnesium, for example, are important for bones and teeth. We also need small amounts of iron. It is a component of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to red blood cells. Fluorine or zinc are other minerals we need in very small amounts. They are called trace elements.


Our body needs a variety of vitamins to stay healthy. Each of them does a different job. Vitamin A, for example, helps skin and hair growth. Vitamin C is needed to fight off infections. Vitamin D helps the growth of bones and teeth

The right diet

The key to staying healthy is by eating the right food. Nutritionists suggest eating according to the food guide pyramid. It has five sections. You should eat a lot of the bottom parts, but only a little of the upper parts.

Eating guidelines

  1. Be careful of your weight. Obesity can lead to health problems.
  2. Exercise every day. It helps the body burn calories and fat you don’t need.
  3. Eat a lot of grain products
  4. Be careful not to eat food that has too much-saturated fat and cholesterol
  5. Do not eat too much sugar. High-sugar foods and drinks have a lot of calories but not many nutrients.
  6. Don’t put too much salt on your food. This may lead to high blood pressure.
  7. Include fibre in your diet. It helps food move along in your body.
  8. Beware of alcoholic drinks. They have a lot of calories but no nutrients.
  9. Store and cook foods properly so that they do not lose their nutritional value.

Nutrition and diseases

All over the world, people suffer from illnesses that are caused by eating the wrong food or not having enough to eat.

In developing countries deficiency diseases arise when people do not get the right nutrients. Kwashiorkor is a disease that occurs if your body doesn’t get enough proteins. Marasmus occurs in young children who don’t get enough calories every day. They become weak, underweight and often die. Diseases often occur if you suffer from a lack of vitamins. Not enough vitamin D, for example, may lead to bone illnesses.

In industrialized countries, people often suffer from eating too much. Too much fat and cholesterol in your body can lead to heart diseases, obesity, and cancer. High cholesterol levels may make your arteries narrow. The result may be high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke.

The lack of certain minerals may also lead to illnesses. Not enough iron in your food reduces the blood’s ability to make red blood cells, which are needed to transport oxygen through our body.

  • ability = power
  • according to = as shown by something or someone
  • an acid = chemical substance that has a pH of less than 7; strong acids can burn your skin
  • although = while
  • amino acid =one of the substances that combine to form protein
  • amount =how much of something
  • arise = come up
  • artery = one of the tubes that carry blood around in your body
  • bean = seed that comes from a climbing plant and which can be cooked as food
  • beware = be careful of; watch out
  • block = stop ; not let through
  • blood pressure = the power with which blood travels through your body
  • blood vessel = tube through which blood flows
  • break down = here: to make smaller
  • building block = the parts that make it possible for something to exist
  • cancer = a very dangerous disease in which cells start to grow in an uncontrolled way
  • carbon = chemical that is in coal or diamonds
  • cell membrane = cell wall that separates the inside from the outside of a cell
  • cereal = breakfast food made from wheat or corn; mostly eaten with milk
  • chew = to bite food a few times before swallowing it
  • complex = complicated
  • component = part
  • constant = regular, stable
  • dairy products = food that is made from cows
  • deal with = is about
  • deficiency disease = illness in which you do not get enough of a certain kind of food or vitamins
  • developing country = poor country of the Third World
  • diet = the food that you eat
  • disease = illness
  • exercise = to do sport and move your body so that you stay healthy
  • fatty acid = an acid that the cells in your body need to use food
  • fibre = part of the plants that you eat but cannot digest; they move through your body quickly
  • fight off = to keep away
  • fluid = liquid, juice
  • grain products = food from corn, wheat or rice
  • growth = in order to grow
  • hydrogen = colourless gas that can burn; if you combine it with oxygen you get water
  • illness = disease
  • industrialized countries = rich countries of the First World
  • inorganic = not from living things
  • intestine = the long tube in your body through which food passes after it goes through your stomach
  • jam = thick sweet food made from sugar and fruit; you eat it with butter on bread
  • jelly = like “jam”
  • a key = solution, answer
  • kidney = one of two organs in your back that takes waste products out of your blood and makes urine
  • lack of = not enough
  • large intestine = the place where food is changed into a waste
  • liquid = fluid; something to drink
  • measure = the unit of something
  • narrow = not wide
  • nutrition = getting the right kind of food for your body
  • nutritional value =how good a type of food is for your body
  • nutritionist = someone who knows a lot about the right kind of food to eat
  • obesity = when someone is so fat that it is unhealthy
  • occur = happen
  • oxygen = gas that has no colour or smell and is in the air that we breathe
  • pass = travel
  • pea = round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable
  • poultry = meat from birds like chickens, ducks, and turkeys
  • provide = give
  • raise = to make something go up
  • reduce = become lower
  • repair = fix
  • saturated fat = type of fat from meat and milk products; it is not as healthy as fats from vegetables or fish
  • science = knowledge about something
  • seed = hard object that comes from plants
  • serving = portion; the amount of food that is enough for one person
  • sparingly = only very little
  • starch = food that has carbohydrates in it and that gives your body energy; rice or potatoes have a lot of starch in them
  • store = keep in a place
  • stroke = if an artery suddenly breaks or is blocked so that blood cannot go through any more
  • substance = material
  • survive = to live on
  • swallow = to make food go down your throat
  • trace element = a chemical element that your body needs only a little of
  • urine = the yellow liquid that comes out of your body
  • variety = many different kinds of
  • various = different
  • vegetable oil = oil from plants and vegetables
  • waste = material that you cannot use any more
  • watery solution = a liquid like water
  • waxy = made of wax
  • weight = how heavy you are
  • wide range = many different types of



