150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban

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LabBahasaInggris.co.id – Artikel hari ini kalian akan menemukan latihan tingkat dasar hingga menengah dalam  150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban.

150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban

150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban
150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban

Part 1 (Elementary)


Put the verb in brackets into the correct form (All Tenses)!

Moving house

I come from a very large family and recently my parents _______ (DECIDE) that they _______ (SPEND) long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. “We _______ (MOVE) to the country”, my father _______ (ANNOUNCE) one evening. “I _______ (SELL) this house and we _______ (LIVE) on a farm”. So last week we _______ (LOAD) all our belongings into two hired vans, and for the last few days, we _______ (TRY) to organize ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, for example, my two brothers and I _______ (START) painting the upstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while I _______ (MIX) the paint, one of my brothers  _______ (OPEN) the door. Nobody _______ (TELL) him that we _______ (BE) in the room. So instead of painting the walls, we _______ (SPEND) all morning cleaning paint off the floor. But worse things _______ (HAPPEN) since then. This morning, when I _______ (WAKE) up, water _______ (DRIP) through the ceiling next to my bed. We _______ (SPENT) the last five hours repairing the roof. It is not all bad news though. The school in the village nearby _______ (CLOSE) down two years ago, and my parents  _______ (NOT FIND) another school for us yet.


Moving house

I come from a very large family and recently my parents have decided (DECIDE) that they had spent (SPEND) long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. “We are moving (MOVE) to the country”, my father announced (ANNOUNCE) one evening. “I am selling/ am going to sell/ will sell (SELL) this house and we will live/ will be living / are going to live (LIVE) on a farm”. So last week we loaded (LOAD) all our belongings into two hired vans, and for the last few days, we have been trying (TRY) to organize ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, for example, my two brothers and I started (START) painting the upstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while I was mixing (MIX) the paint, one of my brothers opened (OPEN) the door. Nobody told (TELL) him that we were (BE) in the room. So instead of painting the walls, we spent (SPEND) all morning cleaning paint off the floor. But worse things have happened (HAPPEN) since then. This morning, when I woke (WAKE) up, water was dripping (DRIP) through the ceiling next to my bed. We have spent (SPENT) the last five hours repairing the roof. It is not all bad news though. The school in the village nearby closed (CLOSE) down two years ago, and my parents have not found (NOT FIND) another school for us yet.

Part 2 (Elementary)


Put the verb in brackets into the PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS tense!

Dear Mum,

I _______ (JUST WRITE) to tell you how much I _______ (APPRECIATE) the money you have sent me, and to tell you how I _______ (GET) on in my first term at university. In fact, I _______ (REALLY ENJOY) myself. I _______  (STUDY) quite hard as well, but at the moment I _______ (SPEND) a lot of time making new friends. I _______ (STILL STAY) with my friend Kate and I _______  (LOOK) for someplace to live on my own. Only a small number of first-year students _______ (LIVE) in college here and I _______ (SEEM) to be spending a lot of time travelling. I _______ (ATTEND) lectures every morning, and most afternoons I _______  (STUDY) in the library. In fact, I _______ (WRITE) this letter right now instead of an essay on Shakespeare. I think I’ll buy some new clothes with the money you’ve sent me. Everything _______ (COST) a lot here, and I _______ (SAVE) to buy a coat for the winter months. It _______ (GET) really cold here in the evenings. I now _______ (KNOW) some other students and we _______ (HAVE) quite a good time. I _______ (ALSO LEARN) to drive. University students _______ (GET) a refund if they take their tests here. I _______ (LOOK) forward to coming home next month. See you soon.



Dear Mum,

I am just writing (JUST WRITE) to tell you how much I appreciate (APPRECIATE) the money you have sent me, and to tell you how I am getting (GET) on in my first term at university. In fact, I am really enjoying (REALLY ENJOY) myself. I am studying (STUDY) quite hard as well, but at the moment I am spending (SPEND) a lot of time making new friends. I am still staying (STILL STAY) with my friend Kate and I am looking (LOOK) for someplace to live on my own. Only a small number of first-year students live (LIVE) in college here and I seem (SEEM) to be spending a lot of time traveling. I attend (ATTEND) lectures every morning, and most afternoons I study (STUDY) in the library. In fact, I am writing (WRITE) this letter right now instead of an essay on Shakespeare. I think I’ll buy some new clothes with the money you’ve sent me. Everything costs (COST) a lot here, and I am saving (SAVE) to buy a coat for the winter months. It gets (GET) really cold here in the evenings. I now know (KNOW) some other students and we are having (HAVE) quite a good time. I am also learning (ALSO LEARN) to drive. University students get (GET) a refund if they take their tests here. I am looking (LOOK) forward to coming home next month. See you soon.


