√ Narrative Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic Structures, Language Features, Contoh

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Narrative Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic Structures, Language Features, Contoh

Narrative Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic Structures, Language Features, Contoh
Narrative Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic Structures, Language Features, Contoh

Pengertian dan Tujuan

“A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people”
 Text adalah cerita narasi khayalan atau fiksi yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Cerita fiksi adalah sebuah cerita yang belum tentu keberannya karena bisa jadi cerita tersebut hanyalah imaginasi  yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau cerita buatan sekelompok masyarakat yang tidak terbukti kebenarannya.

Contoh Narrative Text: Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast, Snow White, atau serial cerita dari DC Comic dan Marvel yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kalian.

Generic Structure

  1. Orientation
    “It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.”
    Berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu kejadian cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana.)
  2. Complication
    “Where the problems in the story developed.”
    Permasalahan yang muncul/ mulai terjadi dan berkembangnya cerita narasi tersebut.
  3. Resolution
    “Where the problems in the stories are solved.”
    Masalah selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
  4. Evaluation/ Reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story
    Dalam pembuatan Narrative Text “Evaluation” dan “Reorientation” merupakan bagian pilihan yang bisa ditambahkan.
    >>> Evaluation berisi penilaian/ evaluasi terhadap jalannya cerita atau konflik.
    >>> Reorientation berisi kesimpulan akhir dari kisah cerita.

Tidak jarang bila susunan Generic Structure of Narrative Text dapat memiliki susunan sebagai berikut:

  1. Orientation,
  2. Complication,
  3. Evaluation,
  4. Resolution
  5. Reorientation.

The Characteristics/ Language Feature

Dalam pembuatan Narrative Text, anda wajib menguasai Grammar yaitu “Past Tense” Mengapa? karena Past Tense adalah menu pokok yang akan kalian tulis pada Narrative Text.

Tidak semua kalimat yang ada dalam Narrative Text adalah Past Tense tetapi 80% Tense ini digunakan di dalam pembuatan Narrative Text.
Past Tense memiliki beberapa varian di dalamnya, yaitu:

  • Simple Past Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Past Future Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense

Contoh Narrative Text

Malin Kundang

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

Long-time earlier, there was a poor household which included a mother and also her only child, Malin Kudang. Malin’s dad was gone when he was a baby. Malin’s mother worked so difficultly throughout the day, so they might eat and survive.

Malin was a good wise boy, yet he was a bit naughty. He always helped her mom. He enjoyed her so much. Time went quickly, Malin grew up to be a great looking, wise, and strong man. Although he and also her mom had actually functioned so hard, they were still inadequate. Feeling unfortunate seeing his mom still worked in her senior time, Malin requested leaving to locate a job in a big city.

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

“Ma, I intend to most likely to a huge city to find a work,” asked Malin.
“Don’t leave me alone, boy?” said his mommy.
“I should go, Ma. I do not wish to see you work hard any longer. I guarantee I’ll return.” claimed Malin.

With a tough feeling, Malin’s mommy allowed her boy to go. The next day Malin went to the large city by ship. Malin excelled looking, wise, and solid male. Numerous ladies felt crazy with him, consisting of a daughter of the wealthiest vendor in the city. Malin also really was fell in love with her too. To marry the girl, Malin functioned so difficultly. He also hid all his past; his beginning as well as his own mother. In short, they lastly married. Malin then ended up being the wealthiest man in the city with many vendor ships, a huge lovely residence, as well as numerous servants.

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

Malin was prosperous right now, but he forgot his very own mother. He forgot his mother who in all her prays cried wishing Malin’s safety and security. He forgot his mother who constantly waited her kid returned every early morning in the harbour. He neglected his mom that enjoyed as well as missed her child, Malin, so much. Yet, Malin never came back.

Eventually, Malin’s partner wished to go vacation in the next island which took 3 days cruising. So Malin prepared his big lavish ship and also whatever to cruise. However, in the centre of his trip, storm blockaded his ship. Therefore, the ship needed to board in the closest island, the island where Malin was born.

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

It was an uncommon event, a huge extravagant ship boarded in the harbour of the island where all the villagers were an angler. So, when the ship boarded, every citizen near the harbour came to see, including Malin’s mother. Malin’s mom was a shock as well as wept happily. She saw Malin in that ship. She saw Malin returned to see his mom. With hurry, Malin’s mom most likely to fulfil her beloved child.