Semua  makhluk hidup membutuhkan makanan untuk bertahan hidup. Itu memberi kita energi untuk semua yang kita lakukan. Ini juga memberi tubuh apa yang dibutuhkannya untuk memperbaiki otot, organ, dan kulit. Makanan membantu kita melawan penyakit berbahaya.

Penting untuk makan berbagai macam makanan agar tetap sehat. Nutrisi adalah ilmu yang berhubungan dengan makanan dan bagaimana tubuh menggunakannya.

Bagaimana tubuh menggunakan makanan

Makanan mengandung nutrisi di dalamnya— zat yang memberi tubuh kita banyak hal penting yang kita butuhkan. Mereka memberi kita energi dan juga membantu mengendalikan cara tubuh kita tumbuh.

Sebelum nutrisi dapat bekerja, makanan harus dipecah agar dapat masuk ke tubuh kita. Ini disebut pencernaan. Itu dimulai ketika kita mengunyah makanan yang kita makan. Ketika kita menelannya bergerak ke perut di mana ia dicampur bersama dengan air dan cairan lain. Kemudian makanan diteruskan ke Pencernaan – Bagaimana tubuh memecah usus makanan. Nutrisi keluar melalui dinding usus ke dalam darah kita. Dari sana mereka dibawa ke seluruh bagian tubuh.

Sebagian besar makanan meninggalkan limbah yang tidak bisa digunakan tubuh. Beberapa di antaranya masuk ke ginjal dan berubah menjadi urin. Hati juga menyaring limbah. Apa yang tertinggal melewati usus besar dan meninggalkan tubuh kita?


Ada enam kelompok nutrisi utama: protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin, mineral, dan air. Energi yang diberikan makanan kepada kita diukur dalam kilokalori atau seribu kalori. Kalori adalah energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menaikkan suhu air hingga satu derajat Celcius.


Meskipun air tidak memberi kita energi, itu adalah nutrisi yang paling penting. Kita mungkin bisa hidup tanpa yang lain selama berminggu-minggu, tetapi kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa air selama lebih dari beberapa hari.

Air memiliki banyak fungsi dalam tubuh kita. Ini membantu memecah makanan. Ini juga mendinginkan tubuh ketika menjadi terlalu panas. Tubuh membawa produk limbah dalam larutan encer.

Tubuh kita membutuhkan sekitar 2-3 liter air sehari. Kami mendapatkannya dari air dan cairan yang kami minum tetapi juga dari buah-buahan, sayuran, dan makanan lainnya.


Karbohidrat adalah sumber energi utama bagi tubuh kita. Gula dan pati mengandung karbohidrat di dalamnya.

Gula adalah karbohidrat sederhana. Ini memberi kita energi dengan sangat cepat. Bentuk energi ini dapat ditemukan dalam produk susu, madu, sirup, selai, dan jeli.

Pati harus dipecah menjadi gula sebelum tubuh kita dapat menggunakannya. Mereka ditemukan dalam kacang-kacangan, roti, kentang, sereal, jagung, pasta, kacang polong, dan kentang. Mereka memberi tubuh kita pasokan energi yang konstan.


Tubuh kita membutuhkan lemak dalam jumlah kecil. Lemak terdiri dari karbon, oksigen, dan hidrogen. Mereka menyimpan vitamin dan menghasilkan asam lemak. Kami membutuhkan asam ini untuk menghasilkan membran sel.

