Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Bank Beserta Artinya Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog Singkat

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Semua membutuhkan uang bukan berarti uang dapat membeli semuanya, ya guys.

grammar.co.id – Uang adalah salah satu topik yang menarik untuk dibahas. Jika kita berbicara tentang uang maka tidak lepas dari sebuah tempat yang disebut Bank. Ternyata survei membuktikan, banyak istilah di dunia Bank atau Perbankan yang belum kita ketahui. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, yuk kita simak bersama ulasan di bawah ini!

Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Bank Beserta Artinya Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog Singkat

Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Bank Beserta Artinya Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog Singkat
Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Bank Beserta Artinya Lengkap Dengan Contoh Dialog Singkat

Berikut ini beberapa istilah dan contoh kosakata bahasa Inggris di bank dan perbankan yang dapat menjadi kamus kecil untuk kalian belajar:

Kosakata Bahasa Inggris di Bank

No. Kosakata Artinya
1 Appreciate Menghargai,menilai
2 Average Cost Biaya rata-rata
3 Annual Percentage Rate Tingkat persentase tahunan
4 Assets Aktiva
5 Account Receivable Piutang Dagang
6 Adjusted balance Saldo setelah penyesuaian
7 Average Cost Biaya rata-rata
8 Adjusted trial balance Neraca saldo penyesuaian
9 Actual cost Biaya sesungguhnya
10 Account saving Rekening tabungan
11 Budget Anngaran
12 Bond Obligasi
13 Balance sheet Neraca
14 Budget cycle Siklus anggaran
15 Bank statement Rekening koran
16 Balance per bank Saldo menurut bank
17 Break Event Point Titik kembalinya modal
18 Balance amount Jumlah keseimbangan
19 Banker Bankir
20 Bankruptcy Bangkrut/Pailit
21 Beneficiary Penerima manfaat
22 Bill Tagihan
23 Banknote Uang kartal asing
24 Bailout Memberi jaminan/pinjaman
25 Buyback of shares Membeli kembali saham
26 Back taxes Pajak yang belum dibaya pada saat jatuh tempo
27 Budget Anggaran belanja
28 Cash Kontan , tunai
29 Consumer Pemakai, konsumen
30 Cost Harga
31 Credit Piutang, kredit
32 Currency Mata uanga
33 Cost Biaya
34 Current Asset Harta lancar
35 Cost of Goods Sold Harga pokok penjualan
36 Common Stock Saham biasa
37 Cash Uang tunai
38 Cashflow Arus kas
39 Cost of sales Biaya penjualan
40 Current liabilities Kewajiban lancar
41 Current ratio Rasio lancar
42 Currency rate risk Resiko nilai tukar mata uang
43 Capital Modal
44 Compound Interest Bunga majemuk
45 Direct cost Biaya langsung
46 Dividend Dividen
47 Deposit Deposito
48 Deposit slip Bukti setoran
49 Debt Hutang
50 Debt Exposure Resiko utang
51 Discretionary Income Pendapatan tambahan
52 Divestment Divestasi
53 Demand Permintaan
54 Depreciation Depresiasi
55 Economy Ekonomi
56 Excise tax Pajak cukai
57 Extra ordinary loss Kerugian yang luar biasa
58 Earning after tax Pendapatan sesudah pajak
59 Exchange rate Nilai tukar kurs
60 Fiscal Year Tahun fiskal(pajak)
61 Fixed Cost Biaya tetap
62 Fiscal Policy Kebijakan fiskal
63 Financial instrument Instrumen keuangan
64 Fixed Term Contract Kontrak berjangka tetap
65 Free Market Pasar bebas
66 Free Trade Perdagangan bebas
67 Fixed Asset Aktiva tetap
68 Funds Dana
69 Finance Keuangan
70 Fiscal Yang berhubungan dengan keuangan
71 Gross domestic product Produk domestik bruto
72 Gross national product Produk nasional bruto
73 General Creditor Kreditur umum
74 Gross Profit Margin Marjin laba kotor
75 Grace Period Masa tenggang
76 Income Pendapatan / Penghasilan
77 Inflation Inflasi
78 Installment Loan Angsuran pinjaman
79 Insurance Asuransi
80 Indirect cost Biaya tidak langsung
81 Interest Bunga
82 Invoice Faktur
83 Interest Expense Biaya bunga
84 Installment Payable Hutang cicilan
85 Input tax Pajak masukan
86 Interest Receivable Piutang bunga
87 Inventory Persediaan
88 Inflation Inflasi
89 Invest Menginvestasikan, menanam (modal)
90 Loan Pinjaman
91 Labor Tenaga kerja
92 Loss Kerugian
93 Labor Cost Biaya tenaga kerja
94 Labor Budget Anggaran tenaga kerja
95 Liability Kewajiban
96 Letters of guarantee Surat jaminan
97 Liquidity ratio Rasio likuiditas
98 Loan Pinjaman
99 Long-term Investment Investasi jangka panjang
100 Ledger Buku besar