Part 3 (Elementary)


Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. It often _______ in Ireland. (rain)

2. _______ there now? (rain)

3. Susan _______ to her parents every Sunday night. (write)

4. Stop at once! You _______ the flowers every time the ball _______ in the garden. (break, land)

5. Where is Kevin? He _______ tennis with Sue. (play)

6. She normally _______ in Northbridge but she  _______ with friends at the moment. (live, stay)

7. Hurry up, the teacher _______ to begin. (wait)

8. I _______ a word Tim says. (not believe)

9. The new lawnmower _______ well at the moment. (work)

10. What _______ do for a living? (you, do)

11. As a secretary, I _______ hundreds of letters every week. (write)

12. My boss _______ to change jobs soon. (want)

13. Look! She _______ in the non- smoking area. (smoke)

14. We _______ our break now, Mr Smith. (take)

15. The well-known actor _______ a lot of fan mail. (get)

16. Dorothy _______ to read a good novel in her holidays. (love)

17. My brother _______ Italy the very moment I speak. (tour)

18. Such bad behaviour _______ me mad. (make)

19. He usually _______ out on Saturday night. (go)

20. She _______ by train to Liverpool today. (depart)

21. They _______ a game of cards right now. (have)

22. What _______ , Mom? (you bake)

23. Songs that are not popular _______ very well. (not sell)

24. I _______ a hat today because it is a special day. (wear)

25. _______ to the bridge club? (you belong)

26. The car _______ oil. Can you fix it? (lose)

27. Our children _______ playing in the hut. (enjoy)

28. The headmaster rarely _______ a class. (teach)

29. _______ if I ask a question? (you mind)

30. I _______ some money because we _______ to Vienna for the weekend. (save, travel)

31. What _______ ? – It _______ forty euros. (this one – cost, cost)

32. He never _______ to what you say. – He always keeps _______ about someone else. (listen, think)

33. The boy and his father _______ a long conversation. – I wonder what they _______ about. (have, talk)

34. Robert _______ the same bus every morning. (catch)

35. At the moment they _______ in a small flat but they are looking for something else. (live, look)


Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. It often rains in Ireland.

2. Is it raining there now?

3. Susan writes to her parents every Sunday night.

4. Stop at once! You break the flowers every time the ball lands in the garden.

5. Where is Kevin? He is playing tennis with Sue.

6. She normally lives in Northbridge but she is staying with friends at the moment.

7. Hurry up, the teacher is waiting to begin.

8. I do not believe a word Tim says.

9. The new lawnmower is working well at the moment.

10. What do you do for a living?

11. As a secretary I write hundreds of letters every week.

12. My boss wants to change jobs soon.

13. Look! He is smoking in the non- smoking area.

14. We are taking our break now, Mr. Smith.

15. The well-known actor gets a lot of fan mail.

16. Dorothy loves to read a good novel in her holidays.

17. My brother is touring Italy the very moment I speak.

18. Such bad behavior makes me mad.

19. He usually goes out on Saturday night.

20. She is departing by train to Liverpool today.

21. They are having a game of cards right now.

22. What are you baking, Mom?

23. Songs that are not popular do not sell very well.

24. I am wearing a hat today because it is a special day.

25. Do you belong to the bridge club?

26. The car is losing oil. Can you fix it?

27. Our children enjoy playing in the hut.

28. The headmaster rarely teaches a class.

29. Do you mind if I ask a question?

30. I am saving some money because we are travelling to Vienna for the weekend.

31. What does this onecost? – It costs forty euros.

32. He never listens to what you say. – He always keeps thinking about someone else.

33. The boy and his father are having a long conversation. – I wonder what they are talking about.

34. Robert catches the same bus every morning.

35. At the moment they are living in a small flat but they are looking for something else.

[su_box title=”Read More” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””]75 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Past Tense Beserta Jawaban[/su_box]

