– Politik (Yunani: Politikos; Arab: سياسة, siyasah) (dari bahasa Yunani: politikos, yang berarti dari, untuk, atau yang berkaitan dengan warga negara), adalah proses pembentukan dan pembagian kekuasaan dalam masyarakat yang antara lain berwujud proses pembuatan keputusan, khususnya dalam negara. Pengertian ini merupakan upaya penggabungan antara berbagai definisi yang berbeda mengenai hakikat politik yang dikenal dalam ilmu politik.
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Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Politik
European Parliament – Task and Powers of the General Assembly
Every five years Europe’s 490 million citizens select their members of the European Parliament. Since 1979 MEPs have been elected directly by the people. Every citizen of a member country can vote, wherever they live. Even though it does not have the power that national parliaments have, the European Parliament influences the lives of Europe’s citizens.
The European Parliament has 785 members from 27 countries. They sit together in political groups, not in country blocks. The two biggest groups are the Christian Democrats or Conservatives, with 278 seats and the Socialist with currently 216 seats. Other groups are the Liberals, Nationalists, the Greens, and other smaller parties.
Each country elects a certain number of MEP’s, depending on their population. Germany, for example, has 99 MEPs, whereas small countries, like Malta, only have 5 MEPs. The parliament gets together in Strasbourg but most of the MEPs do their work in Brussels.
The European Parliament has three main tasks.
- Together with the Council, it passes laws. Even though it does not have very much power there are some areas in which the Council must ask Parliament for approval. A new country, for example, cannot become a member of the European Union without Parliament’s approval.
- It oversees the work of the other EU organs, especially the Commission. Before a new commissioner can begin their job parliament has to approve. MEPs can ask questions and there are regular meetings between parliament members and the Commission.
- It decides and monitors how the EU spends money.
When the new Treaty of Lisbon is passed by all member states the European Parliament will get more rights and become more of a real parliament than it is now.
- approval = to officially accept or say yes to something
- certain =fixed
- citizen = a person who lives in a country and has rights there
- Council of the EU = the organ that makes most of the decisions in the EU
- currently = at the moment
- depending = here: not always the same, decided by the number of people a country has
- elect = choose, vote for
- European Commission = it carries outlaws and makes sure they are obeyed
- even though = while
- influence = to have an effect on
- law = set of rules in a country
- MEP = Member of the European Parliament
- monitor = oversee, control
- organ = institution
- oversee = check, control
- regular = something that happens often, every week, day or month
- seat = place, member
- task = job
- whereas = while
Parlemen Eropa – Tugas dan Wewenang Majelis Umum
Setiap lima tahun, 490 juta warga Eropa memilih anggota Parlemen Eropa mereka. Sejak 1979 anggota parlemen telah dipilih langsung oleh rakyat. Setiap warga negara dari negara anggota dapat memberikan suara, di mana pun mereka tinggal. Meskipun tidak memiliki kekuatan yang dimiliki parlemen nasional, Parlemen Eropa memengaruhi kehidupan warga Eropa.
Parlemen Eropa memiliki 785 anggota dari 27 negara. Mereka duduk bersama dalam kelompok politik, bukan di blok negara. Dua kelompok terbesar adalah Demokrat Kristen atau Konservatif, dengan 278 kursi dan Sosialis dengan 216 kursi. Kelompok lain adalah Liberal, Nasionalis, Hijau, dan partai-partai kecil lainnya.
Setiap negara memilih sejumlah MEP tertentu, tergantung pada populasi mereka. Jerman, misalnya, memiliki 99 MEP, sedangkan negara-negara kecil, seperti Malta, hanya memiliki 5 MEP. Parlemen berkumpul di Strasbourg tetapi sebagian besar anggota parlemen melakukan pekerjaan mereka di Brussels.
Parlemen Eropa memiliki tiga tugas utama.
