70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

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LabBahasaInggris.co.id – Artikel hari ini kalian akan menemukan latihan tingkat menengah (Intermediate Level) dalam  70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban.

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70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban
70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

Part 1 – Past Perfect Tense


PAST or PAST PERFECT (Simple and progressive) – Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb!

1. When I _______ (WALK) through Bologna I _______ (THINK) about the wonderful times I _______ (SPEND) there as a student.

2. They _______ (ALREADY LEAVE) the village before the sun _______ (RISE).

3. As soon as she _______ (FINISH) cleaning the floors she _______ (START) gardening.

4. After I _______ (POST) the letter I _______ (REALISE) I _______ (WRITE) the wrong address.

5. We _______ (DRIVE) for two hours when we saw the hotel.

6. It was the first time that he _______ (INVITE) me for lunch.

7. John _______ (ASK) me if I _______ (BE) away on holiday.

8. When I _______ (GET) home last night my family _______ (ALREADY GO) to bed.

9. We _______ (BE) worried about John because we _______ (CALL) several times but he never answered.

10. When I _______ (ARRIVE) home I _______ (SEE) that someone _______ (BREAK) into my house.

11. She _______ (MEET) James on the street yesterday and he _______ (TELL) her that he _______ (BE) ill for the past two weeks.

12. I _______ (LOOK) out of the window last night because I _______ (HEAR) some noises.

13. I _______ (INVITE) Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she _______  (ALREADY MAKE) other plans.

14. They _______ (WATCH) TV when the earthquake occurred.

15. When room service arrived, we _______ (ALREADY WAIT) for nearly half an hour.


1. When I WAS WALKING through Bologna I THOUGHT/ WAS THINKING about the wonderful times I HAD SPENT there as a student.

2. They HAD ALREADY LEFT the village before the sun ROSE.

3. As soon as she HAD FINISHED cleaning the floors she STARTED gardening.

4. After I HAD POSTED the letter I REALISED I HAD WRITTEN the wrong address.

5. We HAD BEEN DRIVING for two hours when we saw the hotel.

6. It was the first time that he HAD INVITED me for lunch.

7. John ASKED me if I HAD BEEN away on holiday.

8. When I GOT home last night my family HAD ALREADY GONE to bed.

9. We WERE worried about John because we HAD CALLED several times but he never answered.

10. When I ARRIVED home I SAW that someone HAD BROKEN into my house.

11. She MET James on the street yesterday and he TOLD  her that he HAD BEEN ill for the past
two weeks.

12. I LOOKED out of the window last night because I HAD HEARD some noises.

13. I INVITED  Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she HAD ALREADY MADE other plans.

14. They WERE WATCHING TV when the earthquake occurred.

15. When room service arrived, we HAD ALREADY BEEN WAITING for nearly half an hour.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban[/su_box]

Part 2 – Past Perfect Tense


PAST or PAST PERFECT Tense: Fill in the correct verb forms!