Lemak bisa berasal dari hewan atau tumbuhan. Mereka ada dalam daging dan produk susu, seperti mentega dan keju. Jenis lemak lainnya adalah minyak sayur, kacang-kacangan atau biji-bijian.

Terlalu banyak lemak jenuh menghasilkan kadar kolesterol tinggi, bahan lilin yang dibuat oleh tubuh. Itu mulai membangun di dinding pembuluh darah dan dapat memblokir darah saat mengalir melalui tubuh kita.


Protein adalah salah satu blok bangunan terpenting tubuh kita. Otot, kulit, dan rambut, misalnya, terbuat dari protein.

Protein adalah molekul kompleks yang terbuat dari asam amino. Tubuh dapat menghasilkan beberapa dari mereka sendiri, tetapi kita harus mendapatkan yang lain dari makanan. Protein ada dalam keju, telur, ikan, daging, susu, serta kacang-kacangan, kacang polong, dan kacang-kacangan.


Mineral dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan. Mereka anorganik, bukan terbuat dari makhluk hidup. Tubuh kita membutuhkan jumlah berbagai mineral yang berbeda. Kalsium dan magnesium, misalnya, penting untuk tulang dan gigi. Kami juga membutuhkan sedikit zat besi. Ini adalah komponen hemoglobin, yang membawa oksigen ke sel darah merah. Fluorin atau seng adalah mineral lain yang kita butuhkan dalam jumlah yang sangat kecil. Mereka disebut elemen jejak.


Tubuh kita membutuhkan berbagai vitamin untuk tetap sehat. Masing-masing dari mereka melakukan pekerjaan yang berbeda. Vitamin A, misalnya, membantu pertumbuhan kulit dan rambut. Vitamin C diperlukan untuk melawan infeksi. Vitamin D membantu pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi

Diet yang tepat

Kunci untuk tetap sehat adalah makan makanan yang tepat. Ahli gizi menyarankan makan sesuai dengan piramida panduan makanan. Ini memiliki lima bagian. Anda harus makan banyak bagian bawah, tetapi hanya sedikit bagian atas.

Pedoman makan

  1. Hati-hati dengan berat badan Anda. Obesitas dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan.
  2. Latihan setiap hari. Ini membantu tubuh membakar kalori dan lemak yang tidak Anda butuhkan.
  3. Makan banyak produk biji-bijian
  4. Berhati-hatilah untuk tidak mengonsumsi makanan yang memiliki terlalu banyak lemak jenuh dan kolesterol
  5. Jangan makan terlalu banyak gula. Makanan dan minuman tinggi gula memiliki banyak kalori tetapi tidak banyak nutrisi.
  6. Jangan terlalu banyak garam pada makanan Anda. Ini dapat menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi.
  7. Sertakan serat dalam makanan Anda. Ini membantu makanan bergerak di dalam tubuh Anda.
  8. Waspadai minuman beralkohol. Mereka memiliki banyak kalori tetapi tidak memiliki nutrisi.
  9. Simpan dan masak makanan dengan benar sehingga mereka tidak kehilangan nilai nutrisi

Nutrisi dan penyakit

Di seluruh dunia, orang menderita penyakit yang disebabkan oleh makan makanan yang salah atau tidak cukup makan.

Di negara berkembang, penyakit defisiensi muncul ketika orang tidak mendapatkan nutrisi yang tepat. Kwashiorkor adalah penyakit yang terjadi jika tubuh Anda tidak mendapatkan cukup protein. Marasmus terjadi pada anak kecil yang tidak mendapatkan cukup kalori setiap hari. Mereka menjadi lemah, kurus, dan sering mati. Penyakit sering terjadi jika Anda kekurangan vitamin. Tidak cukup vitamin D, misalnya, dapat menyebabkan penyakit tulang.

Di negara-negara industri, orang sering menderita makan terlalu banyak. Terlalu banyak lemak dan kolesterol dalam tubuh Anda dapat menyebabkan penyakit jantung, obesitas, dan kanker. Kadar kolesterol tinggi dapat membuat arteri Anda menyempit. Hasilnya mungkin tekanan darah tinggi, serangan jantung atau stroke.

Kekurangan mineral tertentu juga dapat menyebabkan penyakit. Tidak cukup zat besi dalam makanan Anda mengurangi kemampuan darah untuk membuat sel darah merah, yang dibutuhkan untuk mengangkut oksigen ke seluruh tubuh kita.

Demikian beberapa contoh Teks Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan. Semangat belajar!