- Bersama dengan Dewan, ia meloloskan undang-undang. Meskipun tidak memiliki banyak kekuasaan, ada beberapa bidang di mana Dewan harus meminta persetujuan Parlemen. Negara baru, misalnya, tidak dapat menjadi anggota Uni Eropa tanpa persetujuan Parlemen.
- Mengawasi pekerjaan organ UE lainnya, terutama Komisi. Sebelum seorang komisioner baru dapat memulai pekerjaannya, parlemen mereka harus menyetujui. Parlemen Eropa dapat mengajukan pertanyaan dan ada pertemuan rutin antara anggota parlemen dan Komisi.
- Memutuskan dan memantau bagaimana Uni Eropa menghabiskan uang.
Ketika Perjanjian Lisbon baru disahkan oleh semua negara anggota Parlemen Eropa akan mendapatkan lebih banyak hak dan menjadi lebih dari parlemen nyata daripada sekarang.
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The Green Card Lottery
Each year the United States gives over one million green cards to immigrants. A green card is an official document that shows that a person is a legal American immigrant. Green card holders are allowed to live and work in the United States.
Many groups of people get green cards: foreigners who work in the United States or have a family there, as well as asylum seekers and refugees. Having a green card does not mean a person is an American citizen, but they can stay and work in the US indefinitely. Since 1990 50000 green cards have been given to foreigners through a lottery organized by the US government. Millions of people all over the world apply for one, so the chances of getting a green card are very small. Only countries from which few people come to the US are allowed to participate in the lottery. Countries with a high rate of immigration to the US, like Mexico, the Philippines, Brazil or Vietnam are excluded from the program.
According to the American government, foreigners who apply for a green card must fulfil certain requirements. They must have at least 12 years of education or they must qualify by having worked in a job that requires at least two years of training. Being able to speak English is not a qualification. The winners of the lottery are allowed to bring their wives or husbands and their children under 21 to the United States too. However, they must show officials that they have enough money to live on their own and do not need state help. The government does not help such people find a place to live or a job either.
American authorities reject people who are mentally retarded or have a criminal record. They also take a closer look at foreigners who come from countries in which terror groups operate.
- according to = as said by …
- apply = ask for, want to have
- asylum seeker = someone who leaves their own country because of war or political reasons and asks the government of another country if they can stay there
- authorities = the people or organization in charge of something
- certain = special
- citizen = a person who lives in a country and has rights there
- criminal record = a document kept by the police that shows you have done something wrong in the past
- exclude = do not take part in
- foreigner = a person from another country
- fulfil = meet, have
- government = the people who rule a country
- high rate = very many; a high number
- however = but
- immigrant = a person who comes to a country to live or work there
- indefinitely = forever
- legal = allowed by law
- live on your own = you do not need money from other people or the state
- lottery = a system of choosing a person by chance
- a mentally retarded = person whose brain is not well developed and is often slow in thinking
- official = a person who has a high position in a government organization
- official = allowed by the government
- operate = to be active
- participate = take part in
- refugee = someone who has to leave their country because of a war, religious reasons or natural disaster
- reject = do not allow; to say no
- require = need
- requirement = something you need or have to have
Lotere Kartu Hijau
Setiap tahun Amerika Serikat memberikan lebih dari satu juta kartu hijau kepada imigran. Kartu hijau adalah dokumen resmi yang menunjukkan bahwa seseorang adalah imigran Amerika yang sah. Pemegang kartu hijau diizinkan untuk tinggal dan bekerja di Amerika Serikat.
Banyak kelompok orang mendapat kartu hijau: orang asing yang bekerja di Amerika Serikat atau memiliki keluarga di sana, serta pencari suaka dan pengungsi. Memiliki kartu hijau tidak berarti seseorang adalah warga negara Amerika, tetapi mereka dapat tinggal dan bekerja di AS tanpa batas waktu. Sejak 1990 50.000 kartu hijau telah diberikan kepada orang asing melalui lotere yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah AS. Jutaan orang di seluruh dunia melamarnya, jadi peluang mendapatkan kartu hijau sangat kecil. Hanya negara tempat beberapa orang datang ke AS diizinkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam lotre. Negara-negara dengan tingkat imigrasi yang tinggi ke AS, seperti Meksiko, Filipina, Brasil atau Vietnam dikeluarkan dari program ini.