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

“Is that you, Malin? Is that you, my precious child? I’m your mommy, you bear in mind?” asked Malin’s mom.
“Son? She claimed you are her boy? Is it real, Malin? Is this bad, old, stink lady your mommy?” Malin’s wife shocked.
“No. No, my dear better half. I have no idea this poor lady. I am not sure you bad, old, have an odour female!” stated Malin.

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

What Malin stated really injure his mother heart. She cried and cried. She really did not think that her own kid did terrible point on her, his mom. With anger, she prayed to the almighty God to respond exactly what her son had actually done to her.

Cerita Malin Kundang dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

Unexpectedly, the wind blew hard and also the tornado roared. Malin and his better half returned to the ship take shelter. The tornado got worst as well as hit Malin’s hip, destroyed it. Every person inside was died, including Malin’s better half. Malin himself was cursed. His body was transformed to rock as well as allied with the coral reef.


Malin Kundang

Pada zaman dahulu kala, ada sebuah keluarga miskin yang terdiri dari sorang ibu dan anak satu-satunya yang bernama Malin Kundang. Bapak dari Malin sudah tiada ketika dia masih bayi. Sedangkan, ibu Malin bekerja sangat keras sepanjang hari agar mereka bisa makan dan bertahan hidup.

Sang anak, Malin adalah anak baik dan pintar, meskipun agak sedikit nakal. Ia selalu membantu ibunya setiap saat dan sangat mencintainya. Tidak terasa waktu cepat berlalu, Malin pun tumbuh menjadi pria pintar, tampan, dan kuat. Namun, meskipun ia dan ibunya bekerja sangat keras, masih saja mereka tetap miskin. Akhrinya Malin pun sedih melihat ibunya masih bekerja di waktu tuanya, ia akhirnya meminta ijin pergi untuk mencari kerja di kota.

“Mak, saya ingin pergi ke kota besar untuk mencari pekerjaan.” Ungkapnya.
“Hmm, Jangan tinggalkan ibu sendiri anakku.” jawab Ibunya.
“Tapi, saya harus pergi, Ma. Saya tidak mau melihat Ma bekerja keras seperti ini. Saya janji saya akan kembali ketika sukses nanti.” sambutnya.
Akhirnya, dengan perasaan berat hati, sang ibu merelakan anaknya pergi ke kota.

Pada keesokan harinya, Malin pergi ke kota besar dengan menumpang sebuah kapal besar. Sang malin adalah pria yang tampan, cerdas, dan kuat. Hal ini membuat banyak gadis jatuh cinta, termasuk juga puteri sodagar terkaya di kota tersebut.
Ternyata Malin juga jatuh cinta padanya. Oleh karena itu, untuk menikahi gadis itu, ia bekerja sangat keras. Ia bahkan mengubur semua masa lalunya, mulai dari asal, bahkan ibu kandungnya sendiri. Hingga akhirnya mereka menikah. Kemudian ia pun menjadi orang terkaya di kota dengan memiliki banyak rumah besar, kapal dagang, dan banyak buruh atau budak.

Sang Malin pun hidup dengan sejahtera saat itu, namun dia lupa akan ibu kandungnya. Ia lupa ibunya yang selalu berdoa memohon keselamatannya. Ia lupa ibunya yang selalu menunggu anaknya kembali setiap pagi di tepi laut. Ia lupa ibunya yang sangat mencintai dan merindukannya. Namun, Malin tidak pernah kembali.
Pada Suatu hari, istri Malin ingin pergi liburan di pulau sebarang yang memakan waktu 3 hari perjalanan menggunakan kapal. Malin pun menyiapkan kapal besar mewah miliknya untuk berlayar kesana. Namun, di tengah perjalanan kesana, badai menghadang laju kapalnya, sehingga menyebabkan kapal harus berlabuh di pulau paling dekat. Tak disadari ternyata pulau tersebut adalah pulau dimana Malin lahir.