Banking Vocabulary List with Definitions

Ke mana pun kalian pergi, terlebih di negara yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa ke dua (ESL), kemungkinan besar kalian perlu menggunakan kosakata perbankan. Karena di mana pun kalian berada, kalian pasti akan mengakses uang.

  • Account – A record of the money that a customer has at the bank. (noun)
  • Account number – An unique number that is used to identify a bank account. (noun)
  • Advisor – A staff member who helps customers. (noun)
  • ATM – Automated teller machine/Cash machine – A device that gives money and can be used to do other account transactions. (noun)
  • ATM card – A small plastic card that an ATM uses to identify a customer and their account. Same as a bank card. (noun)
  • Balance – The amount of money in an account: could be positive or negative. (noun)
  • Bankcard – A small plastic card that an ATM uses to identify a customer and their account. Same as an ATM card. (noun)
  • Bank charges – Money to be paid to the bank to use certain services or as a fine if a mistake is made. (noun)
  • Bank manager – The person who is in charge of a branch of the bank. (noun)
  • Bank services – The products that a bank offers. (noun)
  • Bank statement – Either a paper or electronic summary of the money paid into or out of an account that month. (noun)
  • Borrow – To get money from a bank now that a person does not own and so has to pay back to the bank at a later time. (verb)
  • Branch – The bank or the building where customers use the bank services. (noun)
  • Cash – Money in the form of notes or coins. (noun)
  • Cheque (UK)/ Check (US) – A written order telling the bank to pay or transfer money to someone. (noun)
  • Close an account – To empty an account of money and tell the bank it is no longer going to be used. (verb phrase)
  • Counter – The area in a bank where the tellers work. (noun)
  • Credit card – A small plastic card that can be used to buy items. The balance has to be paid once at the end of the month. (noun)
  • Credited – To add money to a bank account. (adjective)
  • Current account – A bank account that is designed for everyday use. (noun)
  • Debit card – A small plastic card that can be used to pay for items without giving the seller cash directly. The money is taken from the account immediately. (noun)
  • Deposit – To give the bank money to be added to the customer’s account. (verb)
  • Guard – Someone who works at a bank to prevent thieves from stealing the money. (noun)
  • Head office – The place where the bank is run from and where information is stored centrally. (noun)
  • Identification – An item that proves your identity, such as a passport or driver’s license. (noun)
  • Interest – 1) The money that needs to be paid each month for borrowing money from the bank, usually a percentage of the total. (noun) 2) The money the bank pays its customers for depositing money with them, usually a percentage of the total. (noun)
  • Loan – Borrowed money that is received now but needs to be paid back, often monthly, with interest added. (noun)
  • Main branch – The biggest branch of a bank in a city that offers the most services. (noun)
  • Open an account – To start an account at a bank for the first time. (verb phrase)
  • Overdraft – An amount of money that can be used each month that the customer does not own. (noun)
  • Overdrawn – To have used more money than there is in the account so that money is owed to the bank. (adjective)
  • Passbook – A book containing a record of all the account transactions. (noun)
  • Payee – Someone who is paid money. (noun)
  • Paying-in slip – A piece of paper to fill-in when depositing money into an account. (noun)
  • PIN number – A four-digit number used to access ATM machines. (noun)
  • Savings account – An account used to save money. It often has a higher rate of interest and penalties for withdrawing money. (noun)
  • Standing order – An instruction to the bank to pay the same person or company the same amount of money on a regular schedule, often monthly. (noun)
  • Teller – A person who works at the bank counter and accepts and gives out money to the bank’s customers. (noun)
  • Transaction – Any situation where the money is deposited or withdrawn from an account. (noun)
  • Withdrawal – To take money out of an account. (noun)