Menurut pemerintah Amerika, orang asing yang mengajukan kartu hijau harus memenuhi persyaratan tertentu. Mereka harus memiliki minimal 12 tahun pendidikan atau mereka harus memenuhi syarat dengan pernah bekerja dalam pekerjaan yang membutuhkan setidaknya dua tahun pelatihan. Mampu berbahasa Inggris bukanlah kualifikasi. Para pemenang lotre diizinkan membawa istri atau suami dan anak-anak mereka yang berusia di bawah 21 tahun ke Amerika Serikat juga. Namun, mereka harus menunjukkan kepada pejabat bahwa mereka memiliki cukup uang untuk hidup sendiri dan tidak memerlukan bantuan negara. Pemerintah tidak membantu orang-orang semacam itu untuk mendapatkan tempat tinggal atau pekerjaan.
Otoritas Amerika menolak orang yang mengalami keterbelakangan mental atau memiliki catatan kriminal. Mereka juga melihat lebih dekat orang asing yang datang dari negara-negara di mana kelompok-kelompok teror beroperasi.
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The Tea Party Movement
The Tea Party movement is a conservative interest group in America. It got its name from the Boston Tea Party of 1773, in which angry American colonists dumped tons of tea into Boston’s harbour because they were mad at Britain for putting a tax on imported tea.
The recent Tea Party movement began in 2009 with angry citizens protesting against Barack Obama’s government. Tea Party followers are against big government spending, high taxes, greedy banks that spend people’s money, Obama’s health care program and the way Barack Obama helped companies in debt and the nation’s economy in 2008. They are also are against immigration.
The Tea Party is opposed to Washington because they see Democrats running the nation’s capital. They say that the government has become too big and too powerful. Most of them see the country in danger and an economic crisis coming up in the near future.
So, who are the typical Tea Party supporters? Almost 90% of them are white. They are typically older middle-class American citizens. A third of them live in the South, although the movement is spreading throughout America. Three out of four say they are conservatives who think Barack Obama is too liberal.
The Tea Party followers do not have a real leader but one of its figureheads is Sarah Palin, conservative vice-presidential candidate of 2008. Some Republican politicians are afraid the Tea Party movement will push the Republican Party more to the right, too far right for some people to elect.
In the past year, thousands of local groups have sprung up across the country. The protest movement might be the biggest in the country. Although it is not a political party about 40% of all Americans support it.
- although = while
- candidate = someone who wants to be in an election
- citizen = a person who lives in a country and has rights there
- debt = the money you owe to someone
- dump = unload from a ship
- economy = the system of producing goods and money in a country
- elect = vote for
- figurehead = someone who people see as the leader, but without real power
- follower = fan, helper
- greedy = always wanting more and more
- harbour = a place where ships stay to load and unload goods
- health care = the service that is responsible for looking after the health of people in a country
- immigration = when people from other countries come to a new country to live and work there
- local = in a town or village
- movement = group that follows certain ideas or actions
- oppose = against
- recent = new, latest
- run = to be in power
- spring up = come up, emerge
- support = agree to an idea and help it
- tax = the money everybody must pay to the government on what they earn and see; the government then uses the money to pay for public services
- throughout = all across
Gerakan Pesta Teh
Gerakan Tea Party adalah kelompok kepentingan konservatif di Amerika. Itu mendapat namanya dari Boston Tea Party 1773, di mana penjajah Amerika yang marah membuang banyak teh ke pelabuhan Boston karena mereka marah pada Inggris karena mengenakan pajak atas teh impor.
