Hotel Reservation: Percakapan Resepsionis Hotel Dengan Tamu Dalam Bahasa Inggris –  Artikel hari ini saya akan memberikan beberapa informasi tentang Percakapan Resepsionis Hotel Dengan Tamu Dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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Hotel Reservation: Percakapan Resepsionis Hotel Dengan Tamu Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Hotel Reservation - Percakapan Resepsionis Dengan Tamu Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Hotel Reservation – Percakapan Resepsionis Dengan Tamu Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dialog dan Terjemahan

Actor: Gina as Guest

Situation: Gina will stay at the Hotel for two nights with her sister. She will have a Hotel reservation.
Situasi: Gina akan tinggal di Hotel selama dua malam dengan adiknya. Dia akan memesan kamar Hotel.

Receptionist: Good evening, How may I help you?
Resepsionis: Selamat malam, Bagaimana saya bisa membantu Anda?

Guest: Good evening, I would like booking a room for two nights.
Tamu: Selamat malam, saya ingin memesan kamar untuk dua malam.

Receptionist: Alright, How many people with you?
Resepsionis: Baiklah, Berapa banyak orang?

Guest: I and my sister. That will be two people, please.
Tamu: Aku dan adikku. Dua orang.

Receptionist: Okay. Wait a minute. I’ll check the available room.
Resepsionis: Oke. Tunggu sebentar. Saya akan memeriksa kamar yang tersedia.

Guest: Okay, thanks.
Tamu: Oke, terima kasih.

Receptionist: Room 456 is available. There are two beds in a room. You can see the beach view from the room. Is that alright?
Resepsionis: Kamar 456 tersedia. Ada dua tempat tidur di kamar. Anda dapat melihat pemandangan pantai dari kamar. Apakah itu baik-baik saja?

Guest: Wow! What a nice room. Is that expensive?
Tamu: Wow! Sungguh kamar yang bagus. Apakah itu mahal?

Receptionist: I don’t think so. You have to pay the extra cost as much as 40 dollars from the normal price.
Resepsionis: Saya rasa tidak. Anda harus membayar biaya tambahan sebesar 40 dolar dari harga normal.

Guest: Is there any cheaper room?
Tamu: Apakah ada kamar yang lebih murah?

Receptionist: Wait a minute, I’ll check it back from the available list.
Resepsionis: Tunggu sebentar, saya akan memeriksa kembali dari daftar yang tersedia.

Guest: Alright, thanks.
Tamu: Baiklah, terima kasih.

Receptionist: Room 234 is available. There are two beds in a room. It’s suitable for two people. You can see the city view from there. The cost is $ 78 for two nights.
Resepsionis: Ruang 234 tersedia. Ada dua tempat tidur di kamar. Ini cocok untuk dua orang. Anda dapat melihat pemandangan kota dari sana. Biayanya adalah $ 78 untuk dua malam.

Guest: Okay. I would like to book that room for two nights.
Tamu: Oke. Saya ingin memesan kamar itu selama dua malam.

Receptionist: Please, fill this form.
Resepsionis: Silahkan isi formulir ini.

Guest: Okay. Here you are.
Tamu: Oke. Ini.

Receptionist: Thank you. This is the to of room 234. The bellboy will take you to the room and he will bring your bags.
Resepsionis: Terima kasih. Ini kunci kamar 234. Pelayan akan membawa Anda ke kamar dan ia akan membawa tas Anda.

Guest: Thanks.
Tamu: Terima kasih.

Receptionist: You’re welcome. Have a nice day.
Resepsionis: Sama-sama. Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan.

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Pembahasan Materi

Untuk bisa membuat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Membuat Reservasi Hotel, maka kalian membutuhkan Basic Tenses, Grammar dan Expression untuk dipelajari. Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Tenses

Tenses merupakan hal penting dalam membuat sebuah dialog. Simak pembahasan tentang English Tenses di sini!

Simple Present Tense
  • Receptionist: Room 456 is available. There are two beds in a room. You can see the beach view from the room. Is that alright?
  • Guest: Wow! What a nice room. Is that expensive?
  • Receptionist: I don’t think so. You have to pay the extra cost as much as 40 dollars from the normal price.
  • Guest: Is there any cheaper room?
  • Receptionist: Room 234 is available. There are two beds in a room. It’s suitable for two people. You can see the city view from there. The cost is $ 78 for two nights.
  • Guest: Okay. Here you are.
  • Receptionist: Thank you. This is the key to room 234. The bellboy will take you to the room and he will bring your bags.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense.

Simple Future Tense
  • Guest: I and my sister. That will be two people, please.
  • Receptionist: Okay. Wait a minute. I’ll check the available room.
  • Receptionist: Wait a minute, I’ll check it back from the available list.
  • Receptionist: Thank you. This is the key to room 234. The bellboy will take you to the room and he will bring your bags.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Simple Future Tense.

2. Grammar

Selain Tenses, Grammar pendukung memegang peranan penting dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti:

Imperative Sentence
  • Receptionist: Please, fill this form.
  • Receptionist: You’re welcome. Have a nice day.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh Imperative Sentence.

3. Expression

Kalian dapat menggunakan beberapa Expression dalam sebuah percakapan, seperti contoh di atas.

Using Polite Expressions
  • Receptionist: Good evening, How may I help you?
  • Receptionist: Please, fill this form.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Using Polite Expressions.

Expressing Gratitude
  • Guest: Okay, thanks.
  • Guest: Alright, thanks.
  • Receptionist: Thank you. This is the key to room 234. The bellboy will take you to the room and he will bring your bags.
  • Guest: Thanks.
  • Receptionist: You’re welcome. Have a nice day.

Kalimat yang bergaris bawah di atas merupakan contoh kalimat Expressing Gratitude.


Jadi, jika kalian berada di Hotel dan ingin membuat Reservasi Hotel. Selain Basic Tenses, Grammar dan Expression, kalian harus memahami beberapa vocabulary di bawah ini:

  • Book: an act of reserving accommodations, travel, etc., or of buying a ticket in advance. (nomina)
  • Receptionist: a person employed in an office or another establishment to answer the telephone, deal with clients, and greet visitors. (nomina)
  • Reservation: the action of reserving something. (nomina)
  • Suites: a set of rooms designated for one person’s or family’s use or for a particular purpose. (nomina)

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Semoga contoh dialog di atas dapat membatu kalian merangkai kata dan membuat sebuah dialog Bahasa Inggris dengan kalimat dan situasi kalian masing-masing. Tetap semangat belajar! Good Luck.