Advance Level! Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adjective – Adverb Beserta Jawaban

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Advance Level! Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adjective – Adverb Beserta Jawaban

Advance Level! Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adjective - Adverb Beserta Jawaban
Advance Level! Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adjective – Adverb Beserta Jawaban

Adjective and Adverb (Advance Level)


Choose the correct form – adjective or adverb!

1. He looked at me _______ when I interrupted him. (ANGRY)

2. Alice and Stan are very _______ married. (HAPPY)

3. I lost the match because I was playing very _______ (BAD). It was even _______ than the last game. (BAD)

4. Nobody knew he was coming. He arrived so _______. (UNEXPECTED)

5. My French isn’t very _______ but I can understand him _______  if he speaks _______ . (GOOD, PERFECT, SLOW)

6. Sue is _______ upset about losing her job. (TERRIBLE)

7. The children behaved very _______. (GOOD)

8. Most people have heard about him. They are very _______ informed. (GOOD)

9. Expensive hotels are often _______ than _______ ones. (COMFORTABLE, CHEAP)

10. It’s the _______ painting in his whole collection. (VALUABLE)

11. The cook prepared an _______ lunch. (EXCELLENT)

12. The couple had to work _______ for a living (HARD). But if you look at other people, they _______ work at all. (HARD)

13. The dinner tasted _______. (GREAT)

14. She has _______ money to spend than she had last year. (LITTLE)

15. Did they go together or _______? (SEPARATE)

16. He spoke in quite a _______ voice. (NATURAL)

17. _______ , London is quite a beautiful city. (OBVIOUS)

18. In the meeting, they discussed _______ technical matters. (HIGH)

19. It was raining _______ when I got to the station. (HEAVY)

20. The _______ post office is two blocks away. (NEAR)

21. Jimmy is the _______ pupil in my class. (BAD)

22. The man became _______ when the manager asked him to leave. (VIOLENT)

23. You look _______ . Are you all right. (TERRIBLE)

24. I’m _______ sorry for what I’ve done. I’ll make it up to you. (TERRIBLE)

25. The exam was _______ easy. (SURPRISING)


1. He looked at me ANGRILY when I interrupted him

2. Alice and Stan are very HAPPILY married.

3. I lost the match because I was playing very BADLY. It was even WORSE than the last game.

4. Nobody knew he was coming. He arrived so UNEXPECTEDLY.

5. My French isn’t very GOOD but I can understand him PERFECTLY if he speaks SLOWLY.

6. Sue is TERRIBLY upset about losing her job.

7. The children behaved very WELL.

8. Most people have heard about him. They are very WELL informed.

9. Expensive hotels are often MORE COMFORTABLE than CHEAPER/ CHEAP ones.

10. It’s the MOST VALUABLE painting in his whole collection.

11. The cook prepared an EXCELLENT lunch.

12. The couple had to work HARD for a living. But if you look at other people, they HARDLY work at all.

13. The dinner tasted GREAT.

14. She has LESS money to spend than she had last year.

15. Did they go together or SEPARATELY?

16. He spoke in quite a NATURAL voice.

17. OBVIOUSLY, London is quite a beautiful city.

18. In the meeting, they discussed HIGHLY technical matters.

19. It was raining HEAVILY when I got to the station.

20. The NEAREST/ NEXT post office is two blocks away.

21. Jimmy is the WORST pupil in my class.

22. The man became VIOLENT when the manager asked him to leave.

23. You look TERRIBLE . Are you all right.

24. I’m TERRIBLY sorry for what I’ve done. I’ll make it up to you.

25. The exam was SURPRISINGLY easy.

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