Part 4 (Elementary)


Present Tense – Simple or progressive

1. They normally _______ lunch at two. (have)

2. Are _______ in Paris this week? (you work)

3. You _______ new clothes every Saturday! (buy)

4. I played football at school but now I _______ swimming. (prefer)

5. I _______ no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about? (have)

6. John _______ a difficult time at the university this year. (have)

7. My father _______ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know)

8. The moon _______ around the earth. (go)

9. Do _______ those men at the door? – They _______ at us very strangely. (you see, look)

10. We _______ that the contents of this letter should be changed. (feel)

11. They _______ lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them. (have)

12. The watch _______ to my grandmother. (belong)

13. I _______ what you _______ me but I don’t agree with you. (hear, tell)

14. This medicine _______ a new substance. (contain)

15. These days we _______ tests at school. (always have)

16. Why _______ my coat? – Oh, I’m sorry. It _______ like mine! (you wear, look)

17. This cake _______ strange. What’s in it? (smell)

18. Hi Jake. – What _______ at the moment? – I _______ the sunshine at the beach. (you do, enjoy)

19. Where _______ from? (new neighbours, come)

20. What _______ for a living? – He is a government official but he quit his job a few
weeks ago. – And what _______ now? – At the moment he _______ for a new job. (your Dad do, he do, look)


Present Tense – Simple or progressive

1. They normally have lunch at two.

2. Are you working in Paris this week?

3. You buy new clothes every Saturday!

4. I played football at school but now I prefer swimming.

5. I have no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about?

6. John is having a difficult time at the university this year.

7. My father knows everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles.

8. The moon goesround the earth.

9. Do you see those men at the door? – They are looking at us very strangely.

10. We feel that the contents of this letter should be changed.

11. They are having lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them.

12. The watch belongs to my grandmother.

13. I hearwhat you are telling me but I don’t agree with you.

14. This medicine contains a new substance.

15. These days we are always having tests at school.

16. Why are you wearing my coat? – Oh, I’m sorry. It looks like mine!

17. This cake smells strange. What’s in it?

18. Hi Jake. – What are you doing at the moment? – I am enjoying the sunshine at the beach.

19. Where do the new neighbours come from?

20. What does your Dad do for a living? – He is a government official but he quit his job a few weeks ago. – And what is he doing now? – At the moment he is looking for a new job.

Part 5 (Intermediate)


Fill in the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive)

Dear Editor,

I _______ (WRITE) this letter because it _______ (SEEM) to me that far too many changes _______ (TAKE) place in my country these days, and, as a result, we _______ (LOSE) our identity. I _______ (LIVE) in a small town but even this town _______ (CHANGE) before my eyes. For example, town authorities _______ (BUILD) a burger place where my favourite restaurant used to be. Our culture _______ (BELONG) to everybody, and I _______ (NOT UNDERSTAND) why the town leaders _______ (NOT DO) to preserve it. They simply _______ (NOT CARE). In fact, I _______ (THINK) of starting an action group. I _______ (APPEAR) on a TV show on Friday evening to make people aware of how important this issue is. It’s time for us to start doing something before it _______ (GET) too late.


Fill in the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive)

Dear Editor,

I am writing (WRITE) this letter because it seems (SEEM) to me that far too many changes are taking (TAKE) place in my country these days, and, as a result, we are losing (LOSE) our identity. I live (LIVE) in a small town but even this town is changing (CHANGE) before my eyes. For example, town authorities are building (BUILD) a burger place where my favorite restaurant used to be. Our culture belongs (BELONG) to everybody, and I don’t understand (NOT UNDERSTAND) why the town leaders aren’t doing (NOT DO) to preserve it. They simply don’t care (NOT CARE). In fact, I am thinking (THINK) of starting an action group. I am appearing (APPEAR) on a TV show on Friday evening to make people aware of how important this issue is. It’s time for us to start doing something before it gets (GET) too late.