Langka sekali, sebuah kapal mewah besar berlabuh di pelabuhan pulau dimana semua warganya adalah nelayan ikan. Pada saat kapal tersebut berlabuh, ramai warga yang tinggal dekat pelabuhan datang untuk melihat dan berkumpul, termasuk pula ibunya Malin. Sang ibu pun terkejut dan menagis senang. Ia melihat Malin di kapal tersebut. Ia melihat Malin kembali untuk menemui sang ibu. Dengan teburu buru, Sang Ibu Malin pergi menemui anak tercintanya, Malin.

“Hei, Apakah itu kau, Malin? Apa kah itu kau, anakku yang tercinta? Saya ibu mu, kamu masih ingat?” Tanya Ibu.
“Hah, Anak? Ia bilang kamu adalah anaknya? Apakah itu benar, Malin ku sayang? Wanita miskin, bau, tua ini adalah ibumu?” sang Istri Malin terkejut.
“haah, Buk.. Bukan, istri ku sayang. aku tidak tahu wanita miskin ini. Aku tidak tahu kamu wanita tua, miskin bau!” Jawab Malin.

Jawaban dari Malin tersebut sugguh melukai hati ibunya. Sang Ibu pun menangis. Iia tidak percaya anak kandungnya akan melakukan hal buruk itu padanya. Dengan pasrah, ia berdoa kepada Tuhan yang kuasa untuk membalas apa yang telah anaknya perbuat kepada dirinya.

Tak disangka tiba-tiba, angin bertiup kencang dan badai bergemuruh dengan hebat. Kemudian, Malin dan istrinya kembali ke kapalnya untuk berlindung. Badai tersebut menjadi lebih buruk dan menghantam kapal Malin hingga menhancurkannya. Hampir setiap orang yang berada di dalam meninggal, termasuk juga istri Malin. Tak disangka, Malin sendiri terkutuk dan tubuhnya berubah menjadi batu dan menyatu dengan karang.

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Golden Snail

Once Upon a time. There lived a king named Kertamarta. He led a kingdom that was very beautiful and majestic, the kingdom was the kingdom of Daha. King of Kertamarta had two beautiful daughters, Dewi Galuh and Candra Kirana. They were very happy and well-off.

One day, there came a handsome prince from the kingdom of Kahuripan. The prince was named Raden Inu Kertapati. The arrival of the Prince to the kingdom of Daha was to apply for one of the King’s daughters, namely Candra Kirana. Prince’s arrival and intentions were welcomed by King of Kertamarta. Princess Candra Kirana also accepted the application of Prince Raden Inu Kertapati.

Because the engagement was to make Dewi Galuh feel very jealous. She put his heart on Raden Inu Kertapati and felt she was the one who was more suitable to be his fiance. From feeling iris then developing into feelings of hatred. Dewi Galuh began planning to get rid of Candra Kirana from the kingdom.

One day, Princess Dewi Galuh secretly went to see an evil witch. She asked for help from the witch to conjure Candra Kiran into something disgusting and Prince Raden Inu stayed away from him. She also hoped to become Candra Kirana’s successor as his fiance.

The witch also agreed to the request of Dewi Galuh. However, Magicians couldn’t enter the palace because it would cause suspicion. Finally, Dewi Galu had a strategy to slander Candra Kirana, so she was expelled from the kingdom. Candra Kirana left the kingdom feeling sad. In the middle of the journey, she met with the evil witch and conjured Candra Kirana into the Golden Snail. After successfully conjuring Candra Kirana, the witch threw it into the river directly.

“Your curse will disappear if you can meet your fiance Prince Raden Inu.”

One day, a grandmother was looking for fish using nets. Finally, Golden Snail was involved in the net. Seeing how beautiful the snail that she got. The grandmother immediately took him home and kept the snail in a jar. The grandmother maintained the snail well and fed, so as not to die.

The next day, grandma returned to the river to look for fish. However, nothing she got. Because it had been too long but didn’t get results. She immediately decided to go home.

When grandma was back home. She was very surprised. She saw a very tasty meal already available on her desk. She was very surprised and wondered who had made this food.

Every day similar events continue to occur. Feeling curious, the grandmother decided to pretend to go to the sea. Actually, she wanted to know and to peek who had made food.