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Contoh Dialog Singkat di Bank

Situation: Sam goes to the Bank. He will open a new account. Check the following conversation below!
Situasi: Sam pergi ke Bank. Dia akan membuka akun baru. Periksa percakapan berikut di bawah ini!

Customer Service: Welcome to our Bank, Sir. How may I help you?
Customer Service: Selamat datang di Bank kami, Pak. Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?

Sam: Thanks. I would like to open a new account, please.
Sam: Terima kasih. Saya ingin membuka rekening baru.

Customer Service: Oke. Please fill in this form by using your complete name, address and other required identity based on your identity card.
Customer Service: Oke. Silahkan mengisi formulir ini dengan menggunakan nama lengkap, alamat dan identitas lain yang diperlukan berdasarkan kartu identitas Anda.

Sam: Oke. Should I use the capital letter?
Sam: Oke. Harus saya gunakan huruf kapital?

Customer Service: Yes, of course. You should use the capital letter.
Customer Service: Ya, tentu saja. Anda harus menggunakan huruf kapital.

Sam: Here you go.
Sam: Ini dia.

Customer Service: Oke. Let me check it first.
Customer Service: Oke. Biarkan aku memeriksa terlebih dahulu.

Sam: Anything else?
Sam: Ada lagi?

Customer Service: Yes, may I know your phone number? It is used for SMS Banking. You can fill it in this column.
Customer Service: Ya, boleh saya tahu nomor telepon Anda? Hal ini digunakan untuk SMS Banking. Anda dapat mengisinya di kolom ini.

Sam: Alright.
Sam: Baiklah.

Customer Service: How many dollars do you want to deposit for the first time? It must be more than $100.
Customer Service: Berapa banyak dollar yang Anda ingin deposit untuk pertama kalinya? Ini harus lebih dari $ 100.

Sam: It will be $5000. Here you go, this is the money.
Sam: Ini $ 5.000. Ini dia, ini uangnya.

Customer Service: Alright. I’ll take it and please sign over here. Do you want to use the ATM card?
Customer Service: Baiklah. Saya akan ambil dan tolong tanda tangan di sebelah sini. Apakah Anda ingin menggunakan kartu ATM?

Sam: Yes, please.
Sam: Oke. Terima kasih

Customer Service: Oke. Please wait a minute. I’ll make your account and verification your identity.
Customer Service: Oke. Harap tunggu sebentar. Aku akan membuat tabungan Anda dan verifikasi identitas Anda.

Sam: Oke. Thanks.
Sam: Ya. Terima kasih.

Customer Service: You’re welcome.
Customer Service: Kembali.

………… a few minutes later
………… beberapa menit kemudian

Customer Service: Sir, this is your account saving book and this is your ATM card. You can activate it at the ATM machine to change your private password or PIN. Anything else, sir?
Customer Service: Pak, ini adalah buku tabungan Anda dan ini adalah kartu ATM Anda. Anda dapat mengaktifkannya di mesin ATM untuk mengubah dengan password pribadi Anda atau PIN. Ada lagi, Pak?

Sam: No, thanks. That is enough.
Sam: Tidak, terima kasih. Itu cukup.

Customer Service: Thank you for your trust to choose our Bank. Good morning.
Customer Service: Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda untuk memilih Bank kami. Selamat pagi.

Sam: Thanks. Good morning.
Sam: Terima kasih. Selamat pagi.

Semoga artikel di atas bermanfaat untuk kalian, dan menambah koleksi kosakata serta koleksi dialog bahasa Inggris terutama di Bank.

Ok, guys… See you in the next article. Keep in touch!