Part 6 (Intermediate)


Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. You can’t see Tom now. He _______ a bath. (have)

2. He usually _______ coffee, but today he _______ tea. (drink, drink)

3. I won’t go out now because it _______ and I _______ an umbrella. (rain, not have)

4. In Spain women usually _______ hats. (not wear)

5. Who _______ that terrible noise? That is John. He _______ his nose. (make, blow)

6. My dentist always keeps _______ me to clean my teeth. I hate that. (tell)

7. He never _______ to the theatre. (go)

8. I _______ this weekend in Eastbourne. I _______ there nearly every week. (spend, go)

9. My wife always keeps _______ for more money at the end of the week. (ask)

10. Who _______ to on the phone? (you speak)

11. Anne _______ all her clothes. At the moment she _______ a dress for herself. (make, make)

12. What’s that smell? Something _______ in the kitchen. (burn)

13. I _______ overtime this month because I _______ up to buy a new car. (work, save)

14. He _______ thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he _______ very hard to stop. (smoke, try)

15. The sun _______ in the east and _______ in the west. (rise, set)

16. She usually _______ languages very fast but she _______ problems with Chinese at the moment. (learn, have)

17. He never _______ to the theatre. (go)

18. Do _______ television every night? (you watch)

19. He always _______ his bills on time. (pay)

20. My father usually _______ his breakfast at eight. (eat)

21. How long _______ to get to the office? It _______ me half an hour. (it take, take)

22. The boat _______ Victoria Station at 9. (leave)

23. _______ how old I am? (you know)

24. Jane’s husband _______. (not smoke)

25. It _______ in Egypt. (not often rain)

26. Florence _______ on the river Arno. (lie)

27. He usually _______ so quickly that I _______ him. (speak, not understand)

28. How _______ to work? – I usually _______ by car but tomorrow I _______ in Tom’s car. (you get, go, go)

29. Why _______ on your raincoat? – I _______ for a walk. – _______ to come with me? (you put, go, you want)

30. I always _______ lottery tickets but I never _______ .(buy, win)

31. _______ him? – I _______ him, but I _______ him. (you love, like, not love)

32. _______ him tonight? – Yes, I always _______ to him on his birthday.
_______ to send him a message? (you write, write, you want)

33. That car _______ a very strange noise. _______ it’s all right? – Oh yes, that noise _______. It always _______ a noise like that. (make, you think, not matter, make)

34. The plane that you _______ at now _______ for Paris. (look, take off)

35. What _______ to his car now? – I think he _______ it. (he do, polish)


Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. You can’t see Tom now. He is having a bath.

2. He usually drinks coffee, but today he is drinking tea.

3. I won’t go out now because it is raining and I don’t have an umbrella.

4. In Spain women usually do not wear hats.

5. Who is making that terrible noise? It is john. He is blowing his nose.

6. My dentist always keeps telling me to clean my teeth. I hate that.

7. He never goes to the theatre.

8. I am spending this weekend in Eastbourne. I go there nearly every week.

9. My wife always keeps asking for more money at the end of the week.

10. Who are you speaking to on the phone?

11. Anne makes all her clothes. At the moment she is making a dress for herself.

12. What’s that smell? Something is burning in the kitchen.

13. I am working overtime this month because I am saving up to buy a new car.

14. He smokes thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he is trying very hard to stop.

15. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

16. She usually learns languages very fast but she is having problems with Chinese at the moment.

17. He never goesto the theatre.

18. Do you watch television every night?

19. He always pays his bills on time.

20. My father usually eats his breakfast at eight.

21. How long does it take to get to the office? It takes me half an hour.

22. The boat leaves Victoria Station at 9.

23. Do you know how old I am?

24. Jane’s husband does not smoke.

25. It does not often rain in Egypt.

26. Florence lies on the river Arno.

27. He usually speaks so quickly that I don’t understand him.

28. How do you get to work? – I usually go by car but tomorrow I am going in Tom’s car.

29. Why are you putting on your raincoat? – I am going for a walk. – Do you want to come with me?

30. I always buy lottery tickets but I never win.

31. Do you love him? – I like him, but I don’t love him.

32. Are you writing him tonight? – Yes, I always write to him on his birthday. Do you want to send him a message?

33. That car is making a very strange noise. Do you think it’s all right? – Oh yes, that noise does not matter. It always makes a noise like that.

34. The plane that you are looking at now is taking off for Paris.

35. What is he doing to his car now? – I think he is polishing it.

Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat menambah wawasan kalian dalam menjawab soal-soal di sekolah.

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