Introduction Text: Perkenalan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat

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Contoh Teks Perkenalan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat

Introduction Text: Perkenalan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat
Contoh Teks Perkenalan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat


How to Introduce Yourself in Class?

Introducing yourself in class, whether you are the student or the teacher, can feel daunting. Deciding what and how much to share, overcoming anxiety, and presenting yourself as an interesting and engaged person are steps that will help you introduce yourself with confidence, both in a physical classroom or in an online setting.

Giving Your Introduction Speech

1. Stand up when it’s your turn to introduce yourself.
This will make you appear more confident and will help you speak more clearly than if you were to stay seated. It may feel awkward to stand up, but your introduction will be over more quickly than you think.

  • If you are sitting in the middle of the room, you may want to turn your head from side to side occasionally as you speak so you can address the entire class.

2. Smile when you speak.
Even if you are super nervous, smiling will make your voice sound calmer and will help you mask that nervousness. It also shows your classmates and your teacher that you are friendly and approachable. Also, smiling stimulates the production of endorphins, so you are helping yourself to feel a little happier, too!

  • Scientific studies have shown that making yourself smile when publicly speaking endears others to you as they naturally will want to smile back.

3. Speak with confidence.
Chances are that even if your voice is shaky, others won’t notice that. You want everyone to be able to hear from you, so when you introduce yourself, do so in a clear, loud voice. Don’t mumble or stare down at the ground. It’s perfectly okay to be nervous—lots of people are when speaking in front of others! But if you can take a steadying breath and project confidence, you’ll be through your introduction before you know it.

  • Try practising your introduction in a mirror to prepare yourself beforehand.
  • A lot of the people in your class will be thinking about what they are going to say when it’s their turn and may not even be watching you the entire time you’re speaking.

4. Give your name first.
It’s helpful to give your first name, pause, and then give your first and last name, like “Hello, my name is June, June Thompson.” The repetition makes it more likely that others will remember your name.

  • If you prefer to go by a nickname, this is the time to give that detail. Say something like, “Hi, my name is Marcella, Marcella Smith, but you can call me ‘Marcie.’”

5. Share why you are taking the class.
If you’re in a college course, you can share your intended major. Or if you’re taking a class for a certification for a job, you could share what it is you do for work. For example, you could say, “Hi, I’m Mark, Mark Palmer. I’m an Economics major, and this class is helping me get a certification I need to graduate.”

  • If you are only in the class because you have to be (like a general education course that all students are required to take), you don’t need to say that—chances are a lot of other people are in the same boat.

6. Offer personable details, like hobbies or interests you have.
If you are involved in sports or have pets or like to travel, the end of your introduction is a good place to give this information. You could say something like, “When I’m not studying, I like to train for and run in half-marathons.” This gives your classmates and teacher a memorable activity to tie to your name.

  • Avoid sharing overly personal details, like if you’re going through a divorce or recently lost your job. Try to keep things positive and upbeat—you don’t want your first impression to be negative or make other people uncomfortable.

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Contoh Teks Perkenalan 1

Hi friends, I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Jack Ortiz. But please call me Jack or Carlitos. Carlitos is a Spanish name which means that Masculine in English. I was born in Texas on 31 October 1998. I am 18 years old. I live in Austin No. 40 Round Rock, Texas. I live with my parents. I am single and I am a student. I study at The University of Texas. I have taken a Business as my majoring. Because business is my passion and I can prove to the world that I’ve chosen the right choice. I will be an entrepreneur in the future. I will have my own business and my own office with a thousand employees. I am a Catholic. My blood code is O. I like playing the guitar and listening to music. I play and practise the guitar every night before I go to sleep. In my opinion, the man with the guitar is the coolest art in a single picture. I like playing and listening to blues music because it makes me relax and peaceful. You will do agree with me if you like blues music. I am inspired by Slash, he is one of my favourite guitarists.

I would like to tell my family. My father is Antonio Ortiz. He is Mexican and he is 57 years old. His job is a mechanic. My mother is Grace Helena. She is American and she is 52 years old. She is a housewife. I have no brother but I have a sister. She is Samantha Ortiz. She is 28 years old. She has married and she has a son. I am the last child in my family.