The grandmother was very surprised. Seeing the snail that she kept in a jar turned into a beautiful girl. The beautiful girl immediately prepared food on the table. Because of his curiosity, the grandmother immediately approached the beautiful girl

“Who are you, beautiful princess? And where are you from? ” Grandma asked.

The snail that turned into its original form, Candra Kirana. Very surprised to see the sudden arrival of grandma. Finally, Candra Kirana explained who she really was. And told why she turned into Golden Snail. After explaining to the grandmother, Candra Kirana again changed form to Golden Snail.

Meanwhile, Prince Raden Inu looked for Princess Candra Kirana who suddenly disappeared somewhere. However, he could not get news from Candra Kirana. Prince Raden Inu found that he was very sure that Chandra Kirana was still alive. Because that belief made Raden Inu not stop looking. He also promised, would not return to the kingdom before finding his fiance, Candra Kirana.

Finally, the evil witch knew that Prince Raden Inu Kertapti was looking for Candra Kirana. She looked for ways that the Prince could not find Candra Kirana. She also disguised himself as a crow.

On the way, Raden Inu Kertapti was shocked by a crow who could talk. The crow knew its purpose. Prince, who felt happy and thought that the bird knew where Candra Kirana is. He also followed the instructions which were given by a crow. Even though the road instructions were wrong.

Raden Inu began to get confused with the instructions were given by a crow. On the way, he met an old grandfather who was starving. He immediately gave food. Apparently, the grandfather was powerful and helped Raden Inu from a crow. Grandpa hit a crow with his wand and suddenly a crow turned into smoke.

The grandfather gave directions. Prince Raden Inu Kertapati was in a hurry towards Dadapan Village. For days, he travelled. However, in the middle of the journey, the lunch had run out. He felt very thirsty. he also saw a house and immediately headed to the house. He intended to ask for a glass of water. But instead of just the water, he got but Candra Kirana who he was looking for. He saw his fiance from the window cooking.

Finally, Prince Raden Inu Kertapti could find Candra Kirana. He felt very happy. Likewise with Candra Kirana who managed to eliminate the curse, when meeting her fiance. Candra Kirana was a beautiful girl.

Raden Inu Kertapti immediately brought Candra Kirana to the kingdom of Daha. He also invited Grandma who had helped him. Candra Kirana also explained Dewi Galu’s actions so far to the King. Finally, the crime of Dewi Galu was exposed.

Dewi Galuh was punished for his actions. However, because she felt afraid of punishment. She fled to the forest. While the king apologized to Candra.

Finally, Prince Raden Inu Kertapti and Candra Kirana decided to get married. They live happily.


Keong Mas

Pada zaman dahulu kala. Hiduplah seorang Raja yang bernama Kertamarta. Ia memimpin sebuah kerajaan yang sangat indah dan megah, kerajaan tersebut adalah kerajaan Daha. Raja Kertamarta mempunyai dua orang Putri yang cantik, Dewi Galuh dan Candra Kirana. Kehidupan mereka sangat bahagia dan berkecukupan.

Pada suatu hari, datanglah seorang Pangeran tampan dari kerajaan Kahuripan. Pangeran tersebut bernama Raden Inu Kertapati. Kedatangan Pangeran ke kerajaan Daha adalah untuk melamar salah satu Putri Raja, yaitu Candra Kirana. Kedatangan dan maksud Pangeran sangat di sambut baik oleh Raja Kertamarta. Putri Candra Kirana pun menerima lamaran Pangeran Raden Inu Kertapati.

Karena pertunangan itu lah membuat Dewi Galuh merasa sangat iri. Ia menaruh hati pada Raden Inu Kertapati dan merasa dirinyalah yang lebih cocok menjadi tunangannya. Dari perasaan irilah kemudian berkembang menjadi perasaan benci. Dewi Galuh mulai merencanakan untuk menyingkirkan Candra Kirana dari kerajaan.

Suatu hari, secara diam-diam Putri Dewi Galuh pergi menemui sorang penyihir jahat. Ia meminta bantuan kepada Penyihir untuk menyihir Candra Kiran menjadi sesuatu yang menjijikan dan Pangeran Raden Inu menjauhinya. Ia pun berharap menjadi pengganti Candra Kirana sebagai tunangannya.