Gerakan Tea Party baru-baru ini dimulai pada 2009 dengan warga yang marah memprotes pemerintah Barack Obama. Pengikut Tea Party menentang pengeluaran pemerintah yang besar, pajak tinggi, bank rakus yang menghabiskan uang rakyat, program perawatan kesehatan Obama dan cara Barack Obama membantu perusahaan-perusahaan dalam hutang dan ekonomi negara pada 2008. Mereka juga menentang imigrasi.
Pesta Teh menentang Washington karena mereka melihat Demokrat menjalankan ibukota negara. Mereka mengatakan bahwa pemerintah telah menjadi terlalu besar dan terlalu kuat. Sebagian besar dari mereka melihat negara dalam bahaya dan krisis ekonomi akan datang dalam waktu dekat.
Jadi, siapakah pendukung Tea Party yang khas? Hampir 90% dari mereka berkulit putih. Mereka biasanya warga negara Amerika kelas menengah yang lebih tua. Sepertiga dari mereka tinggal di Selatan, meskipun gerakan ini menyebar ke seluruh Amerika. Tiga dari empat mengatakan mereka konservatif yang menganggap Barack Obama terlalu liberal.
Pengikut Tea Party tidak memiliki pemimpin yang nyata tetapi salah satu tokohnya adalah Sarah Palin, kandidat wakil presiden konservatif 2008. Beberapa politisi Republik khawatir gerakan Tea Party akan mendorong Partai Republik lebih ke kanan, terlalu jauh ke kanan untuk beberapa orang untuk memilih.
Pada tahun lalu, ribuan kelompok lokal bermunculan di seluruh negeri. Gerakan protes mungkin yang terbesar di negara ini. Meskipun bukan partai politik, sekitar 40% dari semua orang Amerika mendukungnya.
The road to the White House
There are many people who would like to become President. From January to June of the election year, the two big parties, Republicans and Democrats, hold primaries in many states. In these primaries, people decide who should become the party’s candidate for the presidential election in November.
At the end of the primaries, each party organizes a big party called a convention. Thousands of party members meet and select the candidate who was the best in the primaries. At the convention, the candidate also tells the people who will become Vice President if he gets elected.
General Election
General Election ballot from August to November the candidates of each party travel all over the country, hold speeches and try to get the people to vote for them. On the 1st Tuesday in November the American people vote for one of the presidential candidates. In most cases, there are only two candidates, a Republican and a Democrat, but in the last elections candidates from other parties have taken part in the election.
Electoral College
Americans do not vote for the President directly. They select electors who represent them in the electoral college.
Each state has a certain number of electors. Big states with a large population, like California, have many electors (54) and small states, like Hawaii, only have a few electors. Altogether there are 538 electors who get together in the Electoral College.
In December all the electors meet and elect a president. Most of the time they vote for the candidate who has won in their state. The candidate who has 270 or more electoral votes becomes President.
Candidates often concentrate on big states with lots of electors. They know that if they win in states like California, New York or Texas they have a good chance of becoming President.
On January 20th of the following year, the new President and his Vice President begin the new term. They put their left hand on a Bible and take an oath.
- candidate =person who wants to become president
- certain =special
- concentrate =focus on
- elect = to chose somebody by voting for him
- election = when people vote to chose somebody
- Electoral College = a group of people who are chosen by the voters of the USA. They get together to elect a President
- electors =member of the Electoral College
- electoral votes =votes that each state has in the Electoral College
- few = not very many
- a good chance of becoming = it is very possible
- primary = an election at which people vote for a party’s candidate
- represent =vote for
- select = chose
- speech = to talk to a group of people about many things
- take an oath = a very serious promise
- take part =to be a candidate in
- term = the time when a person is President
- vote =elect
Jalan Menuju Gedung Putih
Ada banyak orang yang ingin menjadi presiden. Dari Januari hingga Juni tahun pemilihan, dua partai besar, Partai Republik dan Demokrat, mengadakan pemilihan pendahuluan di banyak negara. Dalam pemilihan pendahuluan ini, orang-orang memutuskan siapa yang harus menjadi kandidat partai untuk pemilihan presiden pada bulan November.