I think that’s enough. Thanks for your time and your attention. It’s nice to see you. Good Morning.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Introduce Myself – Percakapan Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris[/su_box]


Hai teman-teman, saya ingin mengenalkan diri.

Nama saya adalah Jack Ortiz. Tapi tolong panggil saya Jack atau Carlitos. Carlitos adalah nama Spanyol yang berarti maskulin dalam bahasa Inggris. Saya lahir di Texas pada tanggal 31 Oktober 1998. Saya berusia 18 tahun. Saya tinggal di Austin No. 40 Round Rock, Texas. Saya tinggal dengan orang tua saya. Saya lajang dan saya seorang pelajar. Saya belajar di The University of Texas. Saya telah mengambil Bisnis sebagai jurusan saya. Karena bisnis adalah gairah saya dan saya bisa membuktikan kepada dunia bahwa saya telah memilih pilihan yang tepat. Saya akan menjadi entrepreneur di masa depan. Saya akan memiliki bisnis sendiri dan kantor saya sendiri dengan seribu karyawan. Saya seorang Katolik. Kode darah saya adalah O. Saya suka bermain gitar dan mendengarkan musik. Saya bermain dan berlatih gitar setiap malam sebelum saya tidur. Menurut saya, pria dengan gitar adalah seni paling keren dalam satu gambar. Saya suka bermain dan mendengarkan musik blues karena membuat saya rileks dan damai. Anda akan setuju dengan saya jika Anda menyukai musik blues. Saya terinspirasi oleh Slash, dia adalah salah satu gitaris favorit saya.

Saya ingin memberitahu keluarga saya. Ayah saya adalah Antonio Ortiz. Dia orang Meksiko dan dia berusia 57 tahun. Pekerjaan ayah saya adalah mekanik. Ibu saya adalah Grace Helena. Dia orang Amerika dan dia 52 tahun. Dia adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Aku tidak punya saudara laki-laki tapi aku punya saudara perempuan. Dia adalah Samantha Ortiz. Dia berusia 28 tahun. Dia sudah menikah dan dia punya anak laki-laki. Saya anak terakhir di keluarga saya.

Saya pikir itu sudah cukup. Terima kasih atas waktunya dan perhatiannya Senang bertemu anda. Selamat pagi.

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Contoh Teks Perkenalan 2

Hi friends,

This is the first time for me to go aboard to New York. In this occasion, I would like to give you the information about me. My name is Aubrey Jasmine. Please call me Aubrey. I was born on 18th September 1999 in Jogja. I’m eighteen years old. I’m young and energized. At my age, there will have so many things that I have to know. Making a mistake, of course. But it is not a big problem if you want to fix and analyze that mistake. In my opinion, life is full of trials and errors, I will have a lot of experiences with those.

My dear friends, I would like to tell you about my hometown, Jogja. Jogja is one of the biggest city in Indonesia. I love this city because Jogja has many beautiful places. Beaches at Gunung Kidul are my favourite places. I can enjoy my self there. Swimming is one of my favourite activity. If I have some problem, I just take a deep breath and scream as loud as I can. It works to heal for a while. I’ll tell you one secret. The perfect moment is at 5:30 PM, waiting for the beautiful sunset. Sunset at the beach of Gunung Kidul is a magnificent moment. That’s hard to describe by the words. Living with the feelings of peace in Jogja for seventeen years leaving an unforgettable memory, especially for my best friends out there.

I’m the only child in my family. I live here with my father. He asked me to continue my study in Philadelphia. You know this is the hardest part of my life to make a choice. I have to leave my mom to make my dreams come true for my better future. Five years to finish education is not a short time, is it? My father has a business in Philadelphia and my mother has a business in Indonesia. But I have to make a choice, because of this life is full of choices, right. Choose one for your best. I realize this is the part story of my life. God has something good for me in the future. I believe that.

I’ve just arrived here for almost a week. I’ve found the different culture between America and Indonesia. But that’s is not a big deal because I can adapt myself to the people and the weather. I would like to tell about my hobbies. Reading a novel is my favourite in my spare time. Romance and Horror Novel, I love both of them so badly. Because I can get some moral messages from the story. I love music so much, Electrical Dance Music is my favourite. I like clubbing just to get relax the atmosphere, releasing the tension. By the way, I like to watch the Movies, such as Indonesian Romance Movies, Korean Movies, and Western Movies especially Western Action and Western Horror Movie. I like KOREAN POP music or Kpop. The only reason why I like this Kpop because of my friends in Indonesia. They affected me so bad.