Penyihir pun menyetujui permintaan Dewi Galuh. Namun, Penyihir tidak dapat masuk istana karena akan menimbulkan sebuah kecurigaan. Akhirnya, Dewi Galu mempunyai siasat untuk memfitnah Candra Kirana, sehingga ia di usir dari kerajaan. Candra Kirana meninggalkan kerajaan dengan perasaan sedih. Di tengah perjalanan ia bertemu dengan penyihir jahat dan menyihir Candra Kirana menjadi Keong Mas. Setelah berhasil menyihir Candra Kirana, penyihir langsug membuangnya ke sungai.

“Kutukanmu akan hilang, jika kamu dapat bertemu dengan tunanganmu Pangeran Raden Inu.” Ujar Penyihir.

Suatu hari, seorang Nenek sedang mencari ikan dengan menggunakan jala. Akhirnya, Keong Mas ikut tersangkut oleh jala tersebut. Melihat betapa indahnya Keong Mas yang ia dapatkan. Si Nenek langsung membawanya pulang dan di simpannya Keong Mas di tempayan. Nenek tersebut memelihara Keong Mas dengan baik dan memberikan makan, agar tidak mati.

Keesokan harinya, sang Nenek kembali ke sungai untuk mencari Ikan. Namun, tidak satu pun yang ia dapatkan. Karena sudah terlalu lama tapi tidak mendaptkan hasil. Ia pun segera memutuskan untuk pulang kerumah.

Ketika Nenek sampai di rumah. Ia sangat terkejut. Ia melihat makanan yang sangat enak sudah tersedi di atas mejanya. Ia merasa sangat heran dan bertanya-tanya siapa yang sudah membuatkan makanan ini.

Setiap hari kejadian serupa terus terjadi. Karena merasa penasaran. Sang Nenek memutuskan untuk pura-pura pergi ke laut. Sebenarnya ia ingin tau dan mengintip siapa yang sudah membuatkan makanan.

Sang nenek sangat terkejut. Melihat Keong Mas yang ia simpan di tempayan berubah menjadi seorang gadis yang cantik jelita. Gadis cantik tersebut langsung meniapkan makanan di atas meja. Karena rasa penasarannya, Sang Nenek langsung menghampiri Gadis cantik tersebut

“Siapa kamu Putri yang cantik? Dan dari manakah asalmu?” Tanya sang Nenek.

Keong Mas yang berubah menjadi wujud aslinya yaitu Candra Kirana. Sangat terkejut melihat kedatangan Sang Nenek yang tiba-tiba. Akhirnya, Candra Kirana menjelaskan siapa ia sebenarnya. Dan menceritakan kenapa ia berubah menjadi Keong Mas. Setelah menjelaskan kepada Sang Nenek, Candra Kirana pun kembali berubah wujud menjadi Keong Mas.

Sementara, Pangeran Raden Inu terus mencari Putri Candra Kirana yang mendadak hilang entah kemana. Namun, kabar dari Candra Kirana pun tidak dapat ia dapatkan. Pangeran Raden Inu Kertapati sangat yakin bahwa Candra Kirana masih hidup. karena kenyakinan itu membuat Raden Inu tidak berhenti mencari. Ia pun berjanji, tidak akan kembali ke kerajaan sebelum menemukan tunangannya, Candra Kirana.

Akhirnya, Penyihir jahat mengetahui bahwa Pangeran Raden Inu Kertapti sedang mencari Candra Kirana. Ia mencari cara agar Pangeran tidak dapat menemukan Candra Kirana. Ia pun menyamar menjadi seekor burung gagak.

Di tengah perjalanan, Raden Inu Kertapti di kejutkan oleh burug gagak yang dapat bicara. Burung gagak tersebut mengetahui tujuannya. Pangeran yang merasa senang dan menganggap burung tersbut tahu dimana keberadaan Candra Kirana. Ia pun mengiikuti petunjuk yang di berikan burung gagak. Padahal petunjuk jalan tersebut salah.

Pangeran Raden, mulai kebingungan dengan petunjuk yang di berikan burung gagak. Di tengah perjalanan, ia bertemu dengan seorang Kakek tua yang sedang kelaparan. Ia segera memberikan makanan. Ternyata, Kakek tersebut adalah seorang Kakek yang sakti dan menolong Raden Inu Kertapti dari burung gagak. Kakek memukul burung gagak dengan tongkatnya dan tiba-tiba burung gagak berubah menjadi asap.