Di akhir pemilihan pendahuluan, masing-masing pihak menyelenggarakan pesta besar yang disebut konvensi. Ribuan anggota partai bertemu dan memilih kandidat yang terbaik dalam pemilihan pendahuluan. Di konvensi, kandidat juga memberi tahu orang-orang yang akan menjadi Wakil Presiden jika dia terpilih.
Pemilihan Umum
Pemungutan suara Pemilu dari Agustus hingga November para kandidat dari masing-masing partai melakukan perjalanan ke seluruh negeri, mengadakan pidato dan mencoba membuat orang-orang memilih mereka. Pada hari Selasa pertama di bulan November orang-orang Amerika memberikan suara untuk salah satu kandidat presiden. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, hanya ada dua kandidat, seorang Republikan dan seorang Demokrat, tetapi dalam pemilu terakhir, kandidat dari partai lain telah ikut serta dalam pemilu.
Perguruan Tinggi Pemilihan
Orang Amerika tidak memilih Presiden secara langsung. Mereka memilih pemilih yang mewakili mereka di perguruan tinggi pemilihan.
Setiap negara bagian memiliki sejumlah pemilih. Negara-negara besar dengan populasi besar, seperti California, memiliki banyak pemilih (54) dan negara-negara kecil, seperti Hawaii, hanya memiliki beberapa pemilih. Secara keseluruhan ada 538 pemilih yang berkumpul di Electoral College.
Pada bulan Desember semua pemilih bertemu dan memilih seorang presiden. Sebagian besar waktu mereka memilih kandidat yang telah menang di negara mereka. Kandidat yang memiliki 270 atau lebih suara pemilihan menjadi Presiden.
Calon sering berkonsentrasi pada negara-negara besar dengan banyak pemilih. Mereka tahu bahwa jika mereka menang di negara bagian seperti California, New York atau Texas, mereka memiliki peluang bagus untuk menjadi Presiden.
Pada 20 Januari tahun berikutnya, Presiden baru dan Wakil Presidennya memulai masa jabatan baru. Mereka meletakkan tangan kiri mereka di atas sebuah Alkitab dan bersumpah.
The American President
The President of the United States is probably the most powerful leader in the world. He has many duties, like signing bills and commanding the armed forces. The president’s advisors get together in the Cabinet.
Congress and the Supreme Court control the president and his decisions. America has had great presidents: George Washington, the first president of the newly formed United States, Abraham Lincoln who abolished slavery, Franklin D. Roosevelt who led America through World War II or John F. Kennedy, a popular president who was assassinated in Dallas.
A presidential election is held every four years. Americans do not choose their president directly. Instead, they vote for electors who get together in the Electoral College.
Presiden Amerika
Presiden Amerika Serikat mungkin adalah pemimpin paling kuat di dunia. Dia memiliki banyak tugas, seperti menandatangani tagihan dan memimpin pasukan bersenjata. Penasihat presiden berkumpul di Kabinet.
Kongres dan Mahkamah Agung mengendalikan presiden dan keputusannya. Amerika memiliki presiden yang hebat: George Washington, presiden pertama Amerika Serikat yang baru dibentuk, Abraham Lincoln yang menghapuskan perbudakan, Franklin D. Roosevelt yang memimpin Amerika melalui Perang Dunia II atau John F. Kennedy, seorang presiden populer yang dibunuh di Dallas.
Pemilihan presiden diadakan setiap empat tahun. Orang Amerika tidak memilih presiden mereka secara langsung. Sebagai gantinya, mereka memilih pemilih yang berkumpul di Electoral College.
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