190 Contoh Kalimat Should Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan

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190 Contoh Kalimat Should Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan

190 Contoh Kalimat Should Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan
190 Contoh Kalimat Should Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemahan

Pengertian dan Penggunaan Should

Should memiliki makna seharusnya, kata should sendiri merupakan bentuk lampau dari shall, namun cara penggunaan sedikit berbeda.

Catatan: Penggunaan Shall biasanya digunakan bersamaan dengan subjek We. Aturan penggunaan kata Shall memang hanya dipakai untuk We saja, bukan You, dan lainnya.

Should /SHo͝od,SHəd/

Verb: Sebagai kata kerja

1. Used to express obligation, duty, propriety, or desirability: you should ask first; the plants should be watered weekly.
Should dapat digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu tugas atau sesuatu yang memiliki keharusan untuk dilakukan (duty or obligation).


  • I should tell her the truth.
  • You should pay the fees on time.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Expressing Obligation – Pengertian, Penjelasan, Contoh Kalimat dan Dialog[/su_box]

2. Should signifies something you ought to do or something that is a good idea or that something that may happen.
Should menandakan sesuatu yang harus Anda lakukan atau sesuatu yang merupakan ide bagus atau sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi.


  • If Sandra comes again this Monday, her passport should be finished.
  • If they go into that room, they should see Mr Smith there.

3. Used to express a future condition.
Selain itu, kata Should juga bisa digunakan pada conditional clause / sentence untuk mengekspresikan kemungkinan atau pengandaian (possibilities or suppositions).


  • If I should die tomorrow if you should be late.
  • If Exa should come, ask her to wait.
  • Should it rain, there will be no football match today.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]100 Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang If Clause Beserta Jawaban[/su_box]

4. Used in the polite or tentative expression of opinion.
Kata should dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan sesuatu.


  • I should think they will be pleased.
  • Should I buy another jewellery for the birthday present?
  • Should I take a grab to school tomorrow?

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Expressing Opinion – Pengertian, Penggunaan, Contoh Kalimat, Dialog[/su_box]

5. Used to express expectation or probability.
Digunakan untuk menyatakan harapan atau probabilitas.


  • They should be here soon.
  • He should know by tomorrow.