Kakek tersebut memberikan petunjuk jalan. Pangeran Raden Inu Kertapati segeran menuju Desa Dadapan. Berhari-hari, ia menempuh perjalanan. Namun, di tengah perjalanan bekalnya telah habis. Ia merasa sangat kehausan. Ia pun melihat sebuah Rumah dan segera menuju ke rumah tersebut. Ia berniat untuk meminta segelas air. Namun, bukannya hanya air yang ia dapatkan tetapi Candra Kirana yang ia cari. Ia melihat tunangannya dari jendela sedang memasak.

Akhirnya, Pangeran Raden Inu Kertapti dapat menemukan Candra Kirana. Ia merasa sangat senang. Begitu pula dengan Candra Kirana yang berhasil menghilangkan kutukannya, apabila bertemu dengan tunangannya. Candra Kirana menjadi gadis cantik jelita.

Raden Inu Kertapti segera membawa Candra Kirana ke kerajaan Daha. Ia pun mengajak Nenek yang sudah menolongnya. Candra Kirana pun menjelaskan perbuatan Dewi Galu selama ini kepada Baginda Raja. Akhirnya, kejahatan Dewi Galu terbongkar.

Dewi Galuh mendapat hukuman atas perbuatannya itu. Namun, karena merasa takut akan hukuman. Ia melarikan diri ke hutan. Sementara Baginda minta maaf kepada Candra Kirana.

Akhirnya, Pangeran Raden Inu Kertapti dan Candra Kirana memutuskan untuk menikah. Mereka hidup behagia.

The Avengers

The Asgardian Loki encountered the Other, the leader of an extraterrestrial race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract,2 a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki an army with which he could subjugate Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and his lieutenant Agent Maria Hill arrived at a remote research facility during an evacuation, where physicist Dr Erik Selvig was leading a research team experimenting on the Tesseract. Agent Phil Coulson explained that the object had begun radiating an unusual form of energy. The Tesseract suddenly activated and opened a wormhole, allowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki took the Tesseract and used his sceptre to enslave Selvig and a couple of agents, including Clint Barton, to aid him in his getaway.

In response to the attack, Fury reactivated the “Avengers Initiative”. Agent Natasha Romanoff was sent to Calcutta to recruit Dr Bruce Banner to trace the Tesseract through its gamma radiation emissions. Coulson visited Tony Stark to have him review Selvig’s research, and Fury approached Steve Rogers with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract.

In Stuttgart, Barton stole iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract’s power while Loki caused a distraction, leading to a confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki’s surrender. While Loki was being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor, his adoptive brother, arrived and released him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and returned to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agreed to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier. There Loki was imprisoned while Banner and Stark attempted to locate the Tesseract.

The Avengers became divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. planned to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent against hostile extraterrestrials. As the group argues, Barton and Loki’s other possessed agents attacked the Helicarrier, disabling its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers tried to restart the damaged engine, and Thor attempted to stop the Hulk’s rampage. Romanoff fought Barton, and knocked him unconscious, breaking Loki’s mind control. Loki escaped after killing Coulson and ejecting Thor from the airship, while the Hulk fell down to the ground after attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jet. Fury used Coulson’s death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Stark and Rogers realized that for Loki, simply defeating them would not be enough; he needed to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki used the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a wormhole above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion.

The Avengers assembled in defence of New York City, the wormhole’s location, but quickly realize they would be overwhelmed by wave after wave of Chitauri descended upon Earth. Banner arrived and transformed into the Hulk, and together he, Rogers, Stark, Thor, Barton, and Romanoff fought the Chitauri while evacuating civilians. The Hulk found Loki and smacked him into submission. Romanoff made her way to the wormhole generator, where Selvig, freed of Loki’s control, revealed that Loki’s sceptre could be used to shut down the generator. Meanwhile, Fury’s superiors attempted to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Midtown Manhattan. Stark intercepted the missile and took it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonated, destroying the Chitauri mothership and disabling their forces on Earth. Stark’s suit run out of power, and he fell back through the wormhole just as Romanoff closed it. Stark went into freefall, but the Hulk saved him from crashing to the ground. In the aftermath, Thor returned Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard, while Fury expressed confidence that the Avengers would return if and when they were needed.