Well, that’s enough for the information. Thanks for your time. Have a great day, friends.

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Hai teman-teman,

Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya ke New York. Dalam kesempatan ini, saya ingin memberikan informasi tentang saya. Nama saya Aubrey Jasmine. Tolong panggil saya dengan sebutan Aubrey. Saya lahir pada tanggal 18 September 1999 di Jogja. Saya berumur delapan belas tahun. Saya muda dan bersemangat. Di seusia saya, akan ada banyak hal yang harus saya ketahui. Membuat kesalahan tentu saja. Tapi itu bukan masalah besar jika kalian ingin memperbaiki dan menganalisa kesalahan itu. Menurut pendapat saya, hidup ini penuh dengan cobaan dan kesalahan, saya akan memiliki banyak pengalaman dari mereka.

Teman-teman, saya ingin bercerita tentang kota asal saya, Jogja. Jogja adalah salah satu kota terbesar di Indonesia. Saya suka kota ini karena Jogja memiliki banyak tempat yang indah. Pantai di Gunung Kidul adalah tempat favorit saya. Saya bisa menikmati diri saya disana. Berenang adalah salah satu aktivitas favorit saya. Jika saya memiliki masalah, saya hanya menarik napas dalam-dalam dan berteriak sekeras yang saya bisa. Itu bekerja untuk menyembuhkan sementara waktu. Saya akan memberitahu kalian satu rahasia. Saat yang tepat adalah jam 5:30 sore, menunggu indahnya matahari terbenam. Matahari terbenam di pantai Gunung Kidul merupakan saat yang menakjubkan. Itu sulit dijelaskan dengan kata-kata. Tinggal dengan perasaan damai di Jogja selama tujuh belas tahun meninggalkan kenangan yang tak terlupakan, terutama bagi teman-teman terbaik saya.

Saya anak satu-satunya dalam keluarga saya. Saya tinggal di sini bersama ayah saya. Dia meminta saya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di Philadelphia. Kalian tahu ini adalah bagian tersulit dalam hidup saya untuk membuat pilihan. Saya harus meninggalkan ibu saya untuk membuat impian saya menjadi kenyataan demi masa depan saya yang lebih baik. Lima tahun untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan bukan waktu yang singkat, kan? Ayah saya memiliki bisnis di Philadelphia dan ibu saya memiliki bisnis di Indonesia. Tapi saya harus membuat pilihan, karena hidup ini penuh dengan pilihan, benar. Pilih satu untuk yang terbaik. Saya menyadari ini adalah bagian dari hidup saya. Tuhan memiliki sesuatu yang baik untuk saya di masa depan. Saya percaya itu.

Saya baru saja sampai di sini hampir seminggu. Saya telah menemukan perbedaan budaya antara Amerika dan Indonesia. Tapi itu bukan masalah besar karena saya bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan orang dan cuacanya di sini. Saya ingin menceritakan hobi saya. Membaca novel adalah favorit saya di waktu luang saya. Novel Romantis dan Horor, saya sangat menyukai keduanya. Karena saya bisa mendapatkan beberapa pesan moral dari cerita itu. Saya suka sekali musik, Electrical Dance Music adalah favorit saya. Saya suka clubbing hanya untuk bersantai, melepaskan ketegangan. Omong-omong, saya suka menonton film, seperti Indonesian Romance Movies, Korean Movies, dan Western Movies terutama Western Action dan Western Horror Movie. Saya suka musik POP KOREA atau Kpop. Satu-satunya alasan mengapa saya menyukai Kpop ini karena teman-teman saya di Indonesia. Mereka sangat memengaruhi saya.

Nah, cukup sudah untuk informasinya. Terima kasih atas waktunya. Semoga harimu menyenangkan, teman.

Demikian Contoh Teks Perkenalan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat.

Semoga contoh Teks Perkenalan di atas dapat membatu kalian merangkai kata dalam membuat sebuah teks monolog Bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat dan situasi kalian masing-masing. Tetap semangat belajar!

Jangan lupa berbagi kebaikan dengan share artikel ini kepada teman-teman kalian ya guys… Good Luck!