Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Shopping Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan Dan Daftar Kosa Kata

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Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Shopping Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan Dan Daftar Kosakata

Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Shopping Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan Dan Daftar Kosa Kata
Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Shopping Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan Dan Daftar Kosakata

Gunakan pertanyaan sopan (Polite questions) saat berbelanja atau membantu pelanggan di toko.

Polite questions are asked with ‘could’, ‘may’, and ‘would’.
You can also ask for advice in shops using ‘should’.

Dialog dan Terjemahan

Situation: A customer goes to the Mall and Shopping for a Sweater. Let’s check the conversation below!
Situasi: Seorang pelanggan pergi ke Mall dan Belanja Sweater. Mari kita periksa percakapan di bawah ini!

Shop assistant: May I help you?
Asisten toko: Boleh saya bantu?

Customer: Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.
Pelanggan: Ya, saya mencari sweter.

Shop assistant: What size are you?
Asisten toko: Berapa ukuran Anda?

Customer: I’m an extra-large.
Pelanggan: Saya ekstra besar.

Shop assistant: Would you like a plain sweater or something else?​
Asisten toko: Apakah Anda ingin sweater polos atau yang lainnya?

Customer: I’m looking for a plain blue sweater.
Pelanggan: Saya mencari sweater biru polos.

Shop assistant: How about this one?
Asisten toko: Bagaimana dengan yang ini?

Customer: Yes, that’s nice. Could I try it on?
Pelanggan: Ya, itu bagus. Bisakah saya mencobanya?

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Expressing Opinion – Pengertian, Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat, Dialog[/su_box]

Shop assistant: Certainly, the changing rooms are over there.
Asisten toko: Tentu saja, ruang ganti ada di sana.

Customer: Thank you.
Pelanggan: Terima kasih. 

(goes into a changing room to try on the sweater)
(Pergi ke ruang ganti untuk mencoba sweater)

Shop assistant: How does it fit?
Asisten toko: Apakah pas?

Customer: It’s too large. Do you have a large?
Pelanggan: Ini terlalu besar. Anda punya besar?

Shop assistant: Yes, here you are. Would you like to try it on to see if it fits?
Asisten toko: Ya, ini dia. Apakah Anda ingin mencobanya untuk melihat apakah cocok?

Customer: No that’s okay. Thank you. I’ll take it. I’m also looking for some nice slacks.
Pelanggan: Tidak, tidak apa-apa. Terima kasih. Saya akan mengambilnya. Saya juga mencari celana panjang yang bagus.

Shop assistant: Great. We have some very nice wool slacks over here. Would you like to take a look?
Asisten toko: Keren. Kami punya celana panjang wol yang sangat bagus di sini.  Apakah Anda ingin melihatnya?

Customer: Yes, thanks for your help.
Pelanggan: Ya, terima kasih atas bantuan Anda.

Shop assistant: What are your measurements?
Asisten toko: Apa ukuran Anda?

Customer: I’m a 38” waist and a 32″ inseam.
Pelanggan: 38 ” pinggang dan 32 ” inseam.

Shop assistant: What do you think about these?
Asisten toko: Apa pendapat Anda tentang ini?

Customer: They’re nice, but I’d prefer cotton trousers if you have them.
Pelanggan: Bagus, tapi saya lebih suka celana katun jika Anda memilikinya.

Shop assistant: Certainly, our summer slacks collection is over here. How about these?
Asisten toko: Tentu saja, koleksi celana panjang musim panas kami ada di sini. Bagaimana dengan ini?

Customer: Yes, I like those. Do you have them in grey as well?
Pelanggan: Ya, saya suka itu. Apakah Anda memiliki warna abu-abu juga?

Shop assistant: Yes, here’s a pair. You said you the measurements are 38″ by 32″, didn’t you?
Asisten toko: Ya, inilah sepasang. Anda bilang ukurannya 38 “kali 32”, bukan

Customer: Yes, that’s correct. I’ll go try them on.
Pelanggan: Ya, itu benar. Saya akan mencobanya.

Shop assistant: Let me know if you need any help.​
Asisten toko: Beri tahu saya jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan.

Customer: Thank you.
Pelanggan: Terima kasih.  

(comes back)

Customer: These are great. So, that makes one sweater and a pair of grey slacks.
Pelanggan: Ini bagus. Jadi, itu membuat satu sweter dan sepasang celana panjang abu-abu.

Shop assistant: ​OK, how would you like to pay?
Asisten toko: OK, bagaimana Anda ingin membayar?

Customer: Do you take credit cards?
Pelanggan: Apakah Anda menerima kartu kredit?

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card, and American Express.
Asisten toko: Ya, benar. Visa, Master Card, dan American Express.

Customer: OK, here’s my Visa.
Pelanggan: Oke, ini Visa saya.

Shop assistant: Thank you. Have a nice day!
Asisten toko: Terima kasih. Semoga harimu menyenangkan!

Customer: Thank you, goodbye.
Pelanggan: Terima kasih, selamat tinggal.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Di Sekolah Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan[/su_box]

Daftar Kosa Kata


  • Could / May I help you?
  • Could I try it (them) on?
  • How does it fit?
  • How would you like to pay?
  • I’m looking for…
  • I’d prefer…


  • Changing rooms
  • Size – extra small, small, medium, large, extra-large
    – Used with standard measurements.
  • Measurements
    – Used with specific measurements for trousers, suits, etc.
  • Shop assistant/ store clerk
  • Trousers/ Slacks/ Pants
  • Waist
  • Inseam
  • Credit cards


Provide the missing word to fill in the gaps to complete this conversation with a store clerk.

Store clerk: Hello, __1___ I help you find anything?​
Customer: Yes, I’m looking __2___ a blouse and some matching trousers.

Store clerk: Great. What __3___ would you like?
Customer: I’m looking for a white blouse and black trousers. They’re for an important job interview.

Store clerk: Okay. Please follow me to the business apparel section.
Customer: Thanks for your help.

Store clerk: It’s my pleasure. Do you see anything you like?​
Customer: Yes, that blouse looks nice.

Store clerk: What __4___ are you?​
Customer: I’m small. Now, let’s take a look at the pants.

Store clerk: These are nice. Would you like to __5___ them on?
Customer: Do you have anything else?

Store clerk: Yes, we also have these trousers.
Customer: I like those, I’ll try those  __6__.

Store clerk: What are your __7__?
Customer: I have a 26″ waist and 32″ inseam.

Store clerk: Here’s a pair. Would you like to try them on?
Customer: Yes, where’s the __8___?

Store clerk: You can try them on over there.
Customer: Thank you. (tries the clothing on, walks out of the changing room to show the store clerk) What do you think?

Store clerk: You look fantastic! I’m sure you’ll get that job!
Customer: Thanks! I’ll take them.

Store clerk: Would you like to __9___ by cash or by credit card?
Customer: __10___ , please. Here’s my visa card.

Store clerk: Thank you. That will be $145.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]100 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense Lengkap Dengan Jawaban[/su_box]


  1. May/could/can
  2. For
  3. Colour
  4. Size
  5. Try
  6. On
  7. Measurements
  8. Changing room
  9. Pay
  10. Credit card

Demikian Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Shopping Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan Dan Daftar Kosakata.

Semoga contoh dialog di atas dapat membatu kalian merangkai kata dan membuat sebuah dialog Bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat dan situasi kalian masing-masing. Tetap semangat belajar!

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