In 1933, at the height of the Great Depression, New York City vaudeville actress Ann Darrow had lost her job and was hired by financially troubled filmmaker Carl Denham to star in his new film. Ann signed on when she learned her favourite playwright, Jack Driscoll, was the screenwriter. As their tramp steamer, the SS Venture made the long journey to the remote and mysterious Skull Island, Ann and Jack fell in love. Captain Englehorn began having second thoughts about the voyage, prompted by crew speculation of trouble ahead.

Deep in the southern waters, the Venture received a radio message informing Englehorn that there was a warrant out for Carl’s arrested due to his defiance of the studio’s ordered to cease production. The message instructed Englehorn to divert to Rangoon, but despite his attempt to comply, the ship became lost in the fog and run aground on the rocky shore of Skull Island. Carl and his crew explored the island to film and were attacked by vicious natives. Mike, the sound technician and one of the sailors were killed. Ann screamed as she was captured, and a loud roar was heard beyond the wall. The matriarch of the tribe vowed to sacrifice her to “Kong”, a 25 ft (8 m) tall gorilla. Englehorn killed one of the natives and his crew broke up the attack and returned to the ship. They lightened their load to float off the rocks and carry out repairs, but Jack discovered Ann had been kidnapped by natives. On the island, Ann was offered as a sacrifice to Kong by the natives. The crew returned armed but was too late as Kong took Ann and escaped into the jungle. Ann gradually won Kong over with juggling and dancing, and eventually began to grasp Kong’s intelligence and capacity for emotion.

Englehorn organized a rescue party led by First Mate Hayes and included Jack Driscoll, Carl Denham, Jimmy, Bruce Baxter, Preston, Lumpy, Herb, Choy, and several sailors. The party barely got outside of the walls before they run into a Ferructus that Hayes killed with his machine gun. The rescue party was then caught in the middle of a pack of Venatosaurus saevidicus hunting a herd of Brontosaurus bacteria, and Herb was killed along with four sailors. The rest of the rescue party came across a swamp where actor Bruce Baxter and two others left the group. The rescue party made their way to a giant fallen log when Kong attacked the rescue party. Hayes, Choy, and several other crewmen were killed after being thrown off the log by Kong to the bottom of the cliff, and the rest of the crew was shaken off the log into a ravine; Carl’s camera was destroyed as well. Kong returned to Ann and saved her from three Vastatosaurus rexes, killing them. Kong then took her to his lair in the mountains. The remaining crew woke up to find themselves in a pit full of giant insects where Lumpy and two others were killed. Englehorn, Baxter and the rest of the crew returned and saved the last four members of the rescue party (Jack, Carl, Jimmy, and Preston) from the pit. As Jack continued to search for Ann, Carl decided to capture Kong. Jack went to Kong’s lair, inadvertently waking him. As Kong fought a swarm of flying Terapusmordax, bat-like rodents, Ann and Jack escaped. They arrived at the wall with the angry Kong following them, and Ann became distraught by what Carl planned to do. Kong burst through the gate and attempted to get her back, killing several sailors in the process, but was subdued when Carl knocked him out with chloroform.

Back in New York, Carl presented “Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World” on Broadway, starring Baxter and an imprisoned Kong. Ann was played by an anonymous chorus girl, and Kong became enraged after realizing that the girl on stage was not Ann. After breaking free from his chrome-steel chains, he wrecked the theatre. Kong wreaked havoc around the city and chased Jack in a taxi across town. He knocked him out by stopping his taxi and flipping it, then encounters Ann again. Kong and Ann shared a moment on a frozen pond in Central Park until the army attacked. Kong climbed with Ann onto the top of the Empire State Building, where he fought off six F8C-5 Helldiver Navy planes, down three. Kong was mortally wounded by the gunfire and gazes at Ann for the last time before falling from the building to his death. As Ann was reunited with Jack, civilians, photographers, police, and soldiers gathered around Kong’s corpse. Carl took one last glimpse at him and said, “It wasn’t the aeroplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast.”

Demikian Narrative Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic Structures, Language Features, Contoh.

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