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Recount Text – Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic structure, Language Features, Contoh
Pengertian Recount Text
Recount Text adalah salah satu dari jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan kembali kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di masa lampau.
Pengertian ini hampir serupa seperti Narrative Text. Lalu apa perbedaan antara Report Text dan Narrative Text?
Di dalam Recount Text tidak terdapat komplikasi (Complication) pada Narrative Text memiliki banyak sekali komplikasi dan resolusi.
Tujuan Recount Text
Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca.
Tujuan komunikatif Recount Text seperti penjelasan sebelumnya di atas adalah untuk melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan bertujuan memberitakan atau menghibur pembaca dalam sajian cerita yang tidak memiliki konflik.
Generic Structure Recount Text
1. Orientation
Orientation atau pengenalan yaitu memberikan informasi tentang siapa (who), di mana (where), dan kapan (when) peristiwa atau kegiatan itu terjadi di masa lampau.
2. Events
Events merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, seperti:
- The first day, I took rest in my uncle’s house.
- And the next day, I went to some places to enjoy the view
- Finally, I went home and brought great experiences.
Di bagian Events, terdapat komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan. Hal ini berguna untuk para pembaca, supaya mereka lebih masuk ke dalam cerita itu dan ikut ambil bagian dalam cerita tersebut.
3. Reorientation
Pada bagian Reorientation, terdapat pengulangan kembali tentang: pengenalan tokoh, tempat kejadian dan waktu kejadian yang ada di Orientation, pengulangan ini merangkum rentetan peristiwa dengan kalimat yang lebih sederhana.
Language Features/ Ciri Recount Text
Terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri akan kalian temukan ketika membaca sebuah Recount Text.
Simak ciri-ciri dari Recount Text di bawah ini:
1. Menggunakan Past Tense.
- We went to the beach.
- I was happy.
2. Menggunakan Conjunction dan Time Connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian.
- so
- and
- but
- the
- after that
3. Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara.
- Last week
- yesterday
- at uncle’s house
- slowly,
4. Menggunakan Action Verbs.
- went
- talked
- bought
- brought
Contoh Recount Text
Simak Contoh Recount Text di bawah ini:
“Went to Nature”
Dear Traveller,
My name is Exa. I’m the second-grade student of Senior High School. Today, I’d like to tell you about my biggest journey when I spent my last semester break at North Sumatra and Lombok. It was my first time travelling by plane. Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks my heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes me; it should change me. It leaves marks on my memory, on my consciousness, on my heart, and on my body. I take something with me. Hopefully, I leave something good behind. That is why I love travelling which gives me lots of experiences about learning to live.
I spent my last semester break travelling to some places in Indonesia. Indonesia has many beautiful nature and cultures. A place has a different tradition itself. That makes Indonesia rich of cultures. I was very interested and so excited.
The first spot was North Sumatra which is located in Sumatra Island. There are lots of tourist attraction which more than 20 spots. I visited Lake Toba which is an awesome natural and beautiful lake. Lake Toba is the most famous lake in Indonesia because of its large size and uniqueness in the form of an island in the middle of Lake Toba. With a length of about 100 KM and a width of about 30 KM, Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in Southeast Asia. Lake Toba is the most famous tourist spot in North Sumatra, so I don’t need to worry if you want to stay at Lake Toba because along the banks of Lake Toba there are many inns. I spent 3 days at Lake Toba. It was awesome! Next trip, I visited Medan Grand Mosque which was built in 1906 with a mixed style between the Middle East, Spain and India. Located on Jalan Sisingamangaraja. It is part of North Sumatra history. I learned lots of historical value. One day at Medan Grand Mosque, I think it was enough. Next spot in North Sumatra, I went to Brastagi. Berastagi is one of the cities in North Sumatra that has a cool climate. The location is not far from the city of Medan. I took the Sinabung or Sutra bus which was cheap and could take me to various interesting places in Berastagi, such as Kubu Hill, Gundaling Hill, Lingga Village, Lake Lau Kawar, Sikulikap Waterfall, Two-Colored Waterfall, Sidebuk-debuk Bath, Funland Mickey Holiday, Karo Heritage Museum, Tongkoh Botanical Gardens. Oh my gosh! It was the best moment and lots of experiences in North Sumatra.
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I flew 2,575.5 km to Lombok. Lombok Tourism has become a special attraction for both local and foreign tourists. The first trip to Lombok, I visited Senggigi Beach. Senggigi Beach is one of the tourist attractions in Lombok that is most visited by tourists which is located in the western part of Lombok Island, Senggigi Beach has calm waves so it is suitable for swimming and snorkelling. I loved it! It wasn’t perfect if I didn’t visit Mount Rinjani. Mount Rinjani is the most famous tourist icon as well as tourist attractions in Lombok. With a height of more than 3,700 meters, Mount Rinjani is the second-highest volcano in Indonesia. For adherents of Hinduism, Mount Rinjani has its own spiritual value because it is considered to be the abode of the gods. It was a spectacular experience in Lombok. I spent 2 weeks at Lombok.
Before I went back to school. I bought some souvenirs for each destination which were given to my best friends. Oh my gosh! It was an amazing life experience to travel in Indonesia.
That was my adventure for the last semester break. How about you, guys?
Pembahasan Materi
- Who: My name is Exa. I’m the second-grade student of Senior High School.
- When: Today, I’d like to tell you about my biggest journey when I spent my last semester break at North Sumatra and Lombok.
- Where: Today, I’d like to tell you about my biggest journey when I spent my semester break at North Sumatra and Lombok.
- How: It was my first time travelling by plane.
- I spent my last semester break travelling to some places in Indonesia… (paragraph 2)
- The first spot was North Sumatra which is located in Sumatra Island. There are lots of tourist attraction which more than 20 spots. I visited Lake Toba which is an awesome natural and beautiful lake. (paragraph 3)
- I flew 2,575.5 km to Lombok. Lombok Tourism has become a special attraction for both local and foreign tourists. The first trip to Lombok, I visited Senggigi Beach. (paragraph 4)
- Before I went back to school. I bought some souvenirs for each destination which were given to my best friends. Oh my gosh! It was an amazing life experience to travel in Indonesia. (paragraph 5)
- That was my adventure for the last semester break.
Dapatkan Contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang RECOUNT di sini:
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Demikian Recount Text – Pengertian, Tujuan, Generic structure, Language Features, Contoh.
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