Contoh Kalimat Should

  1. Such a pleasant day and evening should have ended with a restful night and happy dreams, but it didn’t.
    Seharusnya siang dan malam yang menyenangkan berakhir dengan malam yang nyenyak dan mimpi-mimpi bahagia, tetapi ternyata tidak.
  2. They should be doing an ultrasound in a couple of weeks.
    Mereka harus melakukan ultrasonografi dalam beberapa minggu.
  3. I should get rid of this and buy something a little more feminine.
    Saya harus menyingkirkan ini dan membeli sesuatu yang sedikit lebih feminin.
  4. So why should we listen to what they call normal?
    Jadi mengapa kita harus mendengarkan apa yang mereka sebut normal?
  5. There was no reason Alex shouldn’t tell his father.
    Tidak ada alasan Alex tidak harus memberi tahu ayahnya.
  6. Having a baby was something they should be excited about talking about to others.
    Memiliki bayi adalah sesuatu yang harus mereka sukai bicarakan dengan orang lain.
  7. I should have known you would feel this way.
    Aku seharusnya tahu kamu akan merasakan hal ini.
  8. Maybe he should see a doctor.
    Mungkin dia harus ke dokter.
  9. She shouldn’t have encouraged Alex to come down here.
    Dia seharusnya tidak mendorong Alex untuk datang ke sini.
  10. She should discuss all this with Alex.
    Dia harus mendiskusikan semua ini dengan Alex.
  11. If so, maybe they should put one on the payroll.
    Jika demikian, mungkin mereka harus meletakkan satu di daftar gaji.
  12. I guess because the only one who should be looking at it is my husband.
    Saya kira karena satu-satunya yang harus melihatnya adalah suami saya.
  13. Every woman should have her princess moment, don’t you think?
    Setiap wanita harus memiliki momen sang putri, bukan begitu?
  14. If Alex felt the need to protect her from Gerald, maybe she shouldn’t be dancing with him.
    Jika Alex merasa perlu melindunginya dari Gerald, mungkin dia seharusnya tidak berdansa dengannya.
  15. Maybe we should go home.
    Mungkin kita harus pulang.
  16. I’m the one who should be apologizing for dragging you into this.
    Akulah yang seharusnya meminta maaf karena menyeretmu ke ini.
  17. I should have anticipated this.
    Saya seharusnya mengantisipasi ini.
  18. I should have shown it to you in private prepared you for it.
    Saya seharusnya menunjukkannya kepada Anda secara pribadi mempersiapkan Anda untuk itu.
  19. “But you thought you should defend me,” he said in a calculating tone.
    “Tapi kamu pikir kamu harus membelaku,” katanya dengan nada penuh perhitungan.
  20. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything right there.
    Mungkin aku seharusnya tidak mengatakan apa pun di sana.
  21. You should have seen Dad’s face.
    Anda seharusnya melihat wajah Ayah.
  22. Alex should have been there to see that.
    Alex seharusnya ada di sana untuk melihatnya.
  23. She should probably listen to her gut feeling about this.
    Dia mungkin harus mendengarkan perasaannya tentang hal ini.
  24. That is the way it should be, Mama says.
    Begitulah seharusnya, kata Mama.
  25. If they were truly soul mates, she should be in his corner all the way.
    Jika mereka benar-benar belahan jiwa, dia harus berada di sudutnya sepanjang jalan.
  26. I should have known.
    Saya seharusnya telah mengetahui.
  27. It should have been an exciting discovery.
    Seharusnya penemuan yang mengasyikkan.
  28. Exa didn’t like any kind of discord, which generally meant that she shouldn’t contest anything he said or did.
    Exa tidak suka segala jenis perselisihan, yang umumnya berarti bahwa dia tidak boleh menentang apa pun yang dia katakan atau lakukan.
  29. I shouldn’t have talked to you that way.
    Seharusnya aku tidak berbicara denganmu seperti itu.
  30. I shouldn’t have said anything.
    Saya seharusnya tidak mengatakan apa-apa.
  31. Alex should have told you all this.
    Alex seharusnya memberitahumu semua ini.
  32. I guess I should have told you that.
    Kurasa aku seharusnya memberitahumu itu.
  33. I should have been checking it.
    Aku seharusnya memeriksanya.
  34. Oh my, you shouldn’t be inside the tent with her.
    Ya ampun, kamu seharusnya tidak berada di dalam tenda bersamanya.
  35. More important, though, was the fact that he believed the child should not suffer for the sins of the parent.
    Namun, yang lebih penting adalah kenyataan bahwa ia percaya anak itu tidak boleh menderita karena dosa-dosa orang tua.
  36. “You should get some rest, Carmen,” Felipa said.
    “Kamu harus istirahat, Carmen,” kata Felipa.
  37. You should have seen her when he came in carrying a doll.
    Anda seharusnya melihatnya ketika dia datang membawa boneka.
  38. It was great news and she should have felt relieved.
    Itu adalah berita bagus dan dia seharusnya merasa lega.
  39. If it’s something we simply can’t afford, that’s one thing, but we should be encouraging things like this, Alex.
    Jika itu adalah sesuatu yang kita tidak mampu, itu satu hal, tetapi kita harus mendorong hal-hal seperti ini, Alex.
  40. Katie said she should confront him when he did that – tell him how it made her feel.
    Katie mengatakan dia harus menghadapinya ketika dia melakukan itu – katakan padanya bagaimana perasaannya.
  41. It shouldn’t be any surprise since that was what suffered when he had been troubled in the past.
    Seharusnya tidak ada kejutan karena itu adalah apa yang diderita ketika dia bermasalah di masa lalu.
  42. Just because it upsets me doesn’t mean I don’t want to know – or that you shouldn’t tell me.
    Hanya karena itu membuatku kesal bukan berarti aku tidak ingin tahu – atau bahwa kamu tidak harus memberitahuku.
  43. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.
    Anda tidak harus melalui ini sendirian.
  44. That should have been no big surprise, but Carmen would have thought he would welcome the idea of a willing heir.
    Seharusnya itu bukan kejutan besar, tetapi Carmen akan berpikir dia akan menyambut gagasan ahli waris yang bersedia.
  45. Here’s the one you should know after raising dairy goats.
    Inilah yang harus Anda ketahui setelah memelihara kambing perah.
  46. It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted.
    Seharusnya tidak ada bedanya jika dia diadopsi.
  47. Quint knew he should quell the ire that surged up and pounded in his neck.
    Quint tahu dia harus memadamkan amarah yang melonjak dan memukul lehernya.
  48. Good, that should make this easier.
    Bagus, itu seharusnya membuat ini lebih mudah.
  49. Connie should be here any minute.
    Connie akan tiba di sini sebentar lagi.
  50. They should be home any minute.
    Mereka harus pulang sebentar lagi.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]Lighting VS Lightning – Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Bahasa Inggris[/su_box]