1. They _______ (GO) home after they _______ (FINISH) their homework.

2. She just _______ (JUST GO) out when I called at her house.

3. The sun had set before I _______ (BE) ready to go.

4. When she came into the room she saw that her husband _______ (ALREADY DRINK) a lot
of alcohol.

5. He _______ (LEARN) English before he left for England.

6. When my husband came home I _______ (ALREADY BE) in bed for two hours.

7. My friend _______ (NOT SEE) me for many years when I met him last week.

8. After I _______ (HEAR) the news, I _______ (HURRY) to see him.

9. He thanked me for what I _______ (DO).

10. They drank small cups of tea after they _______ (FINISH) dinner.

11. He told me _______ (CATCH) a young lion and _______ (SHOOT) two

12. When I _______ (GET) there everyone _______ (ALREADY GO).

13. When I saw him last he _______ (BE) married for 6 years.

14. We heard that a fire _______ (BREAK OUT) in the neighboring house.

15. After he _______ (READ) the letter he _______ (BURN) it.

16. He wanted to go to London because he _______ (NEVER BE) there before.

17. When Queen Victoria _______ (DIE) in 1901 she _______ (REIGN) for over
60 years.

18. She told me that she _______ (NEVER GO) to Canada.

19. The results were better than I _______ (EXPECT)

20. Mr. Smith retired last year after he _______ (BE) with his company for over 30 years.


1. They WENT home after they HAD FINISHED their homework.

2. She HAD JUST GONE out when I called at her house.

3. The sun had set before I WAS ready to go.

4. When she came into the room she saw that her husband HAD ALREADY DRUNK a lot of alcohol.

5. He HAD LEARNED/ HAD BEEN LEARNING English before he left for England.

6. When my husband came home I HAD ALREADY BEEN in bed for two hours.

7. My friend HAD NOT SEEN me for many years when I met him last week.

8. After I HAD HEARD the news, I HURRIED to see him.

9. He thanked me for what I HAD DONE.

10. They drank small cups of tea after they HAD FINISHED dinner.

11. He told me he HAD CAUGHT a young lion and HAD SHOT two others.

12. When I GOT there everyone HAD ALREADY GONE.

13. When I saw him last he HAD BEEN married for 6 years.

14. We heard that a fire HAD BROKEN OUT in the neighboring house.

15. After he HAD READ the letter he BURNED it.

16. He wanted to go to London because he HAD NEVER BEEN there before.

17. When Queen Victoria DIED in 1901 she HAD REIGNED/ HAD BEEN REIGNING for over 60 years.

18. She told me that she HAD NEVER GONE to Canada.

19. The results were better than I HAD EXPECTED.

20. Mr. Smith retired last year after he HAD BEEN with his company for over 30 years.

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Part 3 – Past Perfect Tense


Past or Past Perfect Tense – Simple: Fill in the correct form.

1. Mary _______ (give) me Tony’s address before she left.

2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film _______ (already, start).

3. Before we reached the station we saw that we _______ (lose) our way.

4. All the tickets _______ (be) sold before the concert began.

5. They took a shower after they _______ (finish) the game.

6. I asked Mr. Green how many books he _______ (read)

7. Mum asked me why I ___________________ (not tidy) up my room.

8. Bob was sorry that he _______ (told) me the story.

9. Alan watched TV after he _______ (have) lunch.

10. The sun _______ (shine) yesterday after it _______ (be) cold for many weeks.

11. Uncle David _______ (go) to the doctor after he _______ (be) ill for a month.

12. Before the police _______ (catch) the thief, he _______ (steal) two more watches.

13. Mum once _______ (paint) a picture although she _______ (never, learn) it.

14. I _______ (not tell) my teacher that my mum _______ (help) me with
my homework.

15. I _______ (be) very angry when I _______ (see) that my brother _______ (eat) my apple.

16. The bike _______ (be) much more expensive than he _______ (think) at first.

17. Dad _______ (drive) me home after I _______ (fall) into the water.

18. Marion _______ (ask) me what _______ (happen) to me last week.

19. We _______ (eat) two Big Macs before we _______ (go) home.

20. Paul _______ (not say) that he _______ (take) Albert’s watch.

21. The days _______ (become) colder after it _______ (snow).

22. Martin _______ (tell) me that he _______ (be) in London.

23. I _______ (feel) great after I _______ (pass) the exam.

24. It _______ (be) Freddy who _______ (clean) the room.

25. When I _______ (get) off the bike I _______ (see) that one of those tires _______ (lose) air.

26. I _______ (be) sorry that I _______ (not be) nicer to him.

27. Nobody _______ (come) to the meeting because Angela _______ (forget) to tell them about it.

28. I know that I _______ (see) her somewhere before.

29. Because she _______ (not check) the oil for so long, the car _______ (break) down.

30. She couldn’t find the book that I _______ (lend) her.

31. They never _______ (never find) where he _______ (hide) the money.

32. It was a firm that I _______ (never hear) of.

33. When she _______ (come ) in we all knew where she _______ (be)

34. The lesson _______ (already start) when I ___________________ (arrive).

35. When I _______ (get) to the park I found out that I _______ (lose) my car.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban dan Penjelasannya[/su_box]

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