Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

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Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban
Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

Present Perfect Tense (Intermediate Level)


Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!

1. The earth _______ here for billions of years. (be)

2. We _______ cards for the last few hours. (play)

3. We _______ problems with our new car recently. (have)

4. _______ on anything interesting lately? (you work)

5. Cuba _______ a socialist country since 1959. (be)

6. I _______ care of my neighbor’s cats while they are away. (take)

7. I _______ my car for three years. (have)

8. _______ an important fight? (the boxer, ever, win)

9. John and Mary _______ with each other since the day they got married. (quarrel)

10. It _______ hard since last night. (rain)

11. I’m tired because I _______ well lately. (not feel)

12. _______ your problems? (your parents, always, understand)

13. The patient _______ penicillin for several days now. (take)

14. A big earthquake _______ San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)

15. They _______ in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago. (live)

16. He got ill five weeks ago and _______ yet. (not recover)

17. Everyone in the Middle East _______ about the situation for decades. (worry)

18. We _______ very cold weather this year. (have)

19. Where _______ the money? (you, hide)

20. At last, my favorite team _______ against its most important rival. (win)

21. I _______ for 6 years. (marry)

22. Dad _______ a number of jobs in the last few years. (have)

23. The bank is still closed. It _______ yet. (not open)

24. Our daughter _______ lipstick since she was 16. (wear)

25. She is angry because of her boyfriend _______ up yet and she _______ for half an hour. (not show, wait)

26. I’m still waiting for an answer. They _______ up their minds yet. (not make)

27. How many times _______ the cat today? (Kim feed)

28. The kids _______ on my nerves. They _______ too much noise. (get, make)

29. My company _______ a lot of money in the last few years. They _______ hard on an important project. (make, work)

30. They _______ our new refrigerator yet, but they will any day now. (not deliver)

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Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!

1. The earth has been here for billions of years.

2. We have been playing cards for the last few hours.

3. We have been having/ have had problems with our new car recently.

4. Have you been workingon anything interesting lately?

5. Cuba has been a socialist country since 1959.

6. I have been takingcare of my neighbor’s cats while they are away.

7. I have hadmy car for three years.

8. Has the boxer ever won an important fight?

9. John and Mary have been quarreling with each other since the day they got married.

10. It has been raining hard since last night.

11. I’m tired because I haven’t been feeling well lately.

12. Have your parents always understood your problems?

13. The patient has been taking penicillin for several days now.

14. A big earthquake has not hit San Francisco since 1906.

15. They have been living in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago.

16. He got ill five weeks ago and has not recovered yet.

17. Everyone in the Middle East has been worrying about the situation for decades.

18. We have had/ have been having very cold weather this year.

19. Where have you hidden the money?

20. At last, my favorite team has won against its most important rival.

21. I have been married for 6 years.

22. Dad has had a number of jobs in the last few years.

23. The bank is still closed. It hasn’t opened yet.

24. Our daughter has been wearinglipstick since she was 16.

25. She is angry because her boyfriend has not shown up yet and she has been waiting for half an hour.

26. I’m still waiting for an answer. They haven’t made up their minds yet.

27. How many times has Kim fed the cat today?

28. The kids have been getting on my nerves. They have been making too much noise.

29. My company has been makinga lot of money in the last few years. They have been working hard on an important project.

30. They haven’t delivered our new refrigerator yet, but they will any day now.

Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat menambah wawasan kalian dalam menjawab soal-soal di sekolah.

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