  1. I should have been with them tonight.
  2. As she stared at the caskets she knew she should feel something should cry.
  3. She should shut the door, but her temper flared.
  4. She should be looking for a replacement vehicle, but having another car in the garage would only be a reminder that there was no one left to drive it.
  5. She should wash them, but there wasn’t time.
  6. So, what should she pack?
  7. Still, it was something she should have asked when he first offered her the job.
  8. It should be ready now.
  9. You mean I should try to cover up that which any man might find attractive.
  10. Well… Yancey, maybe you’re the one I should be careful about.
  11. What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone?
  12. Why do I get the feeling it’s the bears that should be concerned?
  13. “It doesn’t appear to be broken,” he concluded in a monotone, “But we should take you to a doctor, just to be sure.”
  14. There, that should hold you.
  15. By the next day, she was ready to resume her normal activities, but Sarah insisted it was Saturday and she should take some time to enjoy herself.
  16. I should have stayed out of it.
  17. I should have called.
  18. Anything else she divulged should go to Howard, not Connie.
  19. You should have seen Allen’s face.
  20. Maybe she should have told Len about the exchange.
  21. Well, I’m not sorry, and I don’t know why you should be.
  22. Why shouldn’t it have happened?
  23. Maybe she shouldn’t go back to the Giddon home.
  24. If her pulse were any indication, she should be happy and cautious.
  25. Maybe you should come home.
  26. Well, maybe you should be a little, anyway.
  27. Maybe she should be, at that.
  28. You should join me sometime.
  29. Maybe she should pack her things tomorrow, and leave.
  30. Surely he should have known she would get suspicious.
  31. She should have listened then.
  32. I should have known how you felt about him.
  33. According to my mother, I should be married by now.
  34. Maybe she should accept a few dates now and then.
  35. Brandon should have told them, and when they finally made it to the barn, she said as much.
  36. Still, don’t you think we should get to know each other a little better?
  37. We should be congratulating them.
  38. I guess I should stay here and study as well, but…
  39. I didn’t say you shouldn’t go.
  40. They should have waited until after school was out like she had suggested.
  41. I should have gone this morning as I planned.
  42. Maybe you should let me drive.
  43. It should be done now, but… maybe an hour?
  44. Should she hug them?
  45. The only thing he had to say to me was that I should get you or Julia to pick me up.
  46. You should have stayed there with him, Adrienne.
  47. She should have been there for him.
  48. Why should she leave it now?
  49. Why should she give Brandon the chance to reject her again?
  50. Kids think their parents should work two jobs to pay for their college education.
  51. You shouldn’t change your goals simply because they don’t fit into someone else’s plans.
  52. In no place does it say a woman shouldn’t wear pants.
  53. Not in so many words, but it says women shouldn’t dress in men’s clothing.
  54. She ignored his implication that women should be punished like children.
  55. Cassie, a woman as good looking as you should be used to saying no.
  56. Davis should know such needless defence was embarrassing for her.
  57. She should have accepted the rabbits.
  58. Why should she care and what did he have to gain by all this attention?
  59. Funny you should mention that.
  60. Did you see something today that we should know about, Bordeaux?
  61. I guess I should say thanks.
  62. That’s nice of you, but there should be more to a marriage than convenience.
  63. Marriage should be based on trust, and I’ll never trust a man.
  64. She shouldn’t have blamed him last night.
  65. It shouldn’t be hard to dig in this sand.
  66. Dad shouldn’t have dragged you into this.
  67. Indeed, why should anyone feel sorry for her?
  68. She should push him away… yet she did nothing.
  69. I should have known better.
  70. Neither do I and we should.
  71. Of all people, surely Darcie should realize why.
  72. Cassie, your father should be the one to tell you this, but since you’re not likely to give him the chance, I’ll tell you.
  73. Chasing after eight or ten kids should keep her busy.
  74. On the positive side, at that rate, their conversation should be over by five minutes after nine.
  75. I guess I should go to college and make something of myself.
  76. She glanced around the kitchen, knowing she should familiarize herself before breakfast, but feeling uncomfortable about exploring so soon after her arrival.
  77. Such beautiful things should be displayed in the rooms downstairs.
  78. One thing you should know.
  79. Should she ask him about putting them up?
  80. I suppose I should modernize it, though.
  81. No, that should be plenty of time.
  82. If I want to sunbathe, I should buy appropriate clothing.
  83. Should she walk away from this job?
  84. Should we bandage it?
  85. I shouldn’t let her get to me that way.
  86. No, why should it?
  87. But they shouldn’t be doing this.
  88. It shouldn’t have – and it never would again.
  89. It shouldn’t make any difference, but it did.
  90. Was he hinting that she should give more attention to the exterior of the house?
  91. It’s just that I should be doing this.
  92. You shouldn’t be cooped up with a sour old man every evening.
  93. I should have thought about it before, but it’s never too late to stop doing something you know is wrong.
  94. People should get married because they want to spend the rest of their lives together, not because they’ve already shared a few nights.
  95. I shouldn’t have come out here.
  96. I shouldn’t have flirted with him.
  97. But after the first time, I should have known.
  98. You’re the one who told me I shouldn’t come out here in the first place.
  99. But don’t you think you should tell Russ?
  100. Cade should accept the responsibility for his actions as well.
  101. The baby was half his and he should be sharing equally in its financial needs.
  102. Thought you should know.
  103. I knew I was losing control and I should have stopped then.
  104. I should have moved away, but I couldn’t stand to leave the ranch.
  105. Is there some history I should know about?
  106. Why should I remember a ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card and not recognize my own mother or a picture of my father or sister; or this bratty cousin?
  107. Maybe I should go down and apologize.
  108. What should I do?
  109. Should I press him?
  110. Quinn thinks I should mind my own business.
  111. I was conflicted; should I support the love of my life or be more pragmatic?
  112. It should be Howie’s choice if he wants to take this matter forward.
  113. He should try and remember every detail he sees.
  114. “Maybe I should have downed a little booze to relax me,” he said as he turned away toward the wall.
  115. You should let him take a decent nap in our room and drop this silly business.
  116. You should take notes in case we forget some detail.
  117. I should have recorded your first reaction.
  118. Maybe I should try it; like in memory of Annie.
  119. Do you think I should? he asked in a quaking voice.
  120. Shouldn’t we discuss this first?
  121. I don’t think we should.
  122. “Look,” I said to my wife, “We should give more thought to this.
  123. The least we should do is come up with a foolproof way of giving a tip that can’t be traced back to us!
  124. I should have lied!
  125. My husband has taken time away from the school he shouldn’t have and is pressuring me to do the same at the hospital.
  126. We weren’t sure what to do or even if we should report Howie’s feelings.
  127. Under no circumstances should we ever personally get directly involved with a case.
  128. I should have played dumb but instead, I remained silent, a sure tell as the poker players say.
  129. He emphasized the word any and said I should be as generous as Santa Claus but totally discrete.
  130. His name is Merrill Cooms, Brennan stated, sounding as if I should know the man.
  131. “Maybe Howie should pay him a visit,” Quinn suggested.
  132. Should I not fund the elimination of the present strain?
  133. Betsy suggested Howie should pay a visit to Mr Merrill Cooms.
  134. What should we do?
  135. We spent the balance of our time formulating what I should say to Merrill Cooms and pouring over Internet maps.
  136. Our location should be within a couple of hours at the most from a city.
  137. Our small city should have a college and hospital.
  138. “Maybe we should pay him a visit,” Howie mumbled, still riled.
  139. Both felt we should keep our hands off the matter.
  140. Who should I tell him called?

Demikian 190 Contoh Kalimat